Analysis of PDEs

2024-11-01 | | Total: 23

#1 The evolving surface Cahn-Hilliard equation with a degenerate mobility [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Charles M. Elliott, Thomas Sales

We consider the existence of suitable weak solutions to the Cahn-Hilliard equation with a non-constant (degenerate) mobility on a class of evolving surfaces. We also show weak-strong uniqueness for the case of a positive mobility function, and under some further assumptions on the initial data we show uniqueness for a class of strong solutions for a degenerate mobility function.

Subject: Analysis of PDEs

Publish: 2024-10-31 17:07:36 UTC

#2 Optimal Regularity for the Stokes Equations on a 2D Wedge Domain Subject to Navier Boundary Conditions [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Matthias Köhne, Jürgen Saal, Laura Westermann

We consider the Stokes equations subject to Navier boundary conditions on a two-dimensional wedge domain with opening angle $\theta_0 \in (0,\,\pi)$. We prove existence and uniqueness of solutions with optimal regularity in an $L^p$-setting. The results are based on optimal regularity results for the Stokes equations subject to perfect slip boundary conditions on a two-dimensional wedge domain that have been obtained by the authors in [15]. Based on a detailed study of the corresponding trace operator on anisotropic Sobolev-Slobodeckij type function spaces on a two-dimensional wedge domain we are able to generalize the results proved in [15] to the case of inhomogeneous boundary conditions. Existence and uniqueness of solutions to the Stokes equations subject to (inhomogeneous) Navier boundary conditions are then obtained using a perturbation argument.

Subject: Analysis of PDEs

Publish: 2024-10-31 15:59:52 UTC

#3 Well-posedness of rough 2D Euler equation with bounded vorticity [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Leonardo Roveri, Francesco Triggiano

We consider the 2D Euler equation with bounded initial vorticity and perturbed by rough transport noise. We show that there exists a unique solution, which coincides with the starting condition advected by the Lagrangian flow. Moreover, the stability of the solution map with respect to the initial vorticity and the rough perturbation yields a Wong-Zakai result for fractional Brownian driving paths.

Subject: Analysis of PDEs

Publish: 2024-10-31 15:36:09 UTC

#4 On partially segregated harmonic maps: optimal regularity and structure of the free boundary [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Nicola Soave, Susanna Terracini

We consider triplets of densities $(u_1,u_2,u_3)$ minimizing the Dirichlet energy \[\sum_{j=1}^3 \int_{\Omega} |\nabla u_j|^2\,dx \] over a bounded domain $\Omega\subset \mathbb{R}^N$, subject to the partial segregation condition: \[ u_1\,u_2\,u_3 \equiv 0 \ \text{in $\Omega$.} \] We prove optimal regularity of the minimizers in spaces of Hölder continuous functions of exponent $3/4$; furthermore we prove that the free boundary is a collection of a locally finite number of smooth codimension one manifolds up to a residual set of Hausdorff dimension at most $N-2$. Finally we prove uniform-in-$\beta$ a priori bounds for minimal solutions to the penalized energy: \[ J_\beta(\mathbf{u}, \Omega) = \int_{\Omega} \sum_{i=1}^3 |\nabla u_i|^2 \,dx+ \beta \int_{\Omega} \prod_{j=1}^3 u_j^2\,dx, \] in spaces of Hölder continuous functions of exponent less than $3/4$. The proofs make use of an Almgren-type monotonicity formula, blow-up analysis together with some new Liouville-type theorems.

Subject: Analysis of PDEs

Publish: 2024-10-31 14:30:35 UTC

#5 Fully nonlinear elliptic PDEs in thin domains with oblique boundary condition [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Isabeau Birindelli, Ariela Briani, Hitoshi Ishii

In this preprint we consider fully nonlinear equations in thin domains with oblique boundary condition, finding some new phenomena, in particular the limit equation contains "new terms" of the second, first and zeroth order which don't have an equivalent in the Neumann case treated in our previous work arXiv:2404.19577. The classical laplacian problem with Neumann boundary condition, goes back to the well known result of Hale and Raugel (1992).

