2025-03-06 | | Total: 10
Let $A=\begin{pmatrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{pmatrix}\in M_2\left(\mathbb{Z}\right)$ be a given matrix such that $bc\neq0$ and let $C(A)=\{B\in M_2(\mathbb{Z}): AB=BA\}$. In this paper, we give a necessary and sufficient condition for the solvability of the matrix equation $uX^i+vY^j=wZ^k,\, i,\, j,\, k\in\mathbb{N},\, X, \,Y,\, Z\in C(A)$, where $u,\, v,\, w$ are given nonzero integers such that $\gcd\left(u,\, v,\, w\right)=1$. From this, we get a necessary and sufficient condition for the solvability of the Fermat's matrix equation in $C(A)$. Moreover, we show that the solvability of the Catalan's matrix equation in $M_2\left(\mathbb{Z}\right)$ can be reduced to the solvability of the Catalan's matrix equation in $C(A)$, and finally to the solvability of the Catalan's equation in quadratic fields.
Let $F$ be a cuspidal Hermitian eigenform of degree two over $\mathbb{Q}(i)$, with first Fourier-Jacobi coefficient not identically zero. Building on a paper by Das and Jha, we prove the meromorphic continuation to $\mathbb{C}$ and the functional equation of a degree six $L$-function attached to $F$ by Gritsenko, twisted by a Dirichlet character.
Chevyrev-Galbraith and Goren-Love show that the successive minima of the Gross lattice of a supersingular elliptic curve can be used to characterize the endomorphism ring of that curve. In this paper, we show that the third successive minimum $D_3$ of the Gross lattice gives necessary and sufficient conditions for the curve to be defined over the field $\mathbb{F}_p$ or over the field $\mathbb{F}_{p^2}$. In the case where the curve $E$ is defined over $\mathbb{F}_p$, the value of $D_3$ can even yield finer information about the endomorphism ring of $E$.
Inspired by the proof of the Bertrand postulate given by P. ErdőS, we carefully examine and solve one less usual inequality in positive integers which could help to find an arithmetically pure proof that for every positive integer $n\ge2$ there is a prime $p$ such that $n<p<2n$.
Let $A\subset [1,x]$ be a set of primes with $|A|= \alpha x (\log x)^{-1}$ and $B\subset [1,x]$ be a set of integers with $|B|= \beta x$. We prove that for any $\kappa>0$ and $\alpha,\beta\in [(\log x)^{-\kappa},1]$, there exists a positive constant $c(\kappa)$ such that $$|A+B|\geq c(\kappa)\frac{\alpha x}{\log 2(\alpha \beta)^{-1}}.$$
In this paper, we investigate the shuffle product relations for Euler-Zagier multiple zeta functions as functional relations. To this end, we generalize the classical partial fraction decomposition formula and give two proofs. One is based on a connection formula for Gauss's hypergeometric functions, the other one is based on an elementary calculus. Though it is hard to write down explicit formula of the shuffle product relations for multiple zeta functions as in the case of multiple zeta values, we will provide inductive steps by using the zeta-functions of root systems. As an application, we get the functional double shuffle relations for multiple zeta functions and show that some relations for multiple zeta values/functions can be deduced from our results.
We prove that Robin's inequality and the Lagarias inequality hold for almost every number, including all numbers not divisible by one of the prime numbers $\{2,3,5\}$, primorials, sufficiently big numbers of the form $2^k n$ for odd $n$ and $21$-free integers. We also prove that the Kaneko-Lagarias inequality holds for all numbers if and only if it holds for all superabundant numbers.
Let $ k,l \geq 2$ be natural numbers, and let $d_k,d_l$ denote the $k$-fold and $l$-fold divisor functions, respectively. We analyse the asymptotic behavior of the sum $\sum_{x<n\leq x+H_1}d_k(n)d_l(n+h)$. More precisely, let $\varepsilon>0$ be a small fixed number and let $\Phi(x)$ be a positive function that tends to infinity arbitrarily slowly as $x\to \infty$. We then show that whenever $H_1\geq(\log x)^{\Phi(x)}$ and $(\log x)^{1000k\log k}\leq H_2\leq H_1^{1-\varepsilon }$, the expected asymptotic formula holds for almost all $x\in[X,2X]$ and almost all $1\leq h\leq H_2$.
Let $\mathcal{F}$ be a set of $n$ real analytic functions with linearly independent derivatives restricted to a compact interval $I$. We show that for any finite set $A \subset I$, there is a function $f \in \mathcal{F}$ that satisfies $$|2^{n-1}f(A)-(2^{n-1}-1)f(A)|\gg_{\mathcal{F},I} |A|^{\phi(n)},$$ where $\phi:\mathbb{N} \to \mathbb{R}$ satisfies the recursive formula $$\phi(1)=1, \quad \phi(n)=1+\frac{1}{1+\frac{1}{\phi(n-1)}} \quad \text{for } n\geq 2.$$ The above result allows us to prove the bound $$|2^nf(A-A)-(2^n-1)f(A-A)| \gg_{f,n,I} |A|^{1+\phi(n)}$$ where $f$ is an analytic function for which any $n$ distinct non-trivial discrete derivatives of $f'$ are linearly independent. This condition is satisfied, for instance, by any polynomial function of degree $m \geq n+1$. We also check this condition for the function $\arctan(e^x)$ with $n=3$, allowing us to improve upon a recent bound on the additive growth of the set of angles in a Cartesian product due to Roche-Newton.
We study the high-temperature equilibrium for the C*-algebra $\mathcal T(\mathbb N^\times \ltimes \mathbb Z)$ recently considered by an Huef, Laca and Raeburn. We show that the simplex of KMS$_\beta$ states at each inverse temperature $\beta$ in the critical interval $(0,1]$ is a Bauer simplex whose space of extreme points is homeomorphic to $\mathbb N \sqcup\{\infty\}$. This is in contrast to the uniqueness of equilibrium at high temperature observed in previously considered systems arising from number theory. We also establish a connection between the phase transitions on quotients of our system and the Bost-Connes phase transition.