2025-02-07 | | Total: 19
We compare multiple foreground-cleaning pipelines for estimating the tensor-to-scalar ratio, $r$, using simulated maps of the planned CMB-S4 experiment within the context of the South Pole Deep Patch. To evaluate robustness, we analyze bias and uncertainty on $r$ across various foreground suites using map-based simulations. The foreground-cleaning methods include: a parametric maximum likelihood approach applied to auto- and cross-power spectra between frequency maps; a map-based parametric maximum-likelihood method; and a harmonic-space internal linear combination using frequency maps. We summarize the conceptual basis of each method to highlight their similarities and differences. To better probe the impact of foreground residuals, we implement an iterative internal delensing step, leveraging a map-based pipeline to generate a lensing $B$-mode template from the Large Aperture Telescope frequency maps. Our results show that the performance of the three approaches is comparable for simple and intermediate-complexity foregrounds, with $\sigma(r)$ ranging from 3 to 5 $\times 10^{-4}$. However, biases at the $1-2\sigma$ level appear when analyzing more complex forms of foreground emission. By extending the baseline pipelines to marginalize over foreground residuals, we demonstrate that contamination can be reduced to within statistical uncertainties, albeit with a pipeline-dependent impact on $\sigma(r)$, which translates to a detection significance between 2 and 4$\sigma$ for an input value of $r = 0.003$. These findings suggest varying levels of maturity among the tested pipelines, with the auto- and cross-spectra-based approach demonstrating the best stability and overall performance. Moreover, given the extremely low noise levels, mutual validation of independent foreground-cleaning pipelines is essential to ensure the robustness of any potential detection.
Recently, a $\sim3.9\sigma$ preference for dynamical dark energy from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) collaboration inspired hot debates on new physics or systematics. In this letter, we reveal this significant preference is dominated by an external low-redshift supernova (low-$z$ SN) sample that combines with the Dark Energy Survey SN program (DES-SN) in their Year 5 data release (DESY5). Further implementing the $a_B$ (the intercept of the SN magnitude-redshift relation) diagnosis between low-$z$ and DES-SN samples, we find large dispersions in the low-$z$ SN sample with a $\sim0.043$ magnitude discrepancy in $-5a_B$ from the high-$z$ DES-SN sample, suggesting potential systematics in DESY5. Correcting for this low-$z$ systematics or directly ignoring the low-$z$ sample can largely reduce the preference for dynamical DE to be $<2\sigma$. Therefore, the DESI preference for dynamical DE might be a mirage of low-$z$ SN systematics with a mismatch intercept. Our additional test demonstrates the currently available data cannot provide decisive evidence for dynamical DE.
Diffusion models have been used in cosmological applications as a generative model for fast simulations and to reconstruct underlying cosmological fields or astrophysical images from noisy data. These two tasks are often treated as separate: diffusion models trained for one purpose do not generalize to perform the other task. In this paper, we develop a single diffusion model that can be used for both tasks. By using the Diffusion Posterior Sampling (DPS) approach, we use a diffusion model trained to simulate weak lensing maps for the inverse problem of reconstructing mass maps from noisy weak lensing data. We find that the standard DPS method leads to biased inference but we correct this bias by down weighting the likelihood term at early sampling time steps of the diffusion. Our method give us a way to reconstruct accurate high-resolution (sub-arcminute) mass maps that have the correct power spectrum and a range of non-Gaussian summary statistics. We discuss several applications enabled by the computational efficiency and accuracy of our model. These include generation of simulation quality mass maps, aiding covariance estimation for higher order statistics, and for finding filaments, voids and clusters from noisy lensing shear data.
We probe the spectrum of primordial gravitational waves (GWs) produced during the eras of hyperkination, kination, and reheating in a non-minimally coupled, $\mathcal{L} \propto (1+ \xi \chi /M_{\text{Pl}})^t (R+\alpha R^2)$, modified gravity using the Palatini formulation. We consider a runaway potential, which gives an era of kinetic domination after the end of inflation. The coupling order $t$ is varied to examine a large class of theories up to $\chi^2 R^2$. For models with $t>0$, reheating is not achieved naturally; hence, we supplement such theories with a reheating mechanism based on the interaction of inflaton and radiation produced at the end of inflation due to cosmological expansion. We demonstrate that the energy density of the GWs is enhanced as a function of the coupling during kination for all considered theories, and a short-lived phase of hyperkination truncates the boost and avoids the over-production of GWs. Hyperkination, and thus the $R^2$ term, should be deemed necessary in all theories with a runaway potential as it prevents the GW enhancement during kination from destabilizing the Big Bang Nucleosynthesis. The spectrum remains flat for the period of hyperkination and reheating. We examine the available parameter space for which the theories remain valid and place bounds on the Hubble parameter ($H$) and radiation energy density ($\Omega_r^{\text{end}}$) at the end of inflation. We find that as we decrease the order of the coupling, the spectra shift towards a more observable regime of future GW experiments. The observation of the plateau during reheating will constrain the $H$ and $\Omega_r^{\text{end}}$ values, while the spectral shape of the boost obtained during kination will confirm the nature of the theory. The bounds from hyperkination lie in the kHz-GHz frequency range whose detection can be positively anticipated via resonant cavities.