Subject: Analysis of PDEs

Publish: 2024-10-31 13:33:37 UTC

#6 Bifurcation of double eigenvalues for Aharonov--Bohm operators with a moving pole [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Laura Abatangelo, Veronica Felli

We study double eigenvalues of Aharonov--Bohm operators with Dirichlet boundary conditions in planar domains containing the origin. We focus on the behavior of double eigenvalues when the potential's circulation is a fixed half-integer number and the operator's pole is moving on straight lines in a neighborhood of the origin. We prove that bifurcation occurs if the pole is moving along straight lines in a certain number of cones with positive measure. More precise information is given for symmetric domains; in particular, in the special case of the disk, any eigenvalue is double if the pole is located at the centre, but there exists a whole neighborhood where it bifurcates into two distinct branches.

Subject: Analysis of PDEs

Publish: 2024-10-31 13:24:26 UTC

#7 Dimension and structure of the Robin Harmonic Measure on Rough Domains [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Guy David, Stefano Decio, Max Engelstein, Svitlana Mayboroda, Marco Michetti

The present paper establishes that the Robin harmonic measure is quantitatively mutually absolutely continuous with respect to the surface measure on any Ahlfors regular set in any (quantifiably) connected domain for any elliptic operator. This stands in contrast with analogous results for the Dirichlet boundary value problem and also contradicts the expectation, supported by simulations in the physics literature, that the dimension of the Robin harmonic measure in rough domains exhibits a phase transition as the boundary condition interpolates between completely reflecting and completely absorbing. In the adopted traditional language, the corresponding harmonic measure exhibits no dimension drop, and the absolute continuity necessitates neither rectifiability of the boundary nor control of the oscillations of the coefficients of the equation. The expected phase transition is rather exhibited through the detailed non-scale-invariant weight estimates.

Subjects: Analysis of PDEs ; Classical Analysis and ODEs

Publish: 2024-10-31 13:20:26 UTC

#8 On De Giorgi's Conjecture of Nonlocal approximations for free-discontinuity problems: The symmetric gradient case [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Stefano Almi, Elisa Davoli, Anna Kubin, Emanuele Tasso

We prove that E. De Giorgi's conjecture for the nonlocal approximation of free-discontinuity problems extends to the case of functionals defined in terms of the symmetric gradient of the admissible field. After introducing a suitable class of continuous finite-difference approximants, we show the compactness of deformations with equibounded energies, as well as their Gamma-convergence. The compactness analysis relies on a generalization of a Fréchet-Kolmogorov approach previously introduced by two of the authors. An essential difficulty is the identification of the limiting space of admissible deformations. We show that if the approximants involve superlinear contributions, a limiting GSBD representation can be ensured, whereas a further integral geometric term appears in the limiting functional in the linear case. We eventually discuss the connection between this latter setting and an open problem in the theory of integral geometric measures.

Subject: Analysis of PDEs

Publish: 2024-10-31 13:12:45 UTC

#9 The $L^p$ regularity problem for parabolic operators [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Martin Dindoš, Linhan Li, Jill Pipher

In this paper, we fully resolve the question of whether the Regularity problem for the parabolic PDE $-\partial_tu + \mbox{div}(A\nabla u)=0$ on a Lipschitz cylinder $\mathcal O\times\mathbb R$ is solvable for some $p\in (1,\infty)$ under the assumption that the matrix $A$ is elliptic, has bounded and measurable coefficients and its coefficients satisfy a natural Carleson condition (a parabolic analog of the so-called DKP-condition). We prove that for some $p_0>1$ the Regularity problem is solvable in the range $(1,p_0)$. We note that answer to this question was not known even in the {\it small Carleson case}, that is, when the Carleson norm of coefficients is sufficiently small. In the elliptic case the analogous question was only fully resolved recently independently by two groups, with two very different methods: one involving two of the authors and S. Hofmann, the second by M. Mourgoglou, B. Poggi and X. Tolsa. Our approach in the parabolic case is motivated by that of the first group, but in the parabolic setting there are significant new challenges.

