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High Energy Physics - Theory

2025-03-28 | | Total: 36

#1 On the open TS/ST correspondence [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Matijn François, Alba Grassi

The topological string/spectral theory correspondence establishes a precise, non-perturbative duality between topological strings on local Calabi-Yau threefolds and the spectral theory of quantized mirror curves. While this duality has been rigorously formulated for the closed topological string sector, the open string sector remains less understood. Building on the results of [1-3], we make further progress in this direction by constructing entire, off-shell eigenfunctions for the quantized mirror curve from open topological string partition functions. We focus on local F0, whose mirror curve corresponds to the Baxter equation of the two-particle, relativistic Toda lattice. We then study the standard and dual four-dimensional limits, where the quantum mirror curve for local F0 degenerates into the modified Mathieu and McCoy-Tracy-Wu operators, respectively. In these limits, our framework provides a way to construct entire, off-shell eigenfunctions for the difference equations associated with these operators. Furthermore, we find a simple relation between the on-shell eigenfunctions of the modified Mathieu and McCoy-Tracy-Wu operators, leading to a functional relation between the operators themselves.

Subjects: High Energy Physics - Theory , Mathematical Physics , Spectral Theory

Publish: 2025-03-27 17:57:37 UTC

#2 Les Houches lectures on non-perturbative Seiberg-Witten geometry [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Loïc Bramley, Lotte Hollands, Subrabalan Murugesan

In these lectures we detail the interplay between the low-energy dynamics of quantum field theories with four supercharges and the exact WKB analysis. This exposition may be the first comprehensive account of this connection, containing various novel arguments and illustrative examples. The lectures start with the introduction of massive two-dimensional N=(2,2) theories and their spectra of BPS solitons. We place these theories in a two-dimensional cigar background with supersymmetric boundary conditions labelled by a phase ζ=eiϑ, while turning on the two-dimensional Ω-background with parameter~ϵ. We show that the resulting partition function Zϑ2d(ϵ) can be characterized as the Borel-summed solution, in the direction ϑ, to an associated Schrödinger equation. The partition function Zϑ2d(ϵ) is locally constant in the phase ϑ and jumps across phases ϑBPS associated with the BPS solitons. Since these jumps are non-perturbative in the parameter~ϵ, we refer to Zϑ2d(ϵ) as the non-perturbative partition function for the original two-dimensional N=(2,2) theory. We completely determine this partition function Zϑ2d(ϵ) in two classes of examples, Landau-Ginzburg models and gauged linear sigma models, and show that Zϑ2d(ϵ) encodes the well-known vortex partition function at a special phase ϑFN associated with the presence of self-solitons. This analysis generalizes to four-dimensional N=2 theories in the 12Ω-background.

Subjects: High Energy Physics - Theory , Classical Analysis and ODEs , Geometric Topology

Publish: 2025-03-27 17:51:48 UTC

#3 Continuous and Discrete Symmetries in a 4D Field-Theoretic Model: Symmetry Operators and Their Algebraic Structures [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Author: R. P. Malik

Within the framework of Becchi-Rouet-Stora-Tyutin (BRST) formalism, we show the existence of (i) a couple of off-shell nilpotent (i.e. fermionic) BRST and co-BRST symmetry transformations, and (ii) a full set of non-nilpotent (i.e. bosonic) symmetry transformations for an appropriate Lagrangian density that describes the combined system of the free Abelian 3-form and 1-form gauge theories in the physical four (3 + 1)-dimensions of the flat Minkowskian spacetime. We concentrate on the full algebraic structures of the above continuous symmetry transformation operators along with a couple of very useful discrete duality symmetry transformation operators existing in our four (3 + 1)-dimensional (4D) field-theoretic model. We establish the relevance of the algebraic structures, respected by the above discrete and continuous symmetry operators, to the algebraic structures that are obeyed by the de Rham cohomological operators of differential geometry. One of the highlights of our present endeavor is the observation that there are no ``exotic'' fields with the negative kinetic terms in our present 4D field-theoretic example for Hodge theory.

