2025-02-07 | | Total: 21
This work studies the nonlocal Cahn Hilliard Brinkman system, which models the phase separation of a binary fluid in a bounded domain and porous media. We focus on a system with a singular potential namely logarithmic form and a degenerate mobility function. The singular potential introduces challenges due to the blow up of its derivatives near pure phases, while the degenerate mobility complicates the analysis. Our main result is the separation property, which ensures that the solution eventually stays away from the pure phases. We adopt a new method, inspired by the De Giorgi iteration, introduced for the two dimensional Cahn Hilliard equation with constant mobility. This work extends previous results and provides a general approach for proving the separation property for similar systems.
In this work, we examine a kinetic framework for modeling the time evolution of size distribution densities of two populations governed by predator-prey interactions. The model builds upon the classical Boltzmann-type equations, where the dynamics arise from elementary binary interactions between the populations. The model uniquely incorporates a linear redistribution operator to quantify the birth rates in both populations, inspired by wealth redistribution operators. We prove that, under a suitable scaling regime, the Boltzmann formulation transitions to a system of coupled Fokker-Planck-type equations. These equations describe the evolution of the distribution densities and link the macroscopic dynamics of their mean values to a Lotka-Volterra system of ordinary differential equations, with parameters explicitly derived from the microscopic interaction rules. We then determine the local equilibria of the Fokker-Planck system, which are Gamma-type densities, and investigate the problem of relaxation of its solutions toward these kinetic equilibria, in terms of their moments' dynamics. The results establish a bridge between kinetic modeling and classical population dynamics, offering a multiscale perspective on predator-prey systems.
We analyze the behaviour of double-well energies perturbed by fractional Gagliardo squared seminorms in $H^s$ close to the critical exponent $s=\frac12$. This is done by computing a scaling factor $\lambda(\varepsilon,s)$, continuous in both variables, such that \[ \mathcal{F}^{s_\varepsilon}_\varepsilon(u)=\frac{\lambda(\varepsilon,s_\varepsilon)}{\varepsilon}\int W(u)dt+\lambda(\varepsilon,s_\varepsilon)\varepsilon^{(2s_\varepsilon-1)^+}[u]_{H^{s_\varepsilon}}^2 \] $\Gamma$-converge, for any choice of $s_\varepsilon \to \frac12$ as $\varepsilon\to 0$, to the sharp-interface functional found by Alberti, Bouchitté and Seppecher with the scaling ${|\log\varepsilon|^{-1}}$. Moreover, we prove that all the values $s\in [\frac12,1 )$ are regular points for the functional $\mathcal{F}^{s}_\varepsilon$ in the sense of equivalence by $\Gamma$-convergence introduced by Braides and Truskinovsky, and that the $\Gamma$-limits as $\varepsilon\to 0$ are continuous with respect to $s$. In particular, the corresponding surface tensions, given by suitable non-local optimal-profile problems, are continuous on $[\frac12,1)$.
We prove sharp boundary regularity of solutions to nonlocal elliptic equations arising from operators comparable to the fractional Laplacian over Reifenberg flat sets and with null exterior condition. More precisely, if the operator has order $2s$ then the solution is $C^{s-\varepsilon}$ regular for all $\varepsilon>0$ provided the flatness parameter is small enough. The proof relies on an induction argument and its main ingredients are the construction of a suitable barrier and the comparison principle.
We prove the unconditional well-posedness result for fifth order modified KdV type equations in $H^s(\mathbb{T})$ when $s \geq 3/2$, which includes non-integrable cases. By the conservation laws, we also obtain the global well-posedness result when $s = 2$, which also includes non-integrable cases. The main idea is to employ the normal form reduction and a kind of cancellation properties to deal with the derivative losses.
In this article, we consider an n-dimensional parabolic partial differential equation with a smooth coefficient term in the nonlinear gradient term. This equation was first introduced and analyzed in [E. Issoglio, On a non-linear transport-diffusion equation with distributional coefficients, Journal of Differential Equations, Volume 267, Issue 10 (2019)], where one of the main open questions is the possible finite-time blow-up of solutions. Here, leveraging a virial-type estimate, we provide a positive answer to this question within the framework of smooth solutions.
This work focuses on feedback control strategies for applying the sterile insect technique (SIT) to eliminate pest populations. The presentation is centered on the case of mosquito populations, but most of the results can be extended to other species by adapting the model and selecting appropriate parameter values to describe the reproduction and movement dynamics of the species under consideration. In our study, we address the spatial distribution of the population in a two dimensional bounded domain by extending the temporal SIT model analyzed in [2], thereby obtaining a reaction-diffusion SIT model. After the analysis of the existence and the uniqueness of the solution of this problem, we construct a feedback law that globally asymptotically stabilizes the extinction equilibrium thus yielding a robust strategy to keep the pest population at very low levels in the long term.
