2025-02-07 | | Total: 5
In 1954 B. H. Neumann discovered that if $G$ is a group in which all conjugacy classes have finite cardinality at most $m$, then the derived group $G'$ is finite of $m$-bounded order. In 2018 G. Dierings and P. Shumyatsky showed that if $|x^G| \le m$ for any commutator $x\in G$, then the second derived group $G''$ is finite and has $m$-bounded order. This paper deals with finite groups in which $|x^G|\le m$ whenever $x\in G$ is a commutator of prime power order. The main result is that $G''$ has $m$-bounded order.
Let $A$ and $G$ be finite groups such that $A$ acts coprimely on $G$ by automorphisms, assume that $G$ has a maximal $A$-invariant subgroup $M$ that is a direct product of some isomorphic simple groups, we prove that if $G$ has a non-trivial $A$-invariant normal subgroup $N$ such that $N\leq M$ and every non-nilpotent maximal $A$-invariant subgroup $K$ of $G$ not containing $N$ has index a prime-power and the projective special linear group $PSL_2(7)$ is not a composition factor of $G$, then $G$ is solvable.
In this paper we proved a pro-$\mathcal{C}$ version of the Rips-Sela Theorems on splittings as an amalgamated free product or HNN-extension over a cyclic subgroup, where $\mathcal{C}$ is a class of finite groups closed for subgroups, quotients, finite direct products and extensions with abelian kernel.
We follow in this paper a recent line of work, consisting in characterizing the periodically rigid finitely generated groups, i.e., the groups for which every subshift of finite type which is weakly aperiodic is also strongly aperiodic. In particular, we show that every finitely generated group admitting a presentation with one reduced relator and at least $3$ generators is periodically rigid if and only if it is either virtually cyclic or torsion-free virtually $\mathbb Z^2$. This proves a special case of a recent conjecture of Bitar (2024). We moreover prove that period rigidity is preserved under taking subgroups of finite indices. Using a recent theorem of MacManus (2023), we derive from our results that Bitar's conjecture holds in groups whose Cayley graphs are quasi-isometric to planar graphs.
In this paper, we explore the bounded cohomology of quandles and its applications to knot theory. We establish two key results that provide sufficient conditions for the infinite dimensionality of the second bounded cohomology of quandles. The first condition involves a subspace of homogeneous group quasimorphisms on the inner automorphism group of the quandle, whereas the second condition concerns the vanishing of the stable commutator length on a subgroup of this inner automorphism group. As topological applications, we show that the second bounded cohomology of the quandle of any non-split link whose link group is non-solvable as well as the quandle of any split link, is infinite dimensional. From these results, we conclude that the second bounded cohomology of the knot quandle can be used to detect the unknot. On the algebraic side, we prove that the second bounded cohomology of a free product of quandles is infinite dimensional if the inner automorphism group of at least one of the free factors is amenable. This leads to the result that the second bounded cohomology of free quandles of rank greater than one, as well as their canonical quotients, is infinite dimensional.