Mathematical Physics

2025-03-28 | | Total: 21

#1 On the relativistic effect in the Dirac--Fock theory [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Author: Long Meng

In this paper, we study the error bound of the Dirac--Fock ground-state energy and the Hartree--Fock ground-state energy. This error bound is called the relativistic effect in quantum mechanics. We confirm that the relativistic effect in the Dirac--Fock ground-state energy is of the order \cO(c2) with c being the speed of light. Furthermore, if the potential between electrons and nuclei is regular, we get the leading order relativistic correction, which comprises the sum of the mass-velocity term, the Darwin term, and the spin-orbit term. The proof is based on a delicate study of projections onto the positive eigenspace of some Dirac operators. To our knowledge, it is the first mathematical derivation of the leading order relativistic correction for nonlinear Dirac ground-state energies. Our method paves the way to study the relativistic effects in general nonlinear Dirac problems.

Subjects: Mathematical Physics , Analysis of PDEs , Atomic and Molecular Clusters

Publish: 2025-03-27 11:50:12 UTC

#2 On the non-integrability of driven-dissipative one-dimensional hard-core bosons [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Author: Martina Zündel

In one dimension, in a closed system, the Tonks-Girardau gas is integrable even for finite temperatures and time-evolving systems. We address the question if it remains integrable once the system is no longer closed. We consider its lattice version under incoherent local pump and loss and show by using random matrix theory that the statistics of the complex spatial ratio indicates that the system is chaotic. Further, we show that the model belongs in the AI universality class of random matrices. In addition to this analysis, we investigate an emergent stripe-pattern in the spectrum and relate it to the dissipative parameters of the model.

Subject: Mathematical Physics

Publish: 2025-03-27 11:21:25 UTC

#3 Operator product expansions of derivative fields in the sine-Gordon model [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Alex Karrila, Tuomas Virtanen, Christian Webb

In this article, we initiate the study of operator product expansions (OPEs) for the sine-Gordon model. For simplicity, we focus on the model below the first threshold of collapse (β<4π) and on the singular terms in OPEs of derivative-type fields φ and ˉφ. We prove that compared to corresponding free field OPEs, the sine-Gordon OPEs develop logarithmic singularities and generate Wick ordered exponentials. Our approach for proving the OPEs relies heavily on Onsager-type inequalities and associated moment bounds for GFF correlation functions involving Wick ordered exponentials of the free field.

Subject: Mathematical Physics

Publish: 2025-03-27 10:07:33 UTC

#4 On the open TS/ST correspondence [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Matijn François, Alba Grassi

The topological string/spectral theory correspondence establishes a precise, non-perturbative duality between topological strings on local Calabi-Yau threefolds and the spectral theory of quantized mirror curves. While this duality has been rigorously formulated for the closed topological string sector, the open string sector remains less understood. Building on the results of [1-3], we make further progress in this direction by constructing entire, off-shell eigenfunctions for the quantized mirror curve from open topological string partition functions. We focus on local F0, whose mirror curve corresponds to the Baxter equation of the two-particle, relativistic Toda lattice. We then study the standard and dual four-dimensional limits, where the quantum mirror curve for local F0 degenerates into the modified Mathieu and McCoy-Tracy-Wu operators, respectively. In these limits, our framework provides a way to construct entire, off-shell eigenfunctions for the difference equations associated with these operators. Furthermore, we find a simple relation between the on-shell eigenfunctions of the modified Mathieu and McCoy-Tracy-Wu operators, leading to a functional relation between the operators themselves.

Subjects: High Energy Physics - Theory , Mathematical Physics , Spectral Theory

Publish: 2025-03-27 17:57:37 UTC

#5 Normalized solutions of one-dimensional defocusing NLS equations with nonlinear point interactions [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Daniele Barbera, Filippo Boni, Simone Dovetta, Lorenzo Tentarelli

We investigate normalized solutions for doubly nonlinear Schrödinger equations on the real line with a defocusing standard nonlinearity and a focusing nonlinear point interaction of δ--type at the origin. We provide a complete characterization of existence and uniqueness for normalized solutions and for energy ground states for every value of the nonlinearity powers. We show that the interplay between a defocusing standard and a focusing point nonlinearity gives rise to new phenomena with respect to those observed with single nonlinearities, standard combined nonlinearities, and combined focusing standard and pointwise nonlinearities.

Subjects: Analysis of PDEs , Mathematical Physics

Publish: 2025-03-27 17:04:43 UTC

#6 Twisted moments of characteristic polynomials of random matrices in the unitary group [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Siegfred Baluyot, Brian Conrey

Recently, Keating and the second author of this paper devised a heuristic for predicting asymptotic formulas for moments of the Riemann zeta-function ζ(s). Their approach indicates how lower twisted moments of ζ(s) may be used to evaluate higher moments. In this paper, we present a rigorous random matrix theory analogue of their heuristic. To do this, we develop a notion of "twisted moment" of characteristic polynomials of matrices in the unitary group U(N), and we prove several identities involving Schur polynomials. Our results may be viewed as a proof of concept of the heuristic for ζ(s).

