Geometric Topology

2024-10-22 | | Total: 14

#1 Clock Moves and Alexander Polynomial of Plane Graphs [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Wenbo Liao ; Zhongtao Wu

In this paper, we introduce a notion of clock moves for spanning trees in plane graphs. This enables us to develop a spanning tree model of an Alexander polynomial for a plane graph and prove the unimodal property of its associate coefficient sequence. In particular, this confirms the trapezoidal conjecture for planar singular knots and gives new insights to Fox's original conjecture on alternating knots.

Subject: Geometric Topology

Publish: 2024-10-21 15:54:03 UTC

#2 Profinite almost rigidity in 3-manifolds [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Author: Xiaoyu Xu

We prove that any compact, orientable 3-manifold with empty or incompressible toral boundary is profinitely almost rigid among all compact, orientable, boundary-incompressible 3-manifolds, i.e. the profinite completion of its fundamental group determines its homeomorphism type up to finitely many possibilities. Moreover, the profinite completion of the fundamental group of a mixed 3-manifold, together with the peripheral structure, uniquely determines the homeomorphism type of its Seifert part (i.e. the maximal graph manifold components in the JSJ-decomposition). On the other hand, without assigning the peripheral structure, the profinite completion of a mixed 3- manifold group may not even determine the fundamental group of its Seifert part. The proof is based on JSJ-decomposition.

Subjects: Geometric Topology ; Group Theory

Publish: 2024-10-21 13:34:38 UTC

#3 On the neighborhood of knots [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Author: Eleni Panagiotou

This manuscript introduces a new framework for the study of knots by exploring the neighborhood of knot embeddings in the space of simple open and closed curves in 3-space. The latter gives rise to a knotoid spectrum, which determines the knot type via its knot-type knotoids. We prove that the pure knotoids in the knotoid spectra of a knot, which are individually agnostic of the knot type, can distinguish knots of Gordian distance greater than one. We also prove that the neighborhood of some embeddings of the unknot can be distinguished from any embedding of any non-trivial knot that satisfies the cosmetic crossing conjecture. Topological invariants of knots can be extended to their open curve neighborhood to define continuous functions in the neighborhood of knots. We discuss their properties and prove that invariants in the neighborhood of knots may be able to distinguish more knots than their application to the knots themselves. For example, we prove that an invariant of knots that fails to distinguish mutant knots (and mutant knotoids), can distinguish them by their neighborhoods, unless it also fails to distinguish non-mutant pure knotoids in their spectra. Studying the neighborhood of knots opens the possibility of answering questions, such as if an invariant can detect the unknot, via examining possibly easier questions, such as whether it can distinguish height one knotoids from the trivial knotoid.

Subject: Geometric Topology

Publish: 2024-10-21 02:22:50 UTC

#4 Connectivity in the space of framed hyperbolic 3-manifolds [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Author: Matthew Zevenbergen

We prove that the space $\mathcal{H}_\infty$ of framed infinite volume hyperbolic $3$-manifolds is connected but not path connected. Two proofs of connectivity of this space, which is equipped with the geometric topology, are given, each utilizing the density theorem for Kleinian groups. In particular, we decompose $\mathcal{H}_\infty$ into a union of leaves, each leaf corresponding to the set of framings on a fixed manifold, and construct a leaf which is dense in $\mathcal{H}_\infty$. Examples of paths in $\mathcal{H}_\infty$ are discussed, and machinery for analyzing general paths is developed, allowing for a description of paths of convex cocompact framed manifolds. The discussion of paths culminates in describing an infinite family of non-tame hyperbolic $3$-manifolds whose corresponding leaves are path components of $\mathcal{H}_\infty$, which establishes that $\mathcal{H}_\infty$ is not path connected.

Subject: Geometric Topology

Publish: 2024-10-20 23:39:21 UTC

#5 $N$-dimensional beaded necklaces and higher dimensional wild knots, invariant by a Schottky group [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Juan Pablo Díaz ; Gabriela Hinojosa ; Alberto Verjovsky

Starting with a smooth $n$-dimensional knot $K\subset\bS^{n+2}$, and a beaded $n$-dimensional necklace subordinated to $K$, we construct a wild knot with a Cantor set of wild points (\ie the knot is not locally flat in these points). The construction uses the conformal Schottky group acting on $\bS^{n+2}$, generated by inversions on the spheres which are the boundary of the``beads''. We show that if $K$ is a fibered knot then the wild knot is also fibered. We also study cyclic branched coverings along the wild knots.