A junction is a particular network given by the collection of $N\ge 1$ half lines $[0,+\infty)$ glued together at the origin. On such a junction, we consider evolutive Hamilton-Jacobi equations with $N$ coercive Hamiltonians. Furthermore,we consider a general desired junction condition at the origin, given by some monotone function $F_0:\R^N\to \R$.There is existence and uniqueness of solutions which only satisfy weakly the junction condition (at the origin, they satisfy either the desired junction condition or the PDE).We show that those solutions satisfy strongly a relaxed junction condition $\frak R F_0$ (that we can recognize as an effective junction condition). It is remarkable that this relaxed condition can be computed in three different but equivalent ways: 1) using viscosity inequalities, 2) using Godunov fluxes, 3) using Riemann problems.Our result goes beyond uniqueness theory, in the following sense: solutions to two different desired junction conditions $F_0$ and $F_1$ do coincide if $\frak R F_0=\frak R F_1$.
We study spectral theory of sign-changing Laplace operators using semi-classical Dirichlet-to-Neumann maps. We prove the existence of modesconcentrated on the interface and describe an effective semi-classical equation for them.
We prove Runge type approximation results for linear partial differential operators with constant coefficients on spaces of smooth Whitney jets. Among others, we characterize when for a constant coefficient linear partial differential operator $P(D)$ and for closed subsets $F_1\subset F_2$ of $\mathbb{R}^d$ the restrictions to $F_1$ of smooth Whitney jets $f$ on $F_2$ satisfying $P(D)f=0$ on $F_2$ are dense in the space of smooth Whitney jets on $F_1$ satisfying the same partial differential equation on $F_1$. For elliptic operators we give a geometric evaluation of this characterization. Additionally, for differential operators with a single characteristic direction, like parabolic operators, we give a sufficient geometric condition for the above density to hold. Under mild additional assumptions on $\partial F_1$ and for $F_2=\mathbb{R}^d$ this sufficient conditions is also necessary. As an application of our work, we characterize those open subsets $\Omega$ of the complex plane satisfying $\Omega=\operatorname{int}\overline{\Omega}$ for which the set of holomorphic polynomials are dense in $A^\infty(\Omega)$, under the mild additional hypothesis that $\overline{\Omega}$ satisfies the strong regularity condition. Furthermore, for the wave operator in one spatial variable, a simple sufficient geometric condition on $F_1, F_2\subset\mathbb{R}^2$ is given for the above density to hold. For the special case of $F_2=\mathbb{R}^2$ this sufficient condition is also necessary under mild additional hypotheses on $F_1$.
In this article, we prove a local controllability result for a general class of 1D partial differential equations on the interval $(0,1)$. The PDEs we consider take the form $\partial_t^N y=\zeta_M \partial_{x}^{M}y+f(x , y , \partial_{x} y,\ldots, \partial_x^{M-1} y)$ where $1\le N < M$, $\zeta_M\in \mathbb{C} ^*$, and $f$ is some linear or nonlinear term of lower order. In this context, we prove a local controllability result between states that are analytic functions. If some boundary conditions are prescribed, a similar local controllability result holds between analytic functions satisfying some compatibility conditions that are natural for the existence of smooth solutions of the considered PDE. The proof is performed by studying a nonlinear Cauchy problem in the spatial variable with data in some spaces of Gevrey functions and by investigating the relationship between the jet of space derivatives and the jet of time derivatives. We give various examples of applications, including the (good and bad) Boussinesq equation, the Ginzburg-Landau equation, the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation and the Korteweg-de Vries equation.
Viscoelastic rate-type fluid models are used to describe the behaviour of many complex materials from engineering up to application in biomaterials and medicine. A classical model that belongs to the category of viscoelastic rate-type fluid models is the Giesekus model. Furthermore, in all these applications, the heat conduction frequently takes place and all material coefficients depend heavily on the temperature, and therefore, we introduce here a thermodynamically compatible model for viscoelastic rate-type and heat-conducting fluid for which we show the existence of global weak solution in two-dimensional setting whenever the initial energy and entropy are controlled in natural norms.
In this paper, we show the global existence and uniqueness of classical solutions of the Maxwell-Chern-Simmons-Higgs system coupled to a neutral scalar with nontrivial scalar potential on (2+1) dimensional Minkowski spacetime. Our methods rely only on classical existence theorems, including energy estimates, the Sobolev inequality, and the choice of the Coulomb gauge condition. The equations are well-posed for finite initial data and the solution preserves any additional $H^{s}$ regularity for $s>0$ in the data.
