Symplectic Geometry

2024-10-22 | | Total: 5

#1 Bialgebras, and Lie monoid actions in Morse and Floer theory, I [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Guillem Cazassus ; Alexander Hock ; Thibaut Mazuir

We introduce a new family of oriented manifolds with boundaries called the forest biassociahedra and forest bimultiplihedra, generalizing the standard biassociahedra. They are defined as moduli spaces of ascending-descending biforests and are expected to act as parameter spaces for operations defined on Morse and Floer chains in the context of compact Lie group actions. We study the structure of their boundary, and derive some algebraic notions of ``$f$-bialgebras'', as well as related notions of bimodules, morphisms and categories. This allows us to state some conjectures describing compact Lie group actions on Morse and Floer chains, and on Fukaya categories.

Subjects: Symplectic Geometry ; Combinatorics ; Category Theory ; Geometric Topology ; Quantum Algebra

Publish: 2024-10-21 17:29:03 UTC

#2 A note on a nontrivial connected component of the space of symplectic structures [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Author: Luya Wang

This note provides the first example of a nontrivial connected component of the space of symplectic structures standard at infinity in dimension four.

Subjects: Symplectic Geometry ; Geometric Topology

Publish: 2024-10-21 17:16:37 UTC

#3 Legendrian non-isotopic unit conormal bundles in higher dimensions [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Author: Yukihiro Okamoto

For any compact connected submanifold $K$ of $\mathbb{R}^n$, let $\Lambda_K$ denote its unit conormal bundle, which is a Legendrian submanifold of the unit cotangent bundle of $\mathbb{R}^n$. In this paper, we give examples of pairs $(K_0,K_1)$ of compact connected submanifolds of $\mathbb{R}^n$ such that $\Lambda_{K_0}$ is not Legendrian isotopic to $\Lambda_{K_1}$, although they cannot be distinguished by classical invariants. Here, $K_1$ is the image of an embedding $\iota_f \colon K_0 \to \mathbb{R}^n$ which is regular homotopic to the inclusion map of $K_0$ and the codimension in $\mathbb{R}^n$ is greater than or equal to $4$. As non-classical invariants, we define the strip Legendrian contact homology and a coproduct on it under certain conditions on Legendrian submanifolds. Then, we give a purely topological description of these invariants for $\Lambda_K$ when the codimension of $K$ is greater than or equal to $4$. The main examples $\Lambda_{K_0}$ and $\Lambda_{K_1}$ are distinguished by the coproduct, which is computed by using an idea of string topology.

Subjects: Symplectic Geometry ; Geometric Topology

Publish: 2024-10-21 12:04:14 UTC

#4 Berglund-Hübsch mirrors of invertible curve singularities via Floer theory [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Cheol-Hyun Cho ; Dongwook Choa ; Wonbo Jeong

We find a Floer theoretic approach to obtain the transpose polynomial $W^T$ of an invertible curve singularity $W$. This gives an intrinsic construction of the mirror transpose polynomial and enables us to define a canonical $A_\infty$-functor that takes Lagrangians in the Milnor fiber of W and converts them into matrix factorizations of $W^T$. We find Lagrangians in the Milnor fiber of $W$ that are mirror to the indecomposable matrix factorizations of $W^T$ when $W^T$ is ADE singularity and discover that Auslander-Reiten exact sequences can be realized as surgery exact triangles of Lagrangians in the mirror. There are two primary steps in the Floer theoretic method for obtaining a transposition polynomial: To get a Lagrangian $L$ and corresponding disc potential function $W_L$, we first determine the quotient $X$ by the maximal symmetry group for the Milnor fiber. Second, we define a class $\Gamma$ of symplectic cohomology of $X$ based on the monodromy of the singularity $W$. Another disc counting function, $g$, is defined by the closed-open image of $\Gamma$ on $L$. We demonstrate that restricting to the hypersurface $g = 0$ transforms the disc potential function $W_L$ into the transpose polynomial W T. This second step is the mirror of taking the cone of quantum cap action by the monodromy class $\Gamma$.

Subjects: Symplectic Geometry ; Rings and Algebras

Publish: 2024-09-10 17:14:29 UTC

#5 Born geometry via Künneth structures and recursion operators [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: M. J. D. Hamilton ; D. Kotschick ; P. N. Pilatus

We propose a simple definition of a Born geometry in the framework of Künneth geometry. While superficially different, this new definition is equivalent to the known definitions in terms of para-quaternionic or generalized geometries. We discuss integrability of Born structures and their associated connections. In particular we find that for integrable Born geometries the Born connection is obtained by a simple averaging under a conjugation from the Künneth connection. We also give examples of integrable Born geometries on nilmanifolds.

Subjects: Differential Geometry ; Mathematical Physics ; Symplectic Geometry

Publish: 2024-10-20 14:28:03 UTC