We explore the impact of spin 0, spin 1 and spin 2 Ultra-Light Dark Matter (ULDM) on small scales by numerically solving the Schrödinger-Poisson system using the time-split method. We perform simulations of ULDM for each spin, starting with different numbers of identical initial solitons and analyse the properties of the resulting halos after they merge and relax in a steady-state. Our findings reveal that higher spin values lead to broader, less dense final halo with more prominent Navarro-Frenk-White (NFW) tails, a characteristic that persists regardless of the number of initial solitons involved. We identify scaling relations that describe the density profile, core and NFW tail of spin $s$ ULDM halos as a function of the number of initial solitons $N_{sol}$. These relations allow us to construct equivalent halos based on average density or total mass, for arbitrarily large $N_{sol}$, without having to simulate those systems. We simulate the orbit of a ULDM satellite in a constructed halo treated as an external potential, and find that for host halos having the same average density, the orbital decay time of the satellite is as predicted for uniform sphere host halo regardless of the spin. However, satellites orbiting haloes having the same mass for each spin, result in faster disruption in the case of spin 0, while satellites orbiting haloes having the same core size result in faster disruption in the case of spin 2.
When cosmic strings are formed during inflation, they regrow to reach a scaling regime, leaving distinct imprints on the stochastic gravitational wave background (SGWB). Such signatures, associated with specific primordial features, can be detected by upcoming gravitational wave observatories, such as the LISA and Einstein Telescope (ET). Our analysis explores scenarios in which cosmic strings form either before or during inflation. We examine how the number of e-folds experienced by cosmic strings during inflation correlates with the predictions of inflationary models observable in cosmic microwave background (CMB) measurements. This correlation provides a testable link between inflationary physics and the associated gravitational wave signals in a complementary manner. Focusing on $\alpha$-attractor models of inflation, with the Polynomial $\alpha$-attractor serving as an illustrative example, we find constraints, for instance, on the spectral index $n_s$ to $0.962 \lesssim n_s \lesssim 0.972$ for polynomial exponent $n=1$, $0.956 \lesssim n_s \lesssim 0.968$ for $n=2$, $0.954 \lesssim n_s \lesssim 0.965$ for $n=3$, and $0.963 \lesssim n_s \lesssim 0.964$ for $n=4$, which along with the GW signals from LISA, are capable of detecting local cosmic strings that have experienced $\sim 34 - 47$ e-folds of inflation consistent with current Planck data and are also testable in upcoming CMB experiments such as LiteBIRD and CMB-S4.
Strongly lensed binary neutron star (NS-NS) mergers are expected to be observed once LIGO/Virgo/Kagra reaches the planned A+ or proposed A\# sensitivity. We demonstrate that the relative transverse velocity of the source-lens system can be constrained by comparing the phase of the two associated gravitational wave (GW) images, using both semi-analytical and numerical Bayesian methods. For A+ sensitivity, a one-sigma NS-NS merger signal in magnification $(\mu=200)$ and redshift $(z_{\rm S}=1)$ will carry a marginally detectable dephasing signature for a source transverse velocity of $\sim 1800$ km/s. This is comparable to the velocity dispersion of large galaxy clusters. Assuming the same population distribution, the most likely source parameters of $\mu=100$ and $z_{\rm S}=1.4$ are always expected to showcase detectable dephasing imprints for A\# sensitivity, provided they are moving with transverse velocities larger than $\sim 2000$ km/s. We conclude that a first measurement of the relative transverse velocity of a source via GW dephasing methods is likely only a few years away.