Subject: Geometric Topology

Publish: 2024-10-19 19:16:46 UTC

#6 On the symmetric braid index of ribbon knots [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Vitalijs Brejevs ; Feride Ceren Kose

We define the symmetric braid index $b_s(K)$ of a ribbon knot $K$ to be the smallest index of a braid whose closure yields a symmetric union diagram of $K$, and derive a Khovanov-homological characterisation of knots with $b_s(K)$ at most three. As applications, we show that there exist knots whose symmetric braid index is strictly greater than the braid index, and deduce that every chiral slice knot with determinant one has braid index at least four. We also calculate bounds for $b_s(K)$ for prime ribbon knots with at most 11 crossings.

Subject: Geometric Topology

Publish: 2024-10-18 22:19:37 UTC

#7 Bialgebras, and Lie monoid actions in Morse and Floer theory, I [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Guillem Cazassus ; Alexander Hock ; Thibaut Mazuir

We introduce a new family of oriented manifolds with boundaries called the forest biassociahedra and forest bimultiplihedra, generalizing the standard biassociahedra. They are defined as moduli spaces of ascending-descending biforests and are expected to act as parameter spaces for operations defined on Morse and Floer chains in the context of compact Lie group actions. We study the structure of their boundary, and derive some algebraic notions of ``$f$-bialgebras'', as well as related notions of bimodules, morphisms and categories. This allows us to state some conjectures describing compact Lie group actions on Morse and Floer chains, and on Fukaya categories.

Subjects: Symplectic Geometry ; Combinatorics ; Category Theory ; Geometric Topology ; Quantum Algebra

Publish: 2024-10-21 17:29:03 UTC

#8 A note on a nontrivial connected component of the space of symplectic structures [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Author: Luya Wang

This note provides the first example of a nontrivial connected component of the space of symplectic structures standard at infinity in dimension four.

Subjects: Symplectic Geometry ; Geometric Topology

Publish: 2024-10-21 17:16:37 UTC

#9 Locally approximating groups of homeomorphisms of manifolds [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Thomas Koberda ; J. de la Nuez González

Let $M$ be a compact, connected manifold of positive dimension and let $\mathcal G\leq\textrm{Homeo}(M)$ be \emph{locally approximating} in the sense that for all open $U\subseteq M$ compactly contained in a single Euclidean chart of $M$, the subgroup $\mathcal G[U]$ consisting of elements of $\mathcal G$ supported in $U$ is dense in the full group of homeomorphisms supported in $U$. We prove that $\mathcal G$ interprets first order arithmetic, as well as a first order predicate that encodes membership in finitely generated subgroups of $\mathcal G$. As a consequence, we show that if $\mathcal G$ is not finitely generated, then no group elementarily equivalent to $\mathcal G$ can be finitely generated. We show that many finitely generated locally approximating groups of homeomorphisms $\mathcal G$ of a manifold are prime models of their theories, and give conditions that guarantee any finitely presented group $G$ that is elementarily equivalent to $\mathcal G$ is isomorphic to $\mathcal G$. We thus recover some results of Lasserre about the model theory of Thompson's groups $F$ and $T$. Finally, we obtain several action rigidity result for locally approximating groups of homeomorphisms. If $\mathcal G$ acts in a locally approximating way on a compact, connected manifold $M$ then the dimension of $M$ is uniquely determined by the elementary equivalence class of $\mathcal G$. Moreover, if $\dim M\leq 3$ then $M$ is uniquely determined up to homeomorphism. In for general closed smooth manifolds, the homotopy type of $M$ is uniquely determined. In this way, we obtain a generalization of a well-known result of Rubin.

Subjects: Group Theory ; Geometric Topology ; Logic

Publish: 2024-10-21 15:35:59 UTC

#10 Cohomotopy Sets of $(n-1)$-connected $(2n+2)$-manifolds for small $n$ [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Pengcheng Li ; Jianzhong Pan ; Jie Wu

Let $M$ be a closed orientable $(n-1)$-connected $(2n+2)$-manifold, $n\geq 2$. In this paper we combine the Postnikov tower of spheres and the homotopy decomposition of the reduced suspension space $\Sigma M$ to investigate the cohomotopy sets $\pi^\ast(M)$ for $n=2,3,4$, under the assumption that $M$ has $2$-torsion-free homology. All cohomotopy sets $\pi^i(M)$ of such manifolds $M$ are characterized except $\pi^4(M)$ for $n=3,4$.

