2025-01-17 | | Total: 4
Type $A$ and type $B$ permutohedral varieties are classic examples of mathematics, and their topological invariants are well known. This naturally leads to the investigation of the topology of their real loci, known as type $A$ and type $B$ real permutohedral varieties. The rational cohomology rings of type $A$ real permutohedral varieties are fully described in terms of alternating permutations. Until now, only rational Betti numbers of type $B$ real permutohedral varieties have been described in terms of $B$-snakes. In this paper, we explicitly describe the multiplicative structure of the cohomology rings of type $B$ real permutohedral varieties in terms of $B$-snakes.
We bring spaces over the classifying space $BS^1$ of the circle group $S^1$ to persistence theory via the singular cohomology with coefficients in a field. Then, the {\it cohomology} interleaving distance (CohID) between spaces over $BS^1$ is introduced and considered in the category of persistent differential graded modules. In particular, we show that the distance coincides with the {\it interleaving distance in the homotopy category} in the sense of Lanari and Scoccola and the {\it homotopy interleaving distance} in the sense of Blumberg and Lesnick. Moreover, upper and lower bounds of the CohID are investigated with the cup-lengths of spaces over $BS^1$. As a computational example, we explicitly determine the CohID for complex projective spaces by utilizing the bottleneck distance of barcodes associated with the cohomology of the spaces.
In this article we investigate the question of chromatic purity of L-theory. To do so, we utilize the theory of additive GW and L-theory in the language of Poincaré categories as laid out in the series of papers by Calmès et al. We apply this theory to chromatically localised L-theory at the prime $p=2$ and recover the L-theoretic analogues of chromatic purity for $E_1$-rings with involution. From this, we deduce that L-theory does not exhibit chromatic redshift. We deduce the higher chromatic vanishing of quadratic L-theory of arbitrary idempotent complete categories, thereby allowing the use of Hermitian trace methods to probe chromatic behaviour of GW and L-theory. Finally, we show that for $T(n+1)$-acyclic rings with involution, $T(n+1)$-local GW-theory depends only on $T(n+1)$-local K-theory and the associated duality, thereby proving a chromatic analogue of the homotopy limit problem for GW-theory.
For $X$ a finite category and $F$ a finite field, we study the additive image of the functor $\operatorname{H}_0(-,F) \colon \operatorname{rep}(X, \mathbf{Top}) \to \operatorname{rep}(X, \mathbf{Vect}_F)$, or equivalently, of the free functor $\operatorname{rep}(X, \mathbf{Set}) \to \operatorname{rep}(X, \mathbf{Vect}_F)$. We characterize all finite categories $X$ for which the indecomposables in the additive image coincide with the indecomposable indicator representations and provide examples of quivers of wild representation type where the additive image contains only finitely many indecomposables. Motivated by questions in topological data analysis, we conduct a detailed analysis of the additive image for finite grids. In particular, we show that for grids of infinite representation type, there exist infinitely many indecomposables both within and outside the additive image. We develop an algorithm for determining if a representation of a finite category is in the additive image. In addition, we investigate conditions for realizability and the effect of modifications of the source category and the underlying field. The paper concludes with a discussion of the additive image of $\operatorname{H}_n(-,F)$ for an arbitrary field $F$, extending previous work for prime fields.