Gravitational lensing galaxies are commonly modeled with elliptical density profiles, to which angular complexity is sometimes added through a multipole expansion - encoding deformations of the elliptical iso-density contours. The formalism that is widely used in current studies and software packages, however, employs perturbations that are defined with respect to a circle. In this work, we show that this popular formulation (the "circular multipoles") leads to perturbation patterns that depend on the axis ratio and do not agree with physical expectations (from studies of galaxy isophotal shapes) when applied to profiles that are not near-circular. We propose a more appropriate formulation, the "elliptical multipoles", representing deviations from ellipticity suited for any axis ratio. We solve for the lensing potentials associated with the $m=1$ circular multipole (previously undetermined in the isothermal case), as well as the elliptical multipoles of any order $m$, assuming a near-isothermal reference profile. We implement these solutions into the lens modeling package $\mathtt{lenstronomy}$, and assess the importance of the multipole formulation by comparing flux-ratio perturbations in mock lensed systems with quadruply imaged quasars: we show that elliptical multipoles typically produce smaller flux-ratio perturbations than their circular counterparts.
The absence of direct high redshift observations poses a significant challenge in understanding the properties of first stars. Nonetheless, the cumulative effect of entire stellar populations can be studied with current data. In this work we use a combination of high redshift observables in order to infer the formation and emission properties of the first stellar populations: high redshift UVLFs, the optical depth of CMB photons to reionization, hydrogen absorption lines in quasar spectra, and measurements of the soft cosmic X-ray background. We study two minimal models of stellar population: i) a single, Pop-II, stellar population which dominates throughout Cosmic Dawn, ii) two distinct stellar populations, Pop-II and Pop-III, dominating at different times with the transition between them taken as a free parameter. We set strong constraints on the properties of Pop-II stars, and upper limits on the formation and multi-wavelength emission of Pop-III stars. After applying the constraints above, we present the viable envelopes of the 21-cm global signal with and without Pop-III stars. We identify a region in the parameter space of the two population model which predicts a global 21-cm signal distinctive from that of the single population one. A measurement of such a signal would be a strong indication for the presence of Pop-III stars at early times.
Recent discoveries of apparent large-scale features in the structure of the universe, extending over many hundreds of megaparsecs, have been claimed to contradict the large-scale isotropy and homogeneity foundational to the standard ($\Lambda$CDM) cosmological model. We explicitly test and refute this conjecture using FLAMINGO-10K, a new and very large cosmological simulation of the growth of structure in a $\Lambda$CDM context. Applying the same methods used in the observations, we show that patterns like the "Giant Arc", supposedly in tension with the standard model, are, in fact, common and expected in a $\Lambda$CDM universe. We also show that their reported significant overdensities are an algorithmic artefact and unlikely to reflect any underlying structure.
Emulators using machine learning techniques have emerged to efficiently generate mock data matching the large survey volume for upcoming experiments, as an alternative approach to large-scale numerical simulations. However, high-fidelity emulators have become computationally expensive as the simulation volume grows to hundreds of megaparsecs. Here, we present a {\it multi-fidelity} emulation of large-scale 21~cm lightcone images from the epoch of reionization, which is realized by applying the {\it few-shot transfer learning} to training generative adversarial networks (GAN) from small-scale to large-scale simulations. Specifically, a GAN emulator is first trained with a huge number of small-scale simulations, and then transfer-learned with only a limited number of large-scale simulations, to emulate large-scale 21~cm lightcone images. We test the precision of our transfer-learned GAN emulator in terms of representative statistics including global 21~cm brightness temperature history, 2D power spectrum, and scattering transform coefficients. We demonstrate that the lightcone images generated by the transfer-learned GAN emulator can reach the percentage level precision in most cases on small scales, and the error on large scales only increases mildly to the level of a few tens of per cent. Nevertheless, our multi-fidelity emulation technique saves a significant portion of computational resources that are mostly consumed for generating training samples for GAN. On estimate, the computational resource by training GAN completely with large-scale simulations would be one to two orders of magnitude larger than using our multi-fidelity technique. This implies that our technique allows for emulating high-fidelity, traditionally computationally prohibitive, images in an economic manner.
It has previously been found that the galaxy cluster environment can affect the fueling and evolution of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). This work examines the effect of the merging cluster environment on the properties of radio-AGN by comparing the radio morphology of cluster members in a sample of four merging and eight relaxed galaxy clusters at low redshift (z<0.2). Using 144-MHz data from the LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey (LoTSS) and Zooniverse, we classify the radio morphology of the radio-detected cluster members using the following morphology classes: compact, compact extended, extended, jetted, and disturbed. We find that the merging cluster environment has a statistically significant, higher population proportion of disturbed (bent and head tail) sources, indicating that the merging environment can affect the morphology of cluster radio-AGN. We also investigate the number of AGN that are detected in the radio data only, and the number that are detected in both the radio and optical data in mergers and non-mergers. We find that the merging cluster environment has a higher population proportion of AGN that are identified only as radio-AGN compared to AGN that are identified as both radio and optical AGN. Overall, we find that the merging environment affects certain radio-AGN (disturbed and only radio identified AGN), but not all.