Subjects: Analysis of PDEs ; Classical Analysis and ODEs

Publish: 2024-10-31 10:37:38 UTC

#10 Viscosity driven instability of shear flows without boundaries [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Hui Li, Weiren Zhao

In this paper, we study the instability effect of viscous dissipation in a domain without boundaries. We construct a shear flow that is initially spectrally stable but evolves into a spectrally unstable state under the influence of viscous dissipation. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first result of viscosity driven instability that is not caused by boundaries.

Subject: Analysis of PDEs

Publish: 2024-10-31 10:32:08 UTC

#11 Extremal domains in $\mathbb{S}^2$: Geometric and Analytic methods [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: José M. Espinar, Diego A. Marín

In this paper, we study domains $\Omega \subset \mathbb{S}^2$ that support positive solutions to the overdetermined problem $ \Delta{u} + f(u, |\nabla u|) = 0 $ in $\Omega$, with the boundary conditions $u = 0$ on $\partial \Omega$ and $|\nabla u|$ being locally constant along $\partial \Omega$. We refer to such domains as $f$-extremal domains and focus on those with disconnected boundaries. In the first part of the paper, we extend the moving plane method on $\mathbb{S}^2$ to demonstrate that if $\Omega$ is an $f$-extremal domain containing a simple closed curve of maximum points of $u$, then $\Omega$ must be either rotationally symmetric or antipodally symmetric. We also establish a similar result for constant mean curvature (CMC) surfaces with capillary boundaries. In the second part, we strengthen the previous result for certain nonlinearities $f=f(u)$, proving that the domain $\Omega$ must, in fact, be rotationally symmetric. This is achieved by generalizing the analytic methods used in our earlier work [20]. We focus on the case where $\Omega$, $u$, and $f$ are analytic to avoid technicalities that could hinder the exposition of the main ideas of this article. However, the required regularity assumptions can be significantly relaxed.

Subject: Analysis of PDEs

Publish: 2024-10-31 09:50:40 UTC

#12 Normalized solutions for nonlinear Schrödinger equations with $L^2$-critical nonlinearity [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Silvia Cingolani, Marco Gallo, Norihisa Ikoma, Kazunaga Tanaka

We study the following nonlinear Schrödinger equation and we look for normalized solutions $(u,\mu)\in H^1({\bf R}^N)\times{\bf R}$ for a given $m>0$ and $N\geq 2$ \[ -\Delta u + \mu u = g(u)\quad \text{in}\ {\bf R}^N, \qquad \frac{1}{2}\int_{{\bf R}^N} u^2 dx = m. \] We assume that $g$ has an $L^2$-critical growth, both at the origin and at infinity. That is, for $p=1+\frac{4}{N}$, $g(s)=|s|^{p-1}s +h(s)$, $h(s)=o(|s|^p)$ as $s\sim 0$ and $s\sim\infty$. The $L^2$-critical exponent $p$ is very special for this problem; in the power case $g(s) = |s|^{p-1}s$ a solution exists only for the specific mass $m=m_1$, where $m_1=\frac{1}{2}\int_{{\bf R}^N}\omega_1^2\, dx$ is the mass of a least energy solution $\omega_1$ of $-\Delta \omega+\omega=\omega^p$ in ${\bf R}^N$. We prove the existence of a positive solution for $m=m_1$ when $h$ has a sublinear growth at infinity, i.e., $h(s)=o(s)$ as $s\sim\infty$. In contrast, we show non-existence results for $h(s)\not=o(s)$ ($s\sim 0$) under a suitable monotonicity condition.

