2024-11-01 | | Total: 18
We present a new semi-analytical model for the evolution of galaxies and supermassive black holes (SMBHs) that is based on the extended Press-Schechter formalism and phenomenological modelling of star formation. The model yields BH mass-stellar mass relations that reproduce both the JWST and pre-JWST observations. If the efficiency for BH mergers is high the JWST data prefer light seeds while the pre-JWST data prefers heavy seeds. The fit improves for a smaller merger efficiency, $O(0.1)$, for which both data prefer heavy seeds, while also accommodating the PTA GW background data.
Understanding the nature of dark matter in the Universe is an important goal of modern cosmology. A key method for probing this distribution is via weak gravitational lensing mass-mapping - a challenging ill-posed inverse problem where one infers the convergence field from observed shear measurements. Upcoming stage IV surveys, such as those made by the Vera C. Rubin Observatory and Euclid satellite, will provide a greater quantity and precision of data for lensing analyses, necessitating high-fidelity mass-mapping methods that are computationally efficient and that also provide uncertainties for integration into downstream cosmological analyses. In this work we introduce MMGAN, a novel mass-mapping method based on a regularised conditional generative adversarial network (GAN) framework, which generates approximate posterior samples of the convergence field given shear data. We adopt Wasserstein GANs to improve training stability and apply regularisation techniques to overcome mode collapse, issues that otherwise are particularly acute for conditional GANs. We train and validate our model on a mock COSMOS-style dataset before applying it to true COSMOS survey data. Our approach significantly outperforms the Kaiser-Squires technique and achieves similar reconstruction fidelity as alternative state-of-the-art deep learning approaches. Notably, while alternative approaches for generating samples from a learned posterior are slow (e.g. requiring $\sim$10 GPU minutes per posterior sample), MMGAN can produce a high-quality convergence sample in less than a second.
We use the projected clustering of quasars in the Gaia-unWISE quasar catalog, Quaia, and its cross-correlation with CMB lensing data from Planck, to measure the large-scale turnover of the matter power spectrum, associated with the size of the horizon at the epoch of matter-radiation equality. The turnover is detected with a significance of between $2.3$ and $3.1\sigma$, depending on the method used to quantify it. From this measurement, the equality scale is determined at the $\sim20\%$ level. Using the turnover scale as a standard ruler alone (discarding information from the large-scale curvature of the power spectrum), in combination with supernova data through an inverse distance ladder approach, we measure the current expansion rate to be $H_0=62.7\pm17.2\,{\rm km}\,{\rm s}^{-1}\,{\rm Mpc}^{-1}$. The addition of information coming from the power spectrum curvature approximately halves the standard ruler uncertainty. Our measurement in combination with calibrated supernovae from Pantheon$+$ and SH0ES constrains the CMB temperature to be $T_{\rm CMB}=3.10^{+0.48}_{-0.36}\,{\rm K}$, independently of CMB data. Alternatively, assuming the value of $T_{\rm CMB}$ from COBE-FIRAS, we can constrain the effective number of relativistic species in the early Universe to be $N_{\rm eff}=3.0^{+5.8}_{-2.9}$.
Despite the first detection of fast radio bursts (FRBs) being as recent as 2007, they have already been proven to be a fantastic tool as a unique cosmological probe. In this chapter, after a brief introduction to FRBs and how they are currently detected, we describe various cosmological questions and how FRB research has both aided previous studies and can continue to do so. Topics include placing constraints on cosmological parameters to understanding the distribution of baryons throughout the Universe. We conclude with some notes on the challenges to be overcome and best enable ongoing and future FRB-based studies of cosmology.
We perform cosmological parameters estimation on Planck Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) maps masking the recently discovered foreground related to nearby spiral galaxies. In addition, we also analyse the association between these foreground regions and recent claims of cosmological causal horizons in localized CMB parameter estimates. Our analysis shows consistent cosmological parameter values regardless of the masking approach, though reduced sky areas introduce larger uncertainties. By modelling the new extragalactic foreground, we identify a resemblance with local parameter variation maps with a statistical significance at the 3 sigma level, suggesting that a simplified foreground model partially accounts, (40-50)% correlation with 15% uncertainty, for the observed causal horizons. These findings add new evidence to the existence of the new foreground associated with large spiral galaxies and show that estimates of cosmological parameters on smaller patches on the sky can be largely affected by these foregrounds, but that the parameters taken over the full sky are unaltered.