We study the existence of least energy solutions for two Kirchhoff equations with the asymptotically cubic nonlinearity $f(u)=\lambda u+\eta|u|^2u$ on a locally weighted and connected finite graph $G=(V,E)$. Such nonlinearity satisfies neither $\frac{F(u)}{u^4}\to +\infty$ as $|u|\to\infty$, where $F(u)=\int_0^uf(s)ds$, nor $\frac{f(u)}{u}\to 0$ as $u\to 0$. By utilizing the constrained variational method, we prove that there exist $\lambda_1\ge 0$ and $\eta_0\ge 0$ ($\lambda_1^*\ge 0$ and $\eta_0^*\ge 0$) such that these two equations have at least a least energy solution if $|\lambda|<a\lambda_1$ ($|\lambda|<a\lambda_1^*$) and $\eta>\eta_0$ ($\eta>\eta_0^*$).
We establish $L^p$ solvability of the Dirichlet problem, for some finite $p$, in a 1-sided chord-arc domain $\Omega$ (i.e., a uniform domain with Ahlfors-David regular boundary), for elliptic equations of the form \[ Lu=-\text{div}(A\nabla u) + {\bf B}\cdot \nabla u=:L_0 u+ {\bf B}\cdot \nabla u=0, \] given that the analogous result holds (typically with a different value of $p$) for the homogeneous second order operator $L_0$. Essentially, we assume that $|{\bf B}(X)|\lesssim \text{dist}(X,\partial \Omega)^{-1}$, and that $|{\bf B}(X)|^2\text{dist}(X,\partial \Omega) dX$ is a Carleson measure in $\Omega$.
This article develops the hydrostatic Lagrangian approach to the compressible primitive equations. A fundamental aspect in the analysis is the investigation of the compressible hydrostatic Lamé and Stokes operators. Local strong well-posedness for large data and global strong well-posedness for small data are established under various assumptions on the pressure law, both in the presence and absence of gravity.
We establish uniform bounds and the inviscid limit in $L^p$-based Sobolev conormal spaces for the solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations with the Navier boundary conditions in the half-space. We extend the vanishing viscosity results of~\cite{BdVC1} and~\cite{AK1} by weakening the normal and the conormal regularity assumptions, respectively. We require the initial data to be Lipschitz with three integrable conormal derivatives. We also assume that the initial normal derivative has one or two integrable conormal derivative depending on the sign of the friction coefficient. Finally, we establish the existence and uniqueness of the Euler equations with a bounded normal derivate, two bounded conormal derivatives, and three integrable conormal derivatives.
Contrastive learning leverages data augmentation to develop feature representation without relying on large labeled datasets. However, despite its empirical success, the theoretical foundations of contrastive learning remain incomplete, with many essential guarantees left unaddressed, particularly the realizability assumption concerning neural approximability of an optimal spectral contrastive loss solution. In this work, we overcome these limitations by analyzing the pointwise and spectral consistency of the augmentation graph Laplacian. We establish that, under specific conditions for data generation and graph connectivity, as the augmented dataset size increases, the augmentation graph Laplacian converges to a weighted Laplace-Beltrami operator on the natural data manifold. These consistency results ensure that the graph Laplacian spectrum effectively captures the manifold geometry. Consequently, they give way to a robust framework for establishing neural approximability, directly resolving the realizability assumption in a current paradigm.
We study the light ray transform acting on tensors on a stationary Lorentzian manifold. Our main result is injectivity up to the natural obstruction as long as the associated magnetic vector field satisfies a finite degree property with respect to the vertical Fourier decomposition on the unit tangent bundle. This is based on an explicit relationship between the geodesic vector field of the Lorentzian manifold and the magnetic vector field.
In this article, we consider compact Riemannian 3-manifolds with boundary. We prove that if the $L^2$-norm of the curvature is small and if the $H^{1/2}$-norm of the difference of the fundamental forms of the boundary is small, then the manifold is diffeomorphic to the Euclidean ball. Moreover, we obtain that the manifold and the ball are metrically close (uniformly and in $H^2$-norm), with a quantitative, optimal bound. The required smallness assumption only depends on the volumes of the manifold and its boundary and on a trace and Sobolev constant of the manifold. The proof only relies on elementary computations based on the Bochner formula for harmonic functions and tensors, and on the 2-spheres effective uniformisation result of Klainerman-Szeftel.