Subject: High Energy Physics - Theory

Publish: 2025-03-27 16:49:23 UTC

#4 Fracton and Non-Lorentzian Particle Duality: Gauge Field Couplings and Geometric Implications [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: M. M. Ahmadi-Jahmani, A. Parvizi

Fractons, characterized by restricted mobility and governed by higher-moment conservation laws, represent a novel phase of matter with deep connections to tensor gauge theories and emergent gravity. This work systematically explores the duality between fractons and non-Lorentzian particles -- Carroll and Galilean -- within electromagnetic (EM) fields. By constructing canonical actions for fractons in rank-2 gauge fields, we derive their equations of motion and demonstrate that static fractons exhibit duality with electric-sector of Carroll particles, while mobile fracton dipoles correspond to both electric and magnetic sectors of Galilean particles. The algebraic underpinnings of these dualities are clarified through symmetry analyses, revealing structural parallels between the fracton and Carroll/Galilean algebras. Furthermore, by gauging the fracton algebra, we develop a geometric framework for fracton gravity, linking it to non-Lorentzian spacetime geometries. These results unify fracton dynamics with non-relativistic and ultra-relativistic limits of physics, offering insights into emergent gravity and exotic condensed matter systems.

Subjects: High Energy Physics - Theory , Strongly Correlated Electrons , General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology

Publish: 2025-03-27 16:24:08 UTC

#5 Logging the conformal life of Ramanujan's π [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Faizan Bhat, Aninda Sinha

In 1914, Ramanujan presented 17 infinite series for 1/π. We examine the physics origin of these remarkable formulae by connecting them to 2D logarithmic conformal field theories (LCFTs) which arise in various contexts such as the fractional quantum hall effect, percolation and polymers. In light of the LCFT connection, we investigate such infinite series in terms of the physics data, i.e., the operator spectrum and OPE coefficients of the CFT and the conformal block expansion. These considerations lead to novel approximations for 1/π. The rapid convergence of the Ramanujan series motivates us to take advantage of the crossing symmetry of the LCFT correlators to find new and efficient representations. To achieve this, we use the parametric crossing symmetric dispersion relation which was recently developed for string amplitudes. Quite strikingly, we find remarkable simplifications in the new representations, where, in the Legendre relation, the entire contribution to 1/π comes from the logarithmic identity operator, hinting at a universal property of LCFTs. Additionally, the dispersive representation gives us a new handle on the double-lightcone limit.

Subjects: High Energy Physics - Theory , Mathematical Physics

Publish: 2025-03-27 16:21:08 UTC

#6 Four-twist effects on excitations in symmetric orbifold CFTs [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Bin Guo, Shaun D. Hampton

Symmetric orbifold CFTs contain twist operators that can join and split copies of the CFT. In this paper, we study the effects of four twist-2 operators on two copies of a single free boson. A recent study analyzed their effects on the vacuum, finding a nontrivial left-right mixing that arises from the fact that the covering surface is a torus, while the effects of one or two twist-2 operators do not produce such mixing. Here, we extend this analysis to excited states and find a similar left-right mixing. Furthermore, we explore the continuum, or high-energy, limit and show that the left-right mixing becomes negligible in this limit.

Subject: High Energy Physics - Theory

Publish: 2025-03-27 16:07:55 UTC

#7 On the geometric origin of the energy-momentum tensor improvement terms [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Damianos Iosifidis, Manthos Karydas, Anastasios Petkou, Konstantinos Siampos

In a flat background, the canonical energy momentum tensor of Lorentz and conformally invariant matter field theories can be improved to a symmetric and traceless tensor that gives the same conserved charges. We argue that the geometric origin of this improvement process is unveiled when the matter theory is coupled to Metric-Affine Gravity. In particular, we show that the Belinfante-Rosenfeld improvement terms correspond to the matter theory's hypermomentum. The improvement terms in conformally invariant matter theories are also related to the hypermomentum however a general proof would require an extended investigation. We demonstrate our results through various examples, such as the free massless scalar, the Maxwell field, Abelian p-forms, the Dirac field and a non-unitary massless scalar field. Possible applications of our method for theories that break Lorentz or special conformal invariance are briefly discussed.