Subjects: Number Theory , Mathematical Physics , Combinatorics

Publish: 2025-03-27 16:51:19 UTC

#7 Reducing of system of partial differential equations and generalized symmetry of ordinary differential equations [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: I. M. Tsyfra, P. Sitko

Symmetry reductions of systems of two nonlinear partial differential equations are studied. We find ansatzes reducing system of partial differential equations to system of ordinary differential equations. The method is applied to system related to Korteweg -- de Vries (KdV) equation, and reaction-diffusion equations. We have also shown the possibility of constructing solution to system of non-evolutionary equations, which contains one or two arbitrary functions.

Subjects: Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems , Mathematical Physics , Analysis of PDEs

Publish: 2025-03-27 16:43:36 UTC

#8 Logging the conformal life of Ramanujan's π [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Faizan Bhat, Aninda Sinha

In 1914, Ramanujan presented 17 infinite series for 1/π. We examine the physics origin of these remarkable formulae by connecting them to 2D logarithmic conformal field theories (LCFTs) which arise in various contexts such as the fractional quantum hall effect, percolation and polymers. In light of the LCFT connection, we investigate such infinite series in terms of the physics data, i.e., the operator spectrum and OPE coefficients of the CFT and the conformal block expansion. These considerations lead to novel approximations for 1/π. The rapid convergence of the Ramanujan series motivates us to take advantage of the crossing symmetry of the LCFT correlators to find new and efficient representations. To achieve this, we use the parametric crossing symmetric dispersion relation which was recently developed for string amplitudes. Quite strikingly, we find remarkable simplifications in the new representations, where, in the Legendre relation, the entire contribution to 1/π comes from the logarithmic identity operator, hinting at a universal property of LCFTs. Additionally, the dispersive representation gives us a new handle on the double-lightcone limit.

Subjects: High Energy Physics - Theory , Mathematical Physics

Publish: 2025-03-27 16:21:08 UTC

#9 On the dynamics of leapfrogging vortex rings [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Martin Donati, Lars Eric Hientzsch, Christophe Lacave, Evelyne Miot

The evolution of highly concentrated vorticity around rings in the three-dimensional axisymmetric Euler equations is studied in a regime for which the leapfrogging dynamics predicted by Helmholtz is expected to occur. For a general class of initial data corresponding to vortex rings of sufficiently small thickness ε>0, we prove weak and strong localization estimates for the vortex rings at positive times up to some time T0/|lnε| for fixed T0, independent of ε. Moreover, we derive the motion law for the position of the rings on [0,T0/|lnε|]. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first result of a rigorous derivation of the leapfrogging motion up to times of order |lnε|1 for general initial data and the suitable scaling regime. The singular interaction of rings requires significant improvements of weak and strong localization estimates obtained in prior works. Our method is based on the combination of a new variational argument and a recently introduced double iterative procedure. Possibly due to natural filamentation of the vortex rings, which induces a lack of control of the support of the solution in the symmetry axis direction, our method does not allow to reach the time at which the rings have performed a full rotation around each other.

Subjects: Analysis of PDEs , Mathematical Physics

Publish: 2025-03-27 15:24:00 UTC

#10 Convergence of a Stochastic Particle System to the Continuous Generalized Exchange-Driven Growth Model [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Chun Yin Lam, André Schlichting

The continuous generalized exchange-driven growth model (CGEDG) is a system of integro-differential equations describing the evolution of cluster mass under mass exchange. The rate of exchange depends on the masses of the clusters involved and the mass being exchanged. This can be viewed as both a continuous generalization of the exchange-driven growth model and a coagulation-fragmentation equation that generalizes the continuous Smoluchowski equation. Starting from a Markov jump process that describes a finite stochastic interacting particle system with exchange dynamics, we prove the weak law of large numbers for this process for sublinearly growing kernels in the mean-field limit. We establish the tightness of the stochastic process on a measure-valued Skorokhod space induced by the 1-Wasserstein metric, from which we deduce the existence of solutions to the (CGEDG) system. The solution is shown to have a Lebesgue density under suitable assumptions on the initial data. Moreover, within the class of solutions with density, we establish the uniqueness under slightly more restrictive conditions on the kernel.

