2024-09-18 | | Total: 3
In 1995, Cohen, Jones and Segal proposed a method of upgrading any given Floer homology to a stable homotopy-valued invariant. For a generic pseudo-gradient Morse-Bott flow on a closed smooth manifold $M$, we rigorously construct the conjectural stable normal framings, which are an essential ingredient in their construction, and give a rigorous proof that the resulting stable homotopy type recovers $\Sigma^\infty_+ M$. We further show that one can recover Thom spectra $M^E$ for all reduced $KO$-theory classes $E$ on $M$, by using slightly modified stable normal framings. Our paper also includes a construction of the smooth corner structure on compactified moduli spaces of broken flow lines with free endpoint, a formal construction of Piunikhin-Salamon-Schwarz type continuation maps, and a way to relax the stable normal framing condition to orientability in orthogonal spectra.
Motivated by applications to spaces of embeddings and automorphisms of manifolds, we consider a tower of $\infty$-categories of truncated right-modules over a unital $\infty$-operad $\mathcal{O}$. We study monoidality and naturality properties of this tower, identify its layers, describe the difference between the towers as $\mathcal{O}$ varies, and generalise these results to the level of Morita $(\infty,2)$-categories. Applied to the ${\rm BO}(d)$-framed $E_d$-operad, this extends Goodwillie-Weiss' embedding calculus and its layer identification to the level of bordism categories. Applied to other variants of the $E_d$-operad, it yields new versions of embedding calculus, such as one for topological embeddings, based on ${\rm BTop}(d)$, or one similar to Boavida de Brito-Weiss' configuration categories, based on ${\rm BAut}(E_d)$. In addition, we prove a delooping result in the context of embedding calculus, establish a convergence result for topological embedding calculus, improve upon the smooth convergence result of Goodwillie, Klein, and Weiss, and deduce an Alexander trick for homology 4-spheres.
We compute the Balmer spectrum of a certain tensor triangulated category of comodules over the mod 2 dual Steenrod algebra. This computation effectively classifies the thick subcategories, resolving a conjecture of Palmieri.