Subjects: High Energy Physics - Theory , General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology

Publish: 2025-03-27 15:28:11 UTC

#8 Effective action for φ4-Yukawa theory via 2PI formalism in the inflationary de Sitter spacetime [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Sourav Bhattacharya, Kinshuk Ray

We consider a scalar field theory with quartic self interaction, coupled to fermions via the Yukawa interaction in the inflationary de Sitter spacetime background. The scalar has a classical background plus quantum fluctuations, whereas the fermions are taken to be quantum. We derive for this system the effective action and the effective potential via the two particle irreducible (2PI) formalism. This formalism provides an opportunity to find out resummed, non-perturbative results. We have considered the two loop vacuum graphs and have computed the local part of the effective action. The various resummed counterterms corresponding to self energies, vertex functions and the tadpole have been explicitly found. The variation of the renormalised effective potential for massless fields has been investigated numerically. We show that for the potential to be bounded from below, we must have λ, where \lambda and g are respectively the quartic and Yukawa couplings. We emphasise the qualitative differences of this non-perturbative calculation with that of the standard perturbative ones in de Sitter. The qualitative differences of our result with that of the flat spacetime has also been pointed out.

Subjects: High Energy Physics - Theory , General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology

Publish: 2025-03-27 14:58:36 UTC

#9 Supersymmetric solutions of non-relativistic 11-dimensional supergravity [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Author: Chris D. A. Blair

Eleven-dimensional supergravity has a non-relativistic variant obtained by taking a limit associated with the M2 brane. Consistency of this non-relativistic supergravity requires constraints. There is one choice of constraints which keeps the maximal amount of supersymmetry transformations, and another which only keeps half. I discuss supersymmetric solutions of this theory, based on limits of the M2 and M5 solutions. These limits involve either a scaling of the number of branes or a smearing in certain directions, and have been argued to produce non-Lorentzian bulk geometries appearing in novel versions of the AdS/CFT correspondence.I show that the scaled solutions are solutions of the maximally supersymmetric version of the non-relativistic supergravity, while the smeared solutions only give solutions of the half-maximally supersymmetric version. I show these solutions are all supersymmetric by solving the Killing spinor equations, and discuss usual and unusual forms of supersymmetry enhancement. I also discuss a simple supersymmetric AdS_3 background, and point out that the BTZ black hole is a solution of non-relativistic 11-dimensional supergravity.

Subject: High Energy Physics - Theory

Publish: 2025-03-27 14:58:23 UTC

#10 Gauging \mathbb{Z}_N symmetries of Narain CFTs [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Keiichi Ando, Kohki Kawabata, Tatsuma Nishioka

We investigate the gauging of a \mathbb{Z}_N symmetry in lattice conformal field theories (CFTs), also known as Narain CFTs. For prime N, we derive a spin selection rule for operators in a \mathbb{Z}_N charge-twisted sector of a general bosonic CFT. Using this result, we formulate the gauging procedures in lattice CFTs as modifications of the momentum lattices by a lattice vector that specifies a non-anomalous \mathbb{Z}_N symmetry. Applying this formulation to code CFTs, i.e., Narain CFTs constructed from error-correcting codes, we express the torus partition functions of the orbifolded and parafermionized theories in terms of the weight enumerator polynomials of the underlying codes. As an application, we identify a class of codes that yield self-dual bosonic CFTs under the orbifolding by a \mathbb{Z}_N symmetry.

Subjects: High Energy Physics - Theory , Strongly Correlated Electrons , Quantum Physics

Publish: 2025-03-27 14:11:02 UTC

#11 Amplitude from crossing-symmetric celestial OPE [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Reiko Liu, Wen-Jie Ma

Assuming the existence of crossing symmetric celestial OPE, we propose a method to reconstruct four-point massless scattering amplitudes in the framework of celestial holography. This method relies only on CFT techniques and a remarkable property: scattering amplitudes can be derived from a single conformal block coefficient in celestial CFT. Utilizing this method, we reconstruct the MHV amplitudes in pure Yang-Mills, pure gravity, and Einstein-Yang-Mills theories.

Subject: High Energy Physics - Theory

Publish: 2025-03-27 14:02:13 UTC

#12 Modular Time Evolution and the QNEC [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Author: Stefan Hollands

We establish an inequality restricting the evolution of states in quantum field theory with respect to the modular flow of a wedge, \Delta^{is}, for large |s|. Our bound is related to the quantum null energy condition, QNEC. In one interpretation, it can be seen as providing a ``chaos-bound'' \le 2\pi on the Lyapunov exponent with respect to Rindler time, s. Mathematically, our inequality is a statement about half-sided modular inclusions of von Neumann algebras.