Violating the slow-roll regime during the final stages of inflation can significantly enhance curvature perturbations, a scenario often invoked in models producing primordial black holes and small-scale scalar induced gravitational waves. When perturbations are enhanced, one approaches the regime in which tree-level computations are insufficient, and nonlinear corrections may become relevant. In this work, we conduct lattice simulations of ultra-slow-roll (USR) dynamics to investigate the significance of nonlinear effects, both in terms of backreaction on the background and in the evolution of perturbations. Our systematic study of various USR potentials reveals that nonlinear corrections are significant when the tree-level curvature power spectrum peaks at $\mathcal{P}^{\rm max}_{\zeta} = {\cal O}(10^{-3})-{\cal O}(10^{-2})$, with 5%$-$10% corrections. Larger enhancements yield even greater differences. We establish a universal relation between simulation and tree-level quantities $\dot\phi = \dot\phi_{\rm tree}\left(1+\sqrt{\mathcal{P}^{\rm max}_{\zeta,\rm tree}}\right)$ at the end of the USR phase, which is valid in all cases we consider. Additionally, we explore how nonlinear interactions during the USR phase affect the clustering and non-Gaussianity of scalar fluctuations, crucial for understanding the phenomenological consequences of USR, such as scalar-induced gravitational waves and primordial black holes. Our findings demonstrate the necessity of going beyond leading order perturbation theory results, through higher-order or non-perturbative computations, to make robust predictions for inflation models exhibiting a USR phase.
We exploit the VST ATLAS quasar/QSO catalogue to perform three measurements of the quasar halo mass profile. First, we make a new estimate of the angular auto-correlation function of $\approx230,000$ ATLAS quasars with $z_{photo}\lesssim 2.5$ and $17<g<22$. By comparing with the $\Lambda$CDM mass clustering correlation function, we measure the quasar bias to be $b_Q\approx2.1$, implying a quasar halo mass of $M_{halo}\approx8.5\times10^{11}$h$^{-1} M_\odot$. Second, we cross-correlate these $z\approx1.7$ ATLAS quasars with the Planck Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) lensing maps, detecting a somewhat stronger signal at $4'<\theta<60'$ than previous authors. Scaling these authors' model fit to our data we estimate a quasar host halo mass of $M_{halo}\approx8.3\times10^{11}h^{-1}$M$_{\odot}$. Third, we fit Halo Occupation Distribution (HOD) model parameters to our quasar auto-correlation function and from the derived halo mass function we estimate a quasar halo mass of $M_{halo}\approx2.5\times10^{12}$h$^{-1} M_\odot$. We then compare our HOD model prediction to our quasar-CMB lensing result, confirming their consistency. We find that most ($\approx2/3$) QSOs have halo masses within a factor of $\approx3$ of this average mass. An analysis based on the probability of X-ray detections of AGN in galaxies and the galaxy stellar mass function gives a similarly small mass range. Finally, we compare the quasar halo mass and luminosity functions and suggest that gravitational growth may produce the constant space density with redshift seen in the quasar luminosity function.
A B-mode polarization signal in the cosmic microwave background is widely regarded as smoking gun evidence for gravitational waves produced during inflation. Here we demonstrate that tensor perturbations from a cosmological phase transition in the post-inflationary universe can nearly mimic the characteristic shape and power of inflationary predictions across a range of observable angular scales. Although phase transitions arise from subhorizon physics, they nevertheless exhibit a white noise power spectrum on superhorizon scales. Thus, while B-mode power is suppressed on these large scales, it is not necessarily negligible. For viable phase transition parameters, the maximal B-mode amplitude at multipole moments around the recombination peak can be comparable to nearly all single-field inflationary predictions that can be tested with current and future experiments. This approximate degeneracy can be broken if a signal is measured at different angular scales, since the inflationary power spectrum is nearly scale invariant while the phase transition predicts a distinct suppression of power on large scales.
We cross-correlate a low-contamination subset of the VST ATLAS g < 22.5 quasar catalogue with g < 21.5 galaxy clusters, r < 21 galaxies and r < 19.5 Luminous Red Galaxies (LRGs) to probe their halo mass profiles via quasar magnification bias caused by weak lensing. In the case of galaxy clusters we find that at small scales their mass profiles are well fitted by Navarro, Frenk and White (NFW) models with masses within the expected range. For the galaxies, we find consistency with previous SDSS-based results for the galaxy-quasar cross-correlation and the galaxy auto-correlation functions. Disagreement as to whether the cross-correlation results are in tension with $\Lambda$CDM appears due to different assumptions as to whether galaxies trace mass. We conclude that halo occupation distribution (HOD) models fit the galaxy - quasar lensing results better than models where galaxies trace the mass. We further test the cluster and galaxy HOD models in the 2-halo range using the Planck Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) lensing map, finding that the cross-correlation with both the poorest clusters and the galaxies may be marginally over-predicted by the above HOD models. Finally, we measure the magnification bias of LRGs using both quasar and CMB lensing and find that the observed quasar lensing amplitude may be $\approx 2\times$ too high and, on larger scales, the CMB lensing amplitude may be too low to be explained by a standard LRG HOD model.
