Dynamical Systems

2024-09-18 | | Total: 12

#1 Katok's entropy conjecture near real and complex hyperbolic metrics [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Author: Tristan Humbert

We show that, given a real or complex hyperbolic metric $g_0$ on a closed manifold $M$ of dimension $n\geq 3$, there exists a neighborhood $\mathcal U$ of $g_0$ in the space of negatively curved metrics such that for any $g\in \mathcal U$, the topological entropy and Liouville entropy of $g$ coincide if and only if $g$ and $g_0$ are homothetic. This provides a partial answer to Katok's entropy rigidity conjecture. As a direct consequence of our theorem, we obtain a local rigidity result of the hyperbolic rank near complex hyperbolic metrics.

Subject: Dynamical Systems

Publish: 2024-09-17 13:54:11 UTC

#2 A Ruelle operator for holomorphic correspondences [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Shrihari Sridharan ; Subith G

In this paper, we extend the ideas of certain notions that one studies in thermodynamic formalism of maps to the context when the dynamics in the phase space evolves by complex holomorphic correspondences. Towards that end, we define the topological entropy of holomorphic correspondences using spanning sets. We then, define the pressure of a real-valued continuous function defined on the Riemann sphere and investigate the Ruelle operator with respect to the Hölder continuous function, however restricted on the support of the Dinh-Sibony measure.

Subject: Dynamical Systems

Publish: 2024-09-17 11:30:09 UTC

#3 Averaging theory and catastrophes: The persistence of bifurcations under time-varying perturbations [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Pedro C. C. R. Pereira ; Mike R. Jeffrey ; Douglas D. Novaes

When a dynamical system is subject to a periodic perturbation, the averaging method can be applied to obtain an autonomous leading order `guiding system', placing the time dependence at higher orders. Recent research focused on investigating invariant structures in non-autonomous differential systems arising from hyperbolic structures in the guiding system, such as periodic orbits and invariant tori. The effect that bifurcations in the guiding system have on the original non-autonomous one has also been recently explored. This paper extends the study by providing a broader description of the dynamics that can emerge from non-hyperbolic structures of the guiding system. Specifically, we prove here that $K$-universal bifurcations in the guiding system persist in the original non-autonomous one, while non-versal bifurcations, such as the transcritical and pitchfork, do not, being instead perturbed into stable bifurcation families. We illustrate the results on examples of a fold, a transcritical, a pitchfork, and a saddle-focus. By applying these results to the physical scenario of systems with time-varying parameters, we show that the average parameter value becomes a bifurcation parameter of the averaged system.

Subject: Dynamical Systems

Publish: 2024-09-17 10:28:49 UTC

#4 A first engineering principles model for dynamical simulation of cement pyro-process cyclones [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Jan Lorenz Svensen ; Nicola Cantisani ; Wilson Ricardo Leal da Silva ; Javier Pigazo Merino ; Dinesh Sampath ; John Bagterp Jørgensen

We provide a cyclone model for dynamical simulations in the pyro-process of cement production. The model is given as an index-1 differential-algebraic equation (DAE) model based on first engineering principle. Using a systematic approach, the model integrates cyclone geometry, thermo-physical aspects, stoichiometry and kinetics, mass and energy balances, and algebraic equations for volume and internal energy. The paper provides simulation results that fit expected dynamics. The cyclone model is part of an overall model for dynamical simulations of the pyro-process in a cement plant. This model can be used in the design of control and optimization systems to improve energy efficiency and reduce CO2 emission.

Subject: Dynamical Systems

Publish: 2024-09-17 06:18:30 UTC

#5 Entropy for compact operators and results on entropy and specification [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Paulo Lupatini ; Felipe Silva ; Régis Varão

We prove that the specification property implies infinite topological entropy for operators acting on infinite dimensional $F$-spaces. Furthermore, we establish compact operators acting on Banach spaces exhibit finite entropy and the entropy depends exclusively on the operator's point spectrum. Additionally, we prove that the variational principle does not hold for compact operators acting on Banach spaces.

Subject: Dynamical Systems

Publish: 2024-09-17 02:22:19 UTC

#6 Topological Sequence Entropy of co-Induced Systems [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Author: Dakota M. Leonard

Let $G$ be a discrete, countably infinite group and $H$ a subgroup of $G$. If $H$ acts continuously on a compact metric space $X$, then we can induce a continuous action of $G$ on $\prod_{H\backslash G}X$ where $H\backslash G$ is the collection of right-cosets of $H$ in $G$. This process is known as the co-induction. In this article, we will calculate the maximal pattern entropy of the co-induction. If $[G:H] < +\infty$ we will show that the $H$ action is null if and only if the co-induced action of $G$ is null. Also, we will discuss an example where $H$ is a proper subgroup of $G$ with finite index where the maximal pattern entropy of the $H$ action is equal to the co-induced action of $G$. If $[G:H] = +\infty$ we will show that the maximal pattern entropy of the co-induction is always $+\infty$ given the $H$-system is not trivial.

Subject: Dynamical Systems

Publish: 2024-09-16 21:22:26 UTC

#7 Towards Optimal Spatio-Temporal Decomposition of Control-Related Sum-of-Squares Programs [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Vít Cibulka ; Milan Korda ; Tomáš Haniš

This paper presents a method for calculating the Region of Attraction (ROA) of nonlinear dynamical systems, both with and without control. The ROA is determined by solving a hierarchy of semidefinite programs (SDPs) defined on a splitting of the time and state space. Previous works demonstrated that this splitting could significantly enhance approximation accuracy, although the improvement was highly dependent on the ad-hoc selection of split locations. In this work, we eliminate the need for this ad-hoc selection by introducing an optimization-based method that performs the splits through conic differentiation of the underlying semidefinite programming problem. We provide the differentiability conditions for the split ROA problem, prove the absence of a duality gap, and demonstrate the effectiveness of our method through numerical examples.