Subject: Analysis of PDEs

Publish: 2024-10-31 08:40:26 UTC

#13 Weak parabolic Harnack inequality and Hölder regularity for non-local Dirichlet forms [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Author: Guanhua Liu

In this paper we give equivalent conditions for the weak parabolic Harnack inequality for general regular Dirichlet forms without killing part, in terms of local heat kernel estimates or growth lemmas. With a tail estimate on the jump measure, we obtain from these conditions the Hölder continuity of caloric and harmonic functions. Our results generalize the theory of Chen, Kumagai and Wang, in the sense that the upper jumping smoothness condition is canceled. We also derive the complete forms of Harnack inequalities from the globally non-negative versions, and obtain continuity of caloric functions with worse tails.

Subject: Analysis of PDEs

Publish: 2024-10-31 08:39:46 UTC

#14 Mild ill-posedness in $W^{1,\infty}$ for the incompressible porous media equation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Yaowei Xie, Huan Yu

In this paper, we investigate the perturbation problem of the incompressible porous media (IPM) equation on the whole space $\mathbb{R}^2$. We prove the mild ill-posedness of IPM equation in the critical space $W^{1,\infty}$ when the initial data are small perturbations of the more general stable profile $g(x_2),$ and accordingly, instability can be inferred. It is emphasized that our result holds for any vertically layered density $g(x_2)$ without requirement on the sign of $g'(x_2).$

Subject: Analysis of PDEs

Publish: 2024-10-31 08:26:54 UTC

#15 Transmission eigenvalue-free regions near the real axis. II [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Author: Georgi Vodev

In this paper we extend the results in [16] to more general domains. More precisely, we obtain transmission eigenvalue-free regions for the interior transmission problem with one complex-valued refraction index, that is, with a damping term which does not vanish on the boundary. In particular, we remove the non-trapping condition as well as the strict concavity condition from [16]. Instead, we impose new, more general conditions in terms of the highfrequency behavior of certain cut-off resolvents associated to exterior problems.

Subject: Analysis of PDEs

Publish: 2024-10-31 07:57:11 UTC

#16 The direct moving sphere for fractional Laplace equation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Congming Li, Meiqing Xu, Hui Yang, Ran Zhuo

This paper works on the direct method of moving spheres and establishes a Liouville-type theorem for the fractional elliptic equation \[ (-\Delta)^{\alpha/2} u =f(u) ~~~~~~ \text{in } \mathbb{R}^{n} \] with general non-linearity. One of the key improvement over the previous work is that we do not require the usual Lipschitz condition. In fact, we only assume the structural condition that $f(t) t^{- \frac{n+\alpha}{n-\alpha}}$ is monotonically decreasing. This differs from the usual approach such as Chen-Li-Li (Adv. Math. 2017), which needed the Lipschitz condition on $f$, or Chen-Li-Zhang (J. Funct. Anal. 2017), which relied on both the structural condition and the monotonicity of $f$. We also use the direct moving spheres method to give an alternative proof for the Liouville-type theorem of the fractional Lane-Emden equation in a half space. Similarly, our proof does not depend on the integral representation of solutions compared to existing ones. The methods developed here should also apply to problems involving more general non-local operators, especially if no equivalent integral equations exist.

Subject: Analysis of PDEs

Publish: 2024-10-31 06:10:03 UTC

#17 Global Well-posedness of Compressible Viscous Surface Waves without Surface Tension [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Ting Sun, Yanjin Wang

We consider the free boundary problem for a layer of compressible viscous barotropic fluid lying above a fixed rigid bottom and below the atmosphere of positive constant pressure. The fluid dynamics is governed by the compressible Navier--Stokes equations with gravity, and the effect of surface tension is neglected on the upper free boundary. We prove the global well-posedness of the reformulated problem in flattening coordinates near the equilibrium in both two and three dimensions without any low frequency assumption of the initial data. The key ingredients here are the new control of the {\it Eulerian spatial derivatives} of the solution, which benefits a crucial nonlinear cancellation of the highest order spatial regularity of the free boundary, and the time weighted energy estimates.