We introduce and describe $\tt GrayHawk$, a publicly available Mathematica-based tool designed for the efficient computation of gray-body factors for spherically symmetric and asymptotically flat black holes. This program provides users with a rapid and reliable means to compute gray-body factors for massless fields with spin \(s = 0, 1/2, 1, 2\) in modes specified by the angular quantum number \(l\), given a black hole metric and the associated parameter values. $\tt GrayHawk$ is preloaded with seven different black hole metrics, offering immediate applicability to a variety of theoretical models. Additionally, its modular structure allows users to extend its functionality easily by incorporating alternative metrics or configurations. This versatility makes $\tt GrayHawk$ a powerful and adaptable resource for researchers studying black hole physics and Hawking radiation. The codes described in this work are publicly available at https://github.com/marcocalza89/GrayHawk.
Drone-based beam measurements are a promising avenue to tackle the critical challenge of calibration for 21 cm cosmology telescopes. In this paper, we introduce a new drone-based calibration system for 400-800 MHz radio observatories, describing its instrumentation and first deployment. We discuss measurements of the TONE array, a CHIME/FRB outrigger pathfinder, and present results, including full 2D high spatial resolution beam maps in both co- and cross-polarization, as well as comparisons to simulations. The polarized beam maps cover a 70 degree by 70 degree grid, capturing the first two sidelobes and measuring the TONE main beam and first sidelobe with 7-9% statistical errors. We investigate polarization angle alignment with frequency, finding significant polarization leakage in the TONE antennas at frequencies above 600 MHz, and a polarization axis rotation with frequency. We describe statistical and systematic errors, as well as measurements of radio frequency interference from the drone and equipment. Our drone system is the first to incorporate a broad-band switched calibration source in the drone payload, enabling background subtraction and direct measurements of the RFI emitted by the drone. The results presented are the first drone-based 2D measurements of cross-polar beam structure and of polarization alignment of an array. The high frequency and spatial resolution achieved with this system have revealed the rich structure of the beam of each antenna, and enabled comparisons between individual dishes and to electromagnetic simulations.
The unprecedented sensitivity of the \textit{James Webb Space Telescope} (\textit{JWST}) has revolutionized our understanding of the early universe. Among the most intriguing \textit{JWST} discoveries are red, very compact objects showing broad line emission features nicknamed as little red dots (LRDs). The discovery of LRDs has triggered great interest about their origin as either extremely starbursting galaxies or highly-obscured active galactic nuclei (AGN). Their exact nature still remains unknown. The goal of this work is to estimate the radio emission from LRDs and predict which radio surveys would detect them. To achieve these objectives, we employ the fundamental plane of black hole (BH) accretion to estimate radio emission from AGN and the stellar radio fluxes from their host galaxies. We assume a range of BH mass, X-ray luminosity ($\rm L_{X}$) and star formation rate (SFR) to bracket the likely properties of LRDs. Our findings suggest that BH radio fluxes from LRDs are 10-100 times higher than the stellar fluxes from their host galaxies, depending on BH mass, $\rm L_X$ and SFR. The detection of a $\sim$ 500 nJy signal above 2 GHz at $z \geq$ 5 or a $\sim$ 2000 nJy flux at $z =$ 3-4 would be a smoking gun for the presence of AGN provided that SFRs in the host galaxies are $\rm < 30~ M_{\odot} ~yr^{-1}$. We find that LRDs are most likely radio quiet AGN otherwise would have been already detected in the current radio surveys. Our findings suggest that LRDs can be detected with the upcoming radio observatories such as ngVLA and SKA with integration times of 10-100 hrs, respectively.
In this work we investigate the chemical and kinetic nonequilibrium dynamics of the Higgs boson during the primordial Universe QGP (quark-gluon plasma) epoch $130\mathrm{\,GeV}>T>10\mathrm{\,GeV}$. We show that the Higgs bosons is always out of chemical abundance equilibrium with a fugacity $\Upsilon_h = 0.69$ due to virtual decay channels. Additionally, Higgs momentum distribution is found to be ``cold'' for $T<40$\,GeV, since the scattering rate drops below the production rate.