Left-right symmetric models which employ a generalized seesaw mechanism to generate quark and charged lepton masses are known to solve the strong CP problem via parity symmetry, without the need for the axion. These models lead to naturally light Dirac neutrinos with their masses arising through radiatve corrections. In this work, we show how baryogenesis via Dirac leptogenesis can be implemented in this framework. A pair of left-right symmetric scalar doublets $\phi_{L,R}$ carrying $(B-L)$ charge of $3$ is introduced for this purpose, which preserves the parity solution to the strong CP problem. Small neutrino masses are generated through one-loop diagrams mediated by these scalars. The decay of vector-like leptons ($E_i$) involved in the seesaw mechanism to generate charged lepton masses, $E_i \rightarrow \overline{\nu}_{jR} \,\phi_R^-$, creates a right-handed neutrino ($\nu_{R}$) asymmetry, while preserving total lepton number. The compensating lepton asymmetry is converted to baryon asymmetry via electroweak sphalerons. We show that for a large range of model parameters successful baryogenesis can be realized, with the $W_R^\pm$ gauge boson mass being as low as $10^6$ GeV.
Understanding the galaxy-halo relationship is not only key for elucidating the interplay between baryonic and dark matter, it is essential for creating large mock galaxy catalogues from N-body simulations. High-resolution hydrodynamical simulations are limited to small volumes by their large computational demands, hindering their use for comparisons with wide-field observational surveys. We overcome this limitation by using the First Light and Reionisation Epoch Simulations (FLARES), a suite of high-resolution (M_gas = 1.8 x 10^6 M_Sun) zoom simulations drawn from a large, (3.2 cGpc)^3 box. We use an extremely randomised trees machine learning approach to model the relationship between galaxies and their subhaloes in a wide range of environments. This allows us to build mock catalogues with dynamic ranges that surpass those obtainable through periodic simulations. The low cost of the zoom simulations facilitates multiple runs of the same regions, differing only in the random number seed of the subgrid models; changing this seed introduces a butterfly effect, leading to random differences in the properties of matching galaxies. This randomness cannot be learnt by a deterministic machine learning model, but by sampling the noise and adding it post-facto to our predictions, we are able to recover the distributions of the galaxy properties we predict (stellar mass, star formation rate, metallicity, and size) remarkably well. We also explore the resolution-dependence of our models' performances and find minimal depreciation down to particle resolutions of order M_DM ~ 10^8 M_Sun, enabling the future application of our models to large dark matter-only boxes.
We analyze the second order perturbations of the Deser-Woodard II (DWII), Vardanyan-Akrami-Amendola-Silvestri (VAAS) and Amendola-Burzilla-Nersisyan (ABN) nonlocal gravity models in an attempt to extract their associated gravitational wave energy-momentum fluxes. In Minkowski spacetime, the gravitational spatial momentum density is supposed to scale at most as $1/r^{2}$, in the $r \rightarrow \infty$ limit, where $r$ is the observer-source spatial distance. The DWII model has a divergent flux because its momentum density goes as $1/r$; though this can be avoided when we set to zero the first derivative of its distortion function at the origin. Meanwhile, the ABN model also suffers from a divergent flux because its momentum density goes as $r^{2}$. The momentum density from the VAAS model was computed on a cosmological background expressed in a Fermi-Normal-Coordinate system, and was found to scale as $r$. For generic parameters, therefore, none of these three Dark Energy models appear to yield well-defined gravitational wave energies, as a result of their nonlocal gravitational self-interactions.
We investigate the coevolution of metals and dust for 173 galaxies at 4.0<z<11.4 observed with JWST/NIRSpec. We use the code CIGALE that integrates photometric and spectroscopic data. Our analysis reveals a critical transition at Mstar = 10^8.5 MSun, from galaxies dominated by supernovae and AGB stardust, to those dominated by grain growth. This implies a two-mode building of dust mass, supported by model predictions. The detection of stardust galaxies provides a natural and inherent explanation to the excess of UV-bright galaxies at z>10 by JWST. Besides, we observe that the metallicity of galaxies at z>8 presents a metal-to-stellar mass ratio larger than a few 10^-3, above a floor. This suggests a very fast rise of metals at high redshift, impacting the tentative detections of population III objects.