Subjects: High Energy Physics - Theory , Mathematical Physics , Operator Algebras , Quantum Physics

Publish: 2025-03-27 11:33:35 UTC

#13 New G_2-invariant supersymmetric AdS_4 vacua in 11d supergravity and holography [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Author: Xuao Zhang

We study the most general G_2-invariant {\rm AdS}_4 vacua in 11 dimensional supergravity preserving 4 real supercharges, with the goal of understanding the IR fixed points of the RG flow induced by the cubic deformation of the ABJM theory. We identify a new G_2-invariant background, which completes the web of RG flows connecting its holographic dual with the ABJM theory and the (cubic analogue of) mass-deformed ABJM theory with SU(3)\timesU(1) isometry. Our holographic study gives non-trivial predictions for the strongly-coupled field theory dual.

Subject: High Energy Physics - Theory

Publish: 2025-03-27 03:13:24 UTC

#14 Homotopy kinematic algebras at null infinity [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Felipe Díaz-Jaramillo, Silvia Nagy, Giorgio Pizzolo

We present the first formulation of a homotopy algebra adapted to a 1/r expansion near future null infinity (\mathcal{I^+}). Focusing on self-dual Yang-Mills theory in Bondi coordinates, we demonstrate that imposing the homotopy algebra relations naturally yields the physically consistent fall-off behavior of the fields near \mathcal{I^+}. Furthermore, we employ this framework to systematically construct kinematic algebras, uncovering novel infinite families of such algebras that satisfy the Jacobi identity on slices near \mathcal{I^+}.

Subjects: High Energy Physics - Theory , Mathematical Physics

Publish: 2025-03-26 22:55:48 UTC

#15 A simple scenario for the last ACT [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Renata Kallosh, Andrei Linde, Diederik Roest

We show that the simplest generalization of the chaotic inflation model \tfrac12 {m^{2}\phi^{2}} with nonminimal coupling to gravity (1+\phi) R provides a good match to the results of the latest data release of the Atacama Cosmology Telescope, with r \approx10^{-2}.

Subjects: High Energy Physics - Theory , Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics , General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology

Publish: 2025-03-25 17:50:34 UTC

#16 The landscape of complexity measures in 2D gravity [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Elena Cáceres, Rafael Carrasco, Vaishnavi Patil, Juan F. Pedraza, Andrew Svesko

We investigate the broad landscape of holographic complexity measures for theories dual to two-dimensional (2D) dilaton gravity. Previous studies have largely focused on the complexity=volume and complexity=action proposals for holographic complexity. Here we systematically construct and analyze a wide class of generalized complexity functionals, focusing on codimension-one bulk observables. Two complementary approaches are presented: one inspired by dimensional reduction of codimension-one observables from higher-dimensional gravity, and another that adopts a purely 2D perspective. We verify the resulting observables exhibit hallmark features of complexity, such as linear growth at late times and the switchback effect. We further offer heuristic interpretations of the role of multiple extremal surfaces when they appear. Finally, we comment on the bulk-to-boundary dictionary via the covariant Peierls bracket in 2D gravity. Our work lays the groundwork for a richer understanding of quantum complexity in low-dimensional holographic dualities.

Subjects: High Energy Physics - Theory , General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology

Publish: 2025-03-26 19:30:35 UTC

#17 On The Black Hole Weak Gravity Conjecture and Extremality in the Strong-Field Regime [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Sergio Barbosa, Sylvain Fichet, Lucas de Souza

We point out that the Weak Gravity Conjecture (WGC) implies that sufficiently small extremal black holes are necessarily in the strong-field regime of electrodynamics, and therefore probe the UV completion of the Maxwell sector. To investigate the WGC bounds arising from these small extremal black holes, we revisit black hole decay in generic field theories in asymptotic flat space. We show that a general, sufficient condition for any black hole to decay is a bound on charge growth as a function of mass. We apply this decay condition to extremal black holes derived in some UV completions of the Maxwell sector. We find that the Euler-Heisenberg and DBI effective actions satisfy the charge growth bound, while the ModMax model does not, making it incompatible with the weak gravity conjecture. We show that the charge growth bound implies positivity of the U(1) gauge coupling beta function. This provides an independent argument that classically stable (embedded-Abelian) colored black holes cannot exist. The charge growth bound constrains conformal hidden sector models, and is always satisfied in their AdS dual realizations.