Subjects: Algebraic Topology ; Geometric Topology

Publish: 2024-10-21 14:33:16 UTC

#11 Legendrian non-isotopic unit conormal bundles in higher dimensions [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Author: Yukihiro Okamoto

For any compact connected submanifold $K$ of $\mathbb{R}^n$, let $\Lambda_K$ denote its unit conormal bundle, which is a Legendrian submanifold of the unit cotangent bundle of $\mathbb{R}^n$. In this paper, we give examples of pairs $(K_0,K_1)$ of compact connected submanifolds of $\mathbb{R}^n$ such that $\Lambda_{K_0}$ is not Legendrian isotopic to $\Lambda_{K_1}$, although they cannot be distinguished by classical invariants. Here, $K_1$ is the image of an embedding $\iota_f \colon K_0 \to \mathbb{R}^n$ which is regular homotopic to the inclusion map of $K_0$ and the codimension in $\mathbb{R}^n$ is greater than or equal to $4$. As non-classical invariants, we define the strip Legendrian contact homology and a coproduct on it under certain conditions on Legendrian submanifolds. Then, we give a purely topological description of these invariants for $\Lambda_K$ when the codimension of $K$ is greater than or equal to $4$. The main examples $\Lambda_{K_0}$ and $\Lambda_{K_1}$ are distinguished by the coproduct, which is computed by using an idea of string topology.

Subjects: Symplectic Geometry ; Geometric Topology

Publish: 2024-10-21 12:04:14 UTC

#12 Quantiles and Quantile Regression on Riemannian Manifolds: a measure-transportation-based approach [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Marc Hallin ; Hang Liu

Increased attention has been given recently to the statistical analysis of variables with values on nonlinear manifolds. A natural but nontrivial problem in that context is the definition of quantile concepts. We are proposing a solution for compact Riemannian manifolds without boundaries; typical examples are polyspheres, hyperspheres, and toro\"ıdal manifolds equipped with their Riemannian metrics. Our concept of quantile function comes along with a concept of distribution function and, in the empirical case, ranks and signs. The absence of a canonical ordering is offset by resorting to the data-driven ordering induced by optimal transports. Theoretical properties, such as the uniform convergence of the empirical distribution and conditional (and unconditional) quantile functions and distribution-freeness of ranks and signs, are established. Statistical inference applications, from goodness-of-fit to distribution-free rank-based testing, are without number. Of particular importance is the case of quantile regression with directional or toro\"ıdal multiple output, which is given special attention in this paper. Extensive simulations are carried out to illustrate these novel concepts.

Subjects: Statistics Theory ; Geometric Topology ; Methodology

Publish: 2024-10-21 07:31:56 UTC

#13 A New Polynomial for Checkerboard-Colorable 4-Valent Virtual Graphs [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Hamid Abchir ; Mohammed Sabak ; Khaled Qazaqzeh

We assign a new polynomial to any checkerboard-colorable 4-valent virtual graph in terms of its Euler circuit expansion. This provides a new combinatorial formulation of the Kauffman-Jones polynomial for checkerboard-colorable virtual links.

Subjects: Combinatorics ; Geometric Topology

Publish: 2024-10-21 01:44:13 UTC

#14 The Pants Graph of a Rose [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Author: Donggyun Seo

We introduce the concept of a pants decomposition for a rose, where a rose is defined as a wedge sum of finitely many circles, and construct the corresponding pants graph of a rose. A pants decomposition of a rose leads to the formation of a simplicial graph, referred to as the pants graph of a rose, consisting of all possible pants decompositions. Recall that the outer automorphism group of a free group is isomorphic to the group of homotopy classes of homotopy equivalences of a rose. The natural isometric action of this group on the pants graph induces a coarsely Lipschitz orbit map. Additionally, we construct a coarsely Lipschitz map from the pants graph to the free splitting complex. These results imply that the pants graph of a rose is both connected and unbounded.

Subjects: Group Theory ; Geometric Topology

Publish: 2024-10-20 04:20:06 UTC