Subjects: Probability , Mathematical Physics , Analysis of PDEs

Publish: 2025-03-27 14:52:27 UTC

#11 Quantum umlaut information [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Filippo Girardi, Aadil Oufkir, Bartosz Regula, Marco Tomamichel, Mario Berta, Ludovico Lami

We study the quantum umlaut information, a correlation measure defined for bipartite quantum states ρAB as a reversed variant of the quantum mutual information: U(A;B)ρ=minσBD(ρAσBρAB) in terms of the quantum relative entropy D. As in the classical case [Girardi et al., arXiv:2503.18910], this definition allows for a closed-form expression and has an operational interpretation as the asymptotic error exponent in the hypothesis testing task of deciding whether a given bipartite state is product or not. We generalise the umlaut information to quantum channels, where it also extends the notion of `oveloh information' [Nuradha et al., arXiv:2404.16101]. We prove that channel umlaut information is additive for classical-quantum channels, while we observe additivity violations for fully quantum channels. Inspired by recent results in entanglement theory, we then show as our main result that the regularised umlaut information constitutes a fundamental measure of the quality of classical information transmission over a quantum channel -- as opposed to the capacity, which quantifies the quantity of information that can be sent. This interpretation applies to coding assisted by activated non-signalling correlations, and the channel umlaut information is in general larger than the corresponding expression for unassisted communication as obtained by Dalai for the classical-quantum case [IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 59, 8027 (2013)]. Combined with prior works on non-signalling--assisted zero-error channel capacities, our findings imply a dichotomy between the settings of zero-rate error exponents and zero-error communication. While our results are single-letter only for classical-quantum channels, we also give a single-letter bound for fully quantum channels in terms of the `geometric' version of umlaut information.

Subjects: Quantum Physics , Information Theory , Mathematical Physics

Publish: 2025-03-27 13:11:49 UTC

#12 Spectral independence of almost fully correlated random matrices [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Author: Oleksii Kolupaiev

We study the joint spectral properties of two coupled random matrices H(1) and H(2), which are either real symmetric or complex Hermitian. The entries of these matrices exhibit polynomially decaying correlations, both within each matrix and between them. Surprisingly, we find that under extremely weak decorrelation condition, permitting H(1) and H(2) to be almost fully correlated, the fluctuations of their individual eigenvalues in the bulk of the spectrum are still asymptotically independent. Furthermore, we demonstrate that this decorrelation condition is optimal.

Subjects: Probability , Mathematical Physics

Publish: 2025-03-27 13:04:25 UTC

#13 Numerical solution of locally loaded Volterra integral equations [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Vladislav Byankin, Aleksandr Tynda, Denis Sidorov, Aliona Dreglea

Volterra's integral equations with local and nonlocal loads represent the novel class of integral equations that have attracted considerable attention in recent years. These equations are a generalisation of the classic Volterra integral equations, which were first introduced by Vito Volterra in the late 19th century. The loaded Volterra integral equations are characterised by the presence of a load which complicates the process of their theoretical and numerical study. Sometimes these equation are called the equations with ``frozen'' argument. The present work is devoted to the study of Volterra equations with locally loaded integral operators. The existence and uniquness theorems are proved. Among the main contributions is the collocation method for approximate solution of such equations based on the piecewise linear approximation. To confirm the convergence of the method, a number of numerical results for solving model problems are provided.

Subjects: Numerical Analysis , Mathematical Physics

Publish: 2025-03-27 12:42:51 UTC

#14 Quantisations of exactly solvable ghostly models [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Andreas Fring, Takano Taira, Bethan Turner

We investigate an exactly solvable two-dimensional Lorentzian coupled quantum system that in a certain parameter regime can be transformed to a higher time derivative theory (HTDT) with preserved symplectic structure. By transforming the system's Lagrangian, we explicitly map it onto the standard Pais-Uhlenbeck formulation, revealing a direct correspondence in their dynamical and Poisson bracket structures. We quantise the model in two alternative ways. First we derive the eigensystem of the Hamiltonian by solving the Schrödinger equation through an Ansatz that leads to a set of coupled three-term recurrence relations, that we solve exactly, identifying normalisable wavefunctions and their associated energy spectra. We compare our results with a Fock space construction, finding exact agreement. On the basis of the exact solutions we report several specific physical properties of the ghost model investigated with a focus on the localisation properties of the system.

