2024-12-04 | | Total: 6
Let $X$ be a quasi-Banach space of analytic functions in the unit disc and let $q>0$. A finite positive Borel measure $\mu$ in the closed unit disc $\overline{\mathbb{D}}$ is called a $q$-reverse Carleson measure for $X$ if and only if there exists a constant $C>0$ such that $$\|f\|_{X}\leq C \|f\|_{L^q(\overline{\mathbb D},d\mu)} $$ for all $f\in X\cap C(\overline{\mathbb D})$. We fully characterize the $q$-reverse Carleson measures with all $q>0$ for Hardy spaces $H^p(\mathbb D)$ with all $0<p\leq \infty$, for the space $\mathrm{BMOA}(\mathbb D)$ and for the Bloch space. In addition, we describe $q$-reverse Carleson measures for the holomorphic Triebel--Lizorkin spaces $HF_0^{q,r}$ and the holomorphic Besov spaces $HB_0^{q,r}$. Related results are obtained for the Hardy spaces and certain holomorphic Triebel--Lizorkin spaces in the unit ball of $\mathbb{C}^d$.
Using some estimates in [J. Funct. Anal. {\bf 278}(2020), Article No. 108401], we completely characterized the boundedness and compactness of the Stević-Sharma type operators with different weights and different composition symbols between Bergman spaces induced by two-sides doubling weights.
Let $X$ be a weakly pseudoconvex manifold and $L\longrightarrow X$ be a holomorphic line bundle with a singular positive Hermitian metric $h$. In this article, we provide a points separation theorem and an embedding for the adjoint linear subsystem including the multiplier ideal sheaf $\mathscr{I}(h^m)$, with respect to an appropriate set excluding a singular locus of $h$. We also show that the adjoint bundle of $L$ is big. To handle analytical methods, we first establish an approximation of singular Hermitian metrics on relatively compact subsets from Demailly's approximation that preserves ideal sheaves and is compatible with blow-ups. Using the blow-ups obtained from this approximation, we provide the embedding and big-ness for the adjoint bundle $K_X\otimes L^{\otimes m}\otimes\mathscr{I}(h^m)$ on each sublevel set $X_c$, and a singular holomorphic Morse inequality including ideal sheaves. Furthermore, we establish the approximation theorem for holomorphic sections of the adjoint bundle including the multiplier ideal sheaf, i.e. $K_X\otimes L\otimes\mathscr{I}(h)$, as a key result in the process of globalizing. Using these results, we can achieve points separation on each $X_c\setminus Z_c$, where $Z_c$ is an analytic subset obtained as a singular locus of the approximation, and then globalize this to provide embeddings. Finally, as an application of this blow-ups, we present a global singular Nakano vanishing theorem.
The aim of this work is to weaken the conditions of monogenity for functions that take values in subspaces of one concrete three-dimensional commutative algebras over the field of complex numbers. The monogenity of the function understood as a combination of its continuity with the existence of a Gato derivative.
In this paper, we research more in depth properties of Backtracking New Q-Newton's method (recently designed by the third author), when used to find roots of meromorphic functions. If $f=P/Q$, where $P$ and $Q$ are polynomials in 1 complex variable z with $deg (P)>deg (Q)$, we show the existence of an exceptional set $\mathcal{E}\subset\mathbf{C}$, which is contained in a countable union of real analytic curves in $\mathbf{R}^2=\mathbf{C}$, so that the following statements A and B hold. Here, $\{z_n\}$ is the sequence constructed by BNQN with an initial point $z_0$, not a pole of $f$. A) If $z_0\in\mathbb{C}\backslash\mathcal{E}$, then $\{z_n\}$ converges to a root of $f$. B) If $z_0\in \mathcal{E}$, then $\{z_n\}$ converges to a critical point - but not a root - of $f$. Experiments seem to indicate that in general, even when $f$ is a polynomial, the set $\mathcal{E}$ is not contained in a finite union of real analytic curves. We provide further results relevant to whether locally $\mathcal{E}$ is contained in a finite number of real analytic curves. A similar result holds for general meromorphic functions. Moreover, unlike previous work, here we do not require that the parameters of BNQN are random, or that the meromorphic function $f$ is generic. Based on the theoretical results, we explain (both rigorously and heuristically) of what observed in experiments with BNQN, in previous works by the authors. The dynamics of BNQN seems also to have some similarities (and differences) to the classical Leau-Fatou's flowers.
For $q \in (0, 1)$, the deformed exponential function $f(x) = \sum_{n \geq 1} x^n q^{n(n-1)/2}/n!$ is known to have infinitely many simple and negative zeros $\{x_k(q)\}_{k \geq 1}$. In this paper, we analyze the series expansions of $-x_k(q)/k$ and $k/x_k(q)$ in powers of $q$. We prove that the coefficients of these expansions are rational functions of the form $P_n(k)/Q_n(k)$ and $\widehat{P}_n(k)/Q_n(k)$, where $Q_n(k) \in {\mathbb Z}[k]$ is explicitly defined and the polynomials $P_n(k), \widehat{P}_n(k)\in {\mathbb Z}[k]$ can be computed recursively. We provide explicit formulas for the leading coefficients of $P_n(k)$ and $\widehat{P}_n(k)$ and compute the coefficients of these polynomials for $n \leq 300$. Numerical verification shows that $P_n(k)$ and $\widehat{P}_n(k)$ take non-negative values for all $k \in \mathbb{N}$ and $n\le 300$, offering further evidence in support of conjectures by Alan Sokal.