Subject: High Energy Physics - Theory

Publish: 2025-03-26 18:31:50 UTC

#18 The gravitational index and allowable complex metrics [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Pietro Benetti Genolini, Sameer Murthy

We study the Konstevich--Segal--Witten criterion for allowable complex metrics, in the context of the gravitational path integral corresponding to the supersymmetric index. In various theories of supergravity in asymptotically flat and asymptotically AdS space, the exponential growth of states of the corresponding microscopic index in string theory is known to be captured by complex saddle points of this path integral. We compare the KSW criterion for these complex saddles against constraints from geometric consistency and the convergence of microscopic indices for the same saddles. In all four-dimensional situations we find that the three criteria precisely agree with each other. However, in the AdS_5 dual to the superconformal index with unequal chemical potentials for the two angular momenta, we find that this agreement does not hold. The region of convergence of microscopic index in parameter space is a strict subset of the region allowed by the KSW criterion, which in turn is a strict subset of the geometric consistency conditions. We conclude that the KSW criterion is necessary but not sufficient for the allowability of complex metrics contributing to the superconformal index.

Subject: High Energy Physics - Theory

Publish: 2025-03-26 18:00:01 UTC

#19 Non-invertible symmetries of two-dimensional Non-Linear Sigma Models [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Guillermo Arias-Tamargo, Chris Hull, Maxwell L. Velásquez Cotini Hutt

Global symmetries can be generalised to transformations generated by topological operators, including cases in which the topological operator does not have an inverse. A family of such topological operators are intimately related to dualities via the procedure of half-space gauging. In this work we discuss the construction of non-invertible defects based on T-duality in two dimensions, generalising the well-known case of the free compact boson to any Non-Linear Sigma Model with Wess-Zumino term which is T-dualisable. This requires that the target space has an isometry with compact orbits that acts without fixed points. Our approach allows us to include target spaces without non-trivial 1-cycles, does not require the NLSM to be conformal, and when it is conformal it does not need to be rational; moreover, it highlights the microscopic origin of the topological terms that are responsible for the non-invertibility of the defect. An interesting class of examples are Wess-Zumino-Witten models, which are self-dual under a discrete gauging of a subgroup of the isometry symmetry and so host a topological defect line with Tambara-Yamagami fusion. Along the way, we discuss how the usual 0-form symmetries match across T-dual models in target spaces without 1-cycles, and how global obstructions can prevent locally conserved currents from giving rise to topological operators.

Subjects: High Energy Physics - Theory , Strongly Correlated Electrons

Publish: 2025-03-26 18:00:01 UTC

#20 Additivity, Haag duality, and non-invertible symmetries [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Shu-Heng Shao, Jonathan Sorce, Manu Srivastava

The algebraic approach to quantum field theory focuses on the properties of local algebras, whereas the study of (possibly non-invertible) global symmetries emphasizes global aspects of the theory and spacetime. We study connections between these two perspectives by examining how either of two core algebraic properties -- "additivity" or "Haag duality" -- is violated in a 1+1D CFT or lattice model restricted to the symmetric sector of a general global symmetry. For the Verlinde symmetry of a bosonic diagonal RCFT, we find that additivity is violated whenever the symmetry algebra contains an invertible element, while Haag duality is violated whenever it contains a non-invertible element. We find similar phenomena for the Kramers-Wannier and Rep(D_8) non-invertible symmetries on spin chains.

Subjects: High Energy Physics - Theory , Strongly Correlated Electrons , Operator Algebras , Quantum Physics

Publish: 2025-03-26 18:00:01 UTC

#21 Dynamical Dark Energy, Dual Spacetime, and DESI [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Sunhaeng Hur, Vishnu Jejjala, Michael J. Kavic, Djordje Minic, Tatsu Takeuchi

In this paper we discuss possible consequences of a manifestly non-commutative and T-duality covariant formulation of string theory on dark energy, when the correspondence between short distance (UV) and long distance (IR) physics is taken into account. We demonstrate that the dark energy is dynamical, \textit{i.e.}, time-dependent, and we compute the allowed values of w_0 and w_a, given by w(a) = w_0+w_a(1-a), which compare favorably to the most recent observations by DESI. From this point of view, the latest results from DESI might point to a fundamentally new understanding of quantum spacetime in the context of quantum gravity.