We study the formation of primordial black holes (PBHs) and stochastic gravitational waves background (SGWB) produced by the supercooled radion phase transition (PT) in warped extra-dimension models solving the gauge hierarchy problem. We first determine how the SGWB and the produced PBH mass and abundance depend on the warped model's infrared energy scale $\rho$, and the number of holographic colors $N$. With this finding, we recast on the plane $\{\rho, N\}$ the current SGWB and PBH constraints, as well as the expected parameter reaches of GW detectors, as LISA and ET, and the gravitational lensing ones, such as NGRST. On the same plane, we also map the collider bounds on massive graviton production, and cosmological bounds on the radion phenomenology. We find that, for $N \sim 10-50$, the considered PT predicts a PBH population mass in the range $M_{\rm PBH}\sim(10^{-1} - 10^{-25}) M_{\odot}$ for $\rho \sim (10^{-4} - 10^{8})\textrm{ TeV}$. In the range $\rho \simeq (0.05 - 0.5)$ GeV, it can explain the recent SGWB hint at nHz frequencies and generate PBH binaries with mass $M_{\rm PBH}\sim(0.1 - 1 ) M_\odot$ detectable at LISA and ET. The experimentally allowed mass region where PBHs can account for the whole dark matter abundance, and are produced with a tuning $\lesssim 10^{-4}$, corresponds to $10$ TeV $\lesssim \rho\lesssim$ $10^4$ TeV. These PBHs can compensate the lack of natural candidates for dark matter in warped extra dimensional models. Such a region represents a great science case where forthcoming and future colliders like HE-LHC and FCC-hh, gravitational-wave observatories and other PBHs probes play a key complementary role.
Quadratic gravity is a fourth-order (in derivatives) theory that can serve as an attractive upgrade to the standard description of gravity provided by General Relativity, thanks to its renormalizability and its built-in description of primordial inflation. We bring quadratic gravity into a second-order form by introducing an auxiliary tensor field and we consider the primordial tensor fluctuations (gravitational waves) in the theory around a Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker background. After a canonical quantization of the perturbations, we calculate the tensor power spectrum in quasi de Sitter spacetime. We find that the spectral index $n_t$ and the amplitude $A_t$ of the tensor power spectrum are both suppressed by the factor $(1 + 2{\bf H}^2_*/m_\text{gh}^2)^{-1}$, where ${\bf H}_*$ is the Hubble rate at horizon exit and $m_\text{gh}$ is the mass of the spin-two ghost. This restores the slow-roll consistency condition familiar from single-field inflation models, where the tensor-to-scalar ratio $r$ is equal to $-8n_t$ in the lowest nontrivial order in the slow-roll approximation. We also discuss the well-known issue of the ghost problem in fourth-order theories and how it pertains to the results at hand.
Leveraging the wide area coverage of the COSMOS-Web survey, we quantify the abundance of different morphological types from $z\sim 7$ with unprecedented statistics and establish robust constraints on the epoch of emergence of the Hubble sequence. We measure the global (spheroids, disk-dominated, bulge-dominated, peculiar) and resolved (stellar bars) morphologies for about 400,000 galaxies down to F150W=27 using deep learning, representing a two-orders-of-magnitude increase over previous studies. We then provide reference Stellar Mass Functions (SMFs) of different morphologies between $z\sim 0.2$ and $z\sim 7$ and best-fit parameters to inform models of galaxy formation. All catalogs and data are made publicly available. (a)At redshift z > 4.5, the massive galaxy population ($\log M_*/M_\odot>10$) is dominated by disturbed morphologies (~70%) -- even in the optical rest frame -- and very compact objects (~30%) with effective radii smaller than ~500pc. This confirms that a significant fraction of the star formation at cosmic dawn occurs in very dense regions, although the stellar mass for these systems could be overestimated.(b)Galaxies with Hubble-type morphologies -- including bulge and disk-dominated galaxies -- arose rapidly around $z\sim 4$ and dominate the morphological diversity of massive galaxies as early as $z\sim 3$. (c)Using stellar bars as a proxy, we speculate that stellar disks in massive galaxies might have been common (>50%) among the star-forming population since cosmic noon ($z\sim2$-2.5) and formed as early as $z\sim 7$ (d)Massive quenched galaxies are predominantly bulge-dominated from z~4 onward, suggesting that morphological transformations briefly precede or are simultaneous to quenching mechanisms at the high-mass end. (e) Low-mass ($\log M_*/M_\odot<10$) quenched galaxies are typically disk-dominated, pointing to different quenching routes in the two ends of the stellar mass spectrum from cosmic dawn.