Subjects: Quantum Physics , High Energy Physics - Theory , Mathematical Physics

Publish: 2025-03-27 12:39:52 UTC

#15 Higher-order exceptional points in a non-reciprocal waveguide beam splitter [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Hamed Ghaemi-Dizicheh, Shahram Dehdashti, Andreas Hanke, Ahmed Touhami, Janis Nötzel

Non-Hermitian systems have attracted significant interest because of their intriguing and useful properties, including exceptional points (EPs), where eigenvalues and the corresponding eigenstates of non-Hermitian operators become degenerate. In particular, quantum photonic systems with EPs exhibit an enhanced sensitivity to external perturbations, which increases with the order of the EP. As a result, higher-order EPs hold significant potential for advanced sensing applications, but they are challenging to achieve due to stringent symmetry requirements. In this work, we study the dynamics of a generalized lossy waveguide beam splitter with asymmetric coupling by introducing non-reciprocity as a tunable parameter to achieve higher-order EPs even without dissipation. Using the Schwinger representation, we analytically derive eigenvalues and numerically demonstrate the formation of EPs. Moreover, we analyze the evolution of NOON states under activated non-reciprocity, highlighting its impact on quantum systems. Our results open new pathways for realizing higher-order EPs in non-reciprocal open quantum systems.

Subjects: Quantum Physics , Mathematical Physics

Publish: 2025-03-27 12:38:58 UTC

#16 Modular Time Evolution and the QNEC [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Author: Stefan Hollands

We establish an inequality restricting the evolution of states in quantum field theory with respect to the modular flow of a wedge, Δis, for large |s|. Our bound is related to the quantum null energy condition, QNEC. In one interpretation, it can be seen as providing a ``chaos-bound'' 2π on the Lyapunov exponent with respect to Rindler time, s. Mathematically, our inequality is a statement about half-sided modular inclusions of von Neumann algebras.

Subjects: High Energy Physics - Theory , Mathematical Physics , Operator Algebras , Quantum Physics

Publish: 2025-03-27 11:33:35 UTC

#17 Fluctuations in random field Ising models [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Seunghyun Lee, Nabarun Deb, Sumit Mukherjee

This paper establishes a CLT for linear statistics of the form q,σ with quantitative Berry-Esseen bounds, where σ is an observation from an exponential family with a quadratic form as its sufficient statistic, in the \enquote{high-temperature} regime. We apply our general result to random field Ising models with both discrete and continuous spins. To demonstrate the generality of our techniques, we apply our results to derive both quenched and annealed CLTs in various examples, which include Ising models on some graph ensembles of common interest (Erdős-Rényi, regular, dense bipartite), and the Hopfield spin glass model. Our proofs rely on a combination of Stein's method of exchangeable pairs and Chevet type concentration inequalities.

Subjects: Probability , Mathematical Physics

Publish: 2025-03-27 04:41:42 UTC

#18 Percolation of both signs in a triangular-type 3D Ising model above Tc [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Jianping Jiang, Sike Lang

Let T be the two-dimensional triangular lattice, and Z the one-dimensional integer lattice. Let T×Z denote the Cartesian product graph. Consider the Ising model defined on this graph with inverse temperature β and external field h, and let βc be the critical inverse temperature when h=0. We prove that for each β[0,βc), there exists hc(β)>0 such that both a unique infinite +cluster and a unique infinite cluster coexist whenever |h|<hc(β). The same coexistence result also holds for the three-dimensional triangular lattice.

Subjects: Probability , Mathematical Physics

Publish: 2025-03-27 04:28:34 UTC

#19 Random 2D linear cocycles I: dichotomic behavior [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Pedro Duarte, Marcelo Durães, Tomé Graxinha, Silvius Klein

In this paper we establish a Bochi-Mañé type dichotomy in the space of two dimensional, nonnegative determinant matrix valued, locally constant linear cocycles over a Bernoulli or Markov shift. Moreover, we prove that Lebesgue almost every such cocycle has finite first Lyapunov exponent, which then implies a break in the regularity of the Lyapunov exponent, from analyticity to discontinuity.

Subjects: Dynamical Systems , Mathematical Physics

Publish: 2025-03-26 23:54:02 UTC

#20 Homotopy kinematic algebras at null infinity [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Felipe Díaz-Jaramillo, Silvia Nagy, Giorgio Pizzolo

We present the first formulation of a homotopy algebra adapted to a 1/r expansion near future null infinity (I+). Focusing on self-dual Yang-Mills theory in Bondi coordinates, we demonstrate that imposing the homotopy algebra relations naturally yields the physically consistent fall-off behavior of the fields near I+. Furthermore, we employ this framework to systematically construct kinematic algebras, uncovering novel infinite families of such algebras that satisfy the Jacobi identity on slices near I+.

Subjects: High Energy Physics - Theory , Mathematical Physics

Publish: 2025-03-26 22:55:48 UTC

#21 Errico Presutti 1942-2024 [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Lorenzo Bertini, Joel L. Lebowitz, Mario Pulvirenti

Errico Presutti was a leading figure in mathematical physics and an important contributor to rigorous results in statistical mechanics. Due to his strong scientific personality and human qualities, there are many who remember Errico Presutti as colleague, mentor, and friend.

Subjects: Statistical Mechanics , Mathematical Physics , Probability

Publish: 2025-03-21 13:56:42 UTC