Subjects: High Energy Physics - Theory , Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics , General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology

Publish: 2025-03-26 18:00:00 UTC

#22 Transitioning to Memory Burden: Detectable Small Primordial Black Holes as Dark Matter [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Gia Dvali, Michael Zantedeschi, Sebastian Zell

Mounting theoretical evidence suggests that black holes are subjected to the memory burden effect, implying that after certain time the information stored in them suppresses the decay rate. This effect opens up a new window for small primordial black holes (PBHs) below 10^{15}\,{\rm g} as dark matter. We show that the smooth transition from semi-classical evaporation to the memory-burdened phase strongly impacts observational bounds on the abundance of small PBHs. The most stringent constraints come from present-day fluxes of astrophysical particles. Remarkably, currently-transitioning small PBHs are detectable through high-energetic neutrino events.

Subjects: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology , Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics , High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena , General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology , High Energy Physics - Theory

Publish: 2025-03-27 17:51:05 UTC

#23 The impact of future D- and B-meson measurements with the SMOG2 program at LHCb on the determination of nuclear parton distribution functions [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Carlo Flore, Cynthia Hadjidakis, Daniel Kikoła, Aleksander Kusina, Anton Safronov

We perform an analysis of the potential impact of future D- and B-meson measurement within the SMOG2 fixed-target program at the LHCb experiment on nuclear parton distribution functions. Following~\cite{Bursche:2018orf}, we assume that SMOG2 will collect data for five nuclear targets: He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe and hydrogen which will provide a baseline for constructing nuclear ratios. The analysis is performed by using the PDF reweighting method. We demonstrate that such a measurement will allow to considerably reduce the current uncertainties of the nuclear gluon distribution and, to some extent, even the uncertainties of the light sea-quark distributions. Furthermore, it will provide the first possibility to systematically study the current assumptions on the A-dependence of the nuclear parton distributions.

Subjects: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology , High Energy Physics - Experiment , High Energy Physics - Theory , Nuclear Experiment , Nuclear Theory

Publish: 2025-03-27 14:19:13 UTC

#24 Natural Top Quark Condensation (a Redux) [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Author: Christopher T. Hill

The Nambu--Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model involves a pointlike 4-fermion interaction. While it gives a useful description of chiral dynamics (mainly in QCD), it nonetheless omits the crucially important internal wave-function of a two-body bound state, \phi(r). This becomes significant near critical coupling where \phi(r) extends to large distance, leading to dilution and suppression of induced couplings \propto \phi(0), such as the Yukawa and quartic couplings, as well as reduced fine-tuning of a hierarchy. In top quark condensation, where the BEH boson is a \bar{t}t bound state and we have a UV completion such as topcolor, we must go beyond the NJL model and include effects of \phi(r). We provide a formulation of this for the Brout-Englert-Higgs boson, and find that it leads to an extended \phi(r), a significantly reduced and natural composite scale of M_0 \sim 6 TeV, a successful prediction for the quartic coupling, \lambda, and fine tuning that is reduced to a few percent, providing a compelling candidate solution to the naturalness problem of the BEH boson. The theory is testable and new physics should begin to emerge on the mass scales of order \sim 6 TeV, possibly accessible to the LHC.

Subjects: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology , High Energy Physics - Experiment , High Energy Physics - Theory

Publish: 2025-03-27 14:08:26 UTC

#25 Quantisations of exactly solvable ghostly models [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Andreas Fring, Takano Taira, Bethan Turner

We investigate an exactly solvable two-dimensional Lorentzian coupled quantum system that in a certain parameter regime can be transformed to a higher time derivative theory (HTDT) with preserved symplectic structure. By transforming the system's Lagrangian, we explicitly map it onto the standard Pais-Uhlenbeck formulation, revealing a direct correspondence in their dynamical and Poisson bracket structures. We quantise the model in two alternative ways. First we derive the eigensystem of the Hamiltonian by solving the Schrödinger equation through an Ansatz that leads to a set of coupled three-term recurrence relations, that we solve exactly, identifying normalisable wavefunctions and their associated energy spectra. We compare our results with a Fock space construction, finding exact agreement. On the basis of the exact solutions we report several specific physical properties of the ghost model investigated with a focus on the localisation properties of the system.

Subjects: Quantum Physics , High Energy Physics - Theory , Mathematical Physics

Publish: 2025-03-27 12:39:52 UTC