Subject: Analysis of PDEs

Publish: 2024-10-31 05:56:14 UTC

#18 Fractional Voigt-regularization of the 3D Navier--Stokes and Euler equations: Global well-posedness and limiting behavior [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Zdzislaw Brzeźniak, Adam Larios, Isabel Safarik

The Voigt regularization is a technique used to model turbulent flows, offering advantages such as sharing steady states with the Navier-Stokes equations and requiring no modification of boundary conditions; however, the parabolic dissipative character of the equation is lost. In this work we propose and study a generalization of the Voigt regularization technique by introducing a fractional power $r$ in the Helmholtz operator, which allows for dissipation in the system, at least in the viscous case. We examine the resulting fractional Navier-Stokes-Voigt (fNSV) and fractional Euler-Voigt (fEV) and show that global well-posedness holds in the 3D periodic case for fNSV when the fractional power $r \geq \frac{1}{2}$ and for fEV when $r>\frac{5}{6}$. Moreover, we show that the solutions of these fractional Voigt-regularized systems converge to solutions of the original equations, on the corresponding time interval of existence and uniqueness of the latter, as the regularization parameter $\alpha \to 0$. Additionally, we prove convergence of solutions of fNSV to solutions of fEV as the viscosity $\nu \to 0$ as well as the convergence of solutions of fNSV to solutions of the 3D Euler equations as both $\alpha, \nu \to 0$. Furthermore, we derive a criterion for finite-time blow-up for each system based on this regularization. These results may be of use to researchers in both pure and applied fluid dynamics, particularly in terms of approximate models for turbulence and as tools to investigate potential blow-up of solutions.

Subject: Analysis of PDEs

Publish: 2024-10-30 22:53:03 UTC

#19 Optimal control problems driven by nonlinear degenerate Fokker-Planck equations [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Francesca Anceschi, Giacomo Ascione, Daniele Castorina, Francesco Solombrino

The well-posedness of a class of optimal control problems is analysed, where the state equation couples a nonlinear degenerate Fokker-Planck equation with a system of Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs). Such problems naturally arise as mean-field limits of Stochastic Differential models for multipopulation dynamics, where a large number of agents (followers) is steered through parsimonious intervention on a selected class of leaders. The proposed approach combines stability estimates for measure solutions of nonlinear degenerate Fokker-Planck equations with a general framework of assumptions on the cost functional, ensuring compactness and lower semicontinuity properties. The Lie structure of the state equations allows one for considering non-Lipschitz nonlinearities, provided some suitable dissipativity assumptions are considered in addition to non-Euclidean Hölder and sublinearity conditions.

Subjects: Optimization and Control ; Analysis of PDEs ; Probability

Publish: 2024-10-31 15:01:28 UTC

#20 Convergent analysis of algebraic multigrid method with data-driven parameter learning for non-selfadjoint elliptic problems [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Juan Zhang, Junyue Luo

In this paper, we apply the practical GADI-HS iteration as a smoother in algebraic multigrid (AMG) method for solving second-order non-selfadjoint elliptic problem. Additionally, we prove the convergence of the derived algorithm and introduce a data-driven parameter learing method called Gaussian process regression (GPR) to predict optimal parameters. Numerical experimental results show that using GPR to predict parameters can save a significant amount of time cost and approach the optimal parameters accurately.