We consider an extended seesaw model which generates active neutrino masses via the usual type-I seesaw and leads to a large number of massless fermions as well as a sterile neutrino dark matter (DM) candidate in the $\mathcal{O}(10-100) {\rm~keV}$ mass range. The dark sector comes into thermal equilibrium with Standard Model neutrinos after neutrino decoupling and before recombination via a U(1) gauge interaction in the dark sector. This suppresses the abundance of active neutrinos and therefore reconciles sizeable neutrino masses with cosmology. The DM abundance is determined by freeze-out in the dark sector, which allows avoiding bounds from X-ray searches. Our scenario predicts a slight increase in the effective number of neutrino species $N_{\rm eff}$ at recombination, potentially detectable by future CMB missions.
Physical theories have a limited regime of validity and hence must be accompanied by a breakdown diagnostic to establish when they cease to be valid as parameters are varied. For perturbative theories, estimates of the first neglected order offer valuable guidance, but one is often interested in sharp bounds beyond which perturbation theory necessarily fails. In particle physics, it is common to employ the bounds on partial waves imposed by unitarity as such a diagnostic. Unfortunately, these bounds don't extend to curved spacetime, where scattering experiments are challenging to define. Here, we propose to use the growth of entanglement in momentum space as a breakdown diagnostic for perturbation theory in general field theories. This diagnostic can be readily used in cosmological spacetimes and does not require any flat spacetime limit. More in detail, we consider the so-called purity of the reduced density operator constructed by tracing out all but one of the Fourier modes in an effective theory and we present a diagrammatic technique to compute it perturbatively. Constraints on the theory's regime of validity are then derived when the perturbative purity violates its unitarity bounds. In flat spacetime, we compare these purity bounds to those from partial waves. We find general qualitative agreement but with remarkable differences: purity bounds can be sometimes weaker, but other times they exist when no partial wave bounds exist. We then derive purity bounds for scalar field theories in de Sitter spacetime for a variety of interactions that appear in inflationary models. Importantly, our bounds make no reference to time evolution and in de Sitter they depend exclusively on scale-invariant ratios of the physical kinematics.
We derived here the factor $\Upsilon$, which quantifies how the gravitational wave spectrum generated by sound waves in the radiation sector grows over time, in a universe with a generic expanding rate set by another dominant energy content. When the dominant energy density satisfies $\rho \propto a^{-3(1+w)}$, we found that $\Upsilon$ has a compact analytical expression: $\Upsilon =\frac{2[1-y^{3(w-1)/2}]}{3(1-w)}$, where $y = a(t)/a(t_s)$ which is the ratio of the scale factor at a later time $t$ to that at $t_s$ when gravitational wave production from sound waves starts. This generic result reduces to that derived previously for radiation-dominated and matter-dominated cases, thus generalizing previous formulas to more general cosmological contexts and providing more accurate results. The derivation relies solely on a stationary source, implying that this generic result of $\Upsilon$ serves as an universal factor in describing the growth of the gravitational wave production and can appear beyond cosmological phase transitions.
The challenge of understanding the Universe's dynamics, particularly the Hubble tension, requires precise measurements of the Hubble constant. Building upon the existing spectral-siren method, which capitalizes on population information from gravitational-wave sources, this paper explores an alternative way to analyze the population data to obtain the cosmological parameters in $\Lambda$CDM. We demonstrated how non-parametric methods, which are flexible models that can be used to agnostically reconstruct arbitrary probability densities, can be incorporated into this framework and leverage the detector-frame mass distribution to infer the cosmological parameters. We tested our method with mock data and applied it to $70$ binary black hole mergers from the third gravitational-wave transient catalog of the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA Collaboration.
Wave-like dark matter may feature quadratic couplings to ordinary matter. This carries profound consequences for the phenomenologies of such models. It changes the dark matter density around dense objects made from ordinary matter such as planets and stars, thereby changing the sensitivity of direct detection experiments on Earth as well as implying forces on other ordinary matter objects in the vicinity. In this note we study the time dependence of the dark matter field around spherical objects of ordinary matter. This work indicates the time-scale on which accelerating objects settle into a stationary state and delineates the applicability of stationary solutions for experimental dark matter tests. We also use this to understand (and effectively eliminate) the infinities in energies, forces, and pressures that appear when naively comparing the total energy around objects with different size but the same total number of ordinary matter particles.