Subjects: Optimization and Control ; Dynamical Systems

Publish: 2024-09-17 13:54:09 UTC

#8 Hyperuniformity in regular trees [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Author: Mattias Byléhn

We study notions of hyperuniformity for invariant locally square-integrable point processes in regular trees. We show that such point processes are never geometrically hyperuniform, and if the diffraction measure has support in the complementary series then the process is geometrically hyperfluctuating along all subsequences of radii. A definition of spectral hyperuniformity and stealth of a point process is given in terms of vanishing of the complementary series diffraction and sub-Poissonian decay of the principal series diffraction near the endpoints of the principal spectrum. Our main contribution is providing examples of stealthy invariant random lattice orbits in trees whose number variance grows strictly slower than the volume along some unbounded sequence of radii. These random lattice orbits are constructed from the fundamental groups of complete graphs and the Petersen graph.

Subjects: Probability ; Dynamical Systems ; Group Theory

Publish: 2024-09-17 09:00:22 UTC

#9 Spectral localization estimates for abstract linear Schrödinger equations [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Author: Jingxuan Zhang

We study the propagation properties of abstract linear Schrödinger equations of the form $i\partial_t\psi = H_0\psi+V(t)\psi$, where $H_0$ is a self-adjoint operator and $V(t)$ a time-dependent potential. We present explicit sufficient conditions ensuring that if the initial state $\psi_0$ has spectral support in $(-\infty,0]$ with respect to a reference self-adjoint operator $\phi$, then, for some $c>0$ independent of $\psi_0$ and all $t\ne0$, the solution $\psi_t$ remains spectrally supported in $(-\infty,c|t|]$ with respect to $\phi$, up to an $O(|t|^{-n})$ remainder in norm. The main condition is that the multiple commutators of $H_0$ and $\phi$ are uniformly bounded in operator norm up to the $(n+1)$-th order. We then apply the abstract theory to a class of nonlocal Schrödinger equations on $\mathbb{R}^d$, proving that any solution with compactly supported initial state remains approximately supported, up to a polynomially suppressed tail in $L^2$-norm, inside a linearly spreading region around the initial support for all $t\ne0$.

Subjects: Analysis of PDEs ; Dynamical Systems

Publish: 2024-09-17 03:58:18 UTC

#10 Consensus in Models for Opinion Dynamics with Generalized-Bias [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Juan Paz ; Camilo Rocha ; Luis Tobòn ; Frank Valencia

Interest is growing in social learning models where users share opinions and adjust their beliefs in response to others. This paper introduces generalized-bias opinion models, an extension of the DeGroot model, that captures a broader range of cognitive biases. These models can capture, among others, dynamic (changing) influences as well as ingroup favoritism and out-group hostility, a bias where agents may react differently to opinions from members of their own group compared to those from outside. The reactions are formalized as arbitrary functions that depend, not only on opinion difference, but also on the particular opinions of the individuals interacting. Under certain reasonable conditions, all agents (despite their biases) will converge to a consensus if the influence graph is strongly connected, as in the original DeGroot model. The proposed approach combines different biases, providing deeper insights into the mechanics of opinion dynamics and influence within social networks.

Subjects: Social and Information Networks ; Dynamical Systems

Publish: 2024-09-17 00:53:40 UTC

#11 On the Local-Global Conjecture for Combinatorial Period Lengths of Closed Billiards on the Regular Pentagon [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Alex Kontorovich ; Xin Zhang

We study the set of combinatorial lengths of asymmetric periodic trajectories on the regular pentagon, proving a density-one version of a conjecture of Davis-Lelievre.

Subjects: Number Theory ; Dynamical Systems

Publish: 2024-09-16 19:26:12 UTC

#12 Temporal and Spacial Studies of Infectious Diseases: Mathematical Models and Numerical Solvers [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Md Abu Talha ; Yongjia Xu ; Shan Zhao ; Weihua Geng

The SIR model is a classical model characterizing the spreading of infectious diseases. This model describes the time-dependent quantity changes among Susceptible, Infectious, and Recovered groups. By introducing space-depend effects such as diffusion and creation in addition to the SIR model, the Fisher's model is in fact a more advanced and comprehensive model. However, the Fisher's model is much less popular than the SIR model in simulating infectious disease numerically due to the difficulties from the parameter selection, the involvement of 2-d/3-d spacial effects, the configuration of the boundary conditions, etc. This paper aim to address these issues by providing numerical algorithms involving space and time finite difference schemes and iterative methods, and its open-source Python code for solving the Fisher's model. This 2-D Fisher's solver is second order in space and up to the second order in time, which is rigorously verified using test cases with analytical solutions. Numerical algorithms such as SOR, implicit Euler, Staggered Crank-Nicolson, and ADI are combined to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the solver. It can handle various boundary conditions subject to different physical descriptions. In addition, real-world data of Covid-19 are used by the model to demonstrate its practical usage in providing prediction and inferences.

Subjects: Quantitative Methods ; Dynamical Systems

Publish: 2024-09-05 16:21:12 UTC