Subjects: Numerical Analysis ; Analysis of PDEs

Publish: 2024-10-31 07:12:05 UTC

#21 Equilibrium theory of bidensity particle-laden suspensions in thin-film flow down a spiral separator [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Lingyun Ding, Sarah C. Burnett, Andrea L. Bertozzi

Spiral gravity separators are designed to separate multi-species slurry components based on differences in density and size. Previous studies have investigated steady-state solutions for mixtures of liquids and single particle species in thin-film flows. However, these models are constrained to single-species systems and cannot describe the dynamics of multi-species separation. In contrast, our analysis extends to mixtures containing two particle species of differing densities, revealing that they undergo radial separation, which is an essential mechanism for practical applications in separating particles of varying densities. This work models gravity-driven bidensity slurries in a spiral trough by incorporating particle interactions, using empirically derived formulas for particle fluxes from previous bidensity studies on inclined planes. Specifically, we study a thin-film bidensity slurry flowing down a rectangular channel helically wound around a vertical axis. Through a thin-film approximation, we derive equilibrium profiles for the concentration of each particle species and the fluid depth. Additionally, we analyze the influence of key design parameters, such as spiral radius and channel width, on particle concentration profiles. Our findings provide valuable insights into optimizing spiral separator designs for enhanced applicability and adaptability.

Subjects: Fluid Dynamics ; Analysis of PDEs

Publish: 2024-10-31 02:22:55 UTC

#22 A comparative study of dynamic models for gravity-driven particle-laden flows [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Wing Pok Lee, Jonathan D. Woo, Luke F. Triplett, Yifan Gu, Sarah C. Burnett, Lingyun Ding, Andrea L. Bertozzi

The dynamics of viscous thin-film particle-laden flows down inclined surfaces are commonly modeled with one of two approaches: a diffusive flux model or a suspension balance model. The diffusive flux model assumes that the particles migrate via a diffusive flux induced by gradients in both the particle concentration and the effective suspension viscosity. The suspension balance model introduces non-Newtonian bulk stress with shear-induced normal stresses, the gradients of which cause particle migration. Both models have appeared in the literature of particle-laden flow with virtually no comparison between the two models. For particle-laden viscous flow on an incline, in a thin-film geometry, one can use lubrication theory to derive a compact dynamic model in the form of a $2\times 2$ system of conservation laws. We can then directly compare the two theories side by side by looking at similarities and differences in the flux functions for the conservation laws, and in exact and numerical simulations of the equations. We compare the flux profiles over a range of parameters, showing fairly good agreement between the models, with the biggest difference involving the behavior at the free surface. We also consider less dense suspensions at lower inclination angles where the dynamics involve two shock waves that can be clearly measured in experiments. In this context the solutions differ by no more than about 10%, suggesting that either model could be used for this configuration.

Subjects: Fluid Dynamics ; Analysis of PDEs

Publish: 2024-10-31 01:58:30 UTC

#23 Multipliers for spherical harmonic expansions [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Author: Jacob Denson

For any bounded, regulated function $m: [0,\infty) \to \mathbb{C}$, consider the family of operators $\{ T_R \}$ on the sphere $S^d$ such that $T_R f = m(k/R) f$ for any spherical harmonic $f$ of degree $k$. We completely characterize the compactly supported functions $m$ for which the operators $\{ T_R \}$ are uniformly bounded on $L^p(S^d)$, in the range $1/(d-1) < |1/p - 1/2| < 1/2$. We obtain analogous results in the more general setting of multiplier operators for eigenfunction expansions of an elliptic pseudodifferential operator $P$ on a compact manifold $M$, under curvature assumptions on the principal symbol of $P$, and assuming the eigenvalues of $P$ are contained in an arithmetic progression. One consequence of our result are new transference principles controlling the $L^p$ boundedness of the multiplier operators associated with a function $m$, in terms of the $L^p$ operator norm of the radial Fourier multiplier operator with symbol $m(|\cdot|): \mathbb{R}^d \to \mathbb{C}$. In order to prove these results, we obtain new quasi-orthogonality estimates for averages of solutions to the half-wave equation $\partial_t - i P = 0$, via a connection between pseudodifferential operators satisfying an appropriate curvature condition and Finsler geometry.

Subjects: Classical Analysis and ODEs ; Analysis of PDEs

Publish: 2024-10-30 23:25:40 UTC