2024-11-06 | | Total: 11
Let $V$ be a finite-dimensional complex vector space. Assume that $V$ is a direct sum of subspaces each of which is equipped with a nondegenerate symmetric or skew-symmetric bilinear form. In this paper, we introduce a stratification of the Grassmannian $\mathrm{Gr}_k(V)$ related to the action of the appropriate product of orthogonal and symplectic groups, and we study the topology of this stratification. The main results involve sheaves with coefficients in a field of characteristic other than $2$. We prove that there are "enough" parity sheaves, and that the hypercohomology of each parity sheaf also satisfies a parity-vanishing property. This situation arises in the following context: let $x$ be a nilpotent element in the Lie algebra of either $G = \mathrm{Sp}_N(\mathbb{C})$ or $G = \mathrm{SO}_N(\mathbb{C})$, and let $V = \ker x \subset \mathbb{C}^N$. Our stratification of $\mathrm{Gr}_k(V)$ is preserved by the centralizer $G^x$, and we expect our results to have applications in Springer theory for classical groups.
The celebrated Cauchy identity expresses the product of terms $(1 - x_i y_j)^{-1}$ for $(i,j)$ indexing entries of a rectangular $m\times n$-matrix as a sum over partitions $\lambda$ of products of Schur polynomials: $s_{\lambda}(x)s_{\lambda}(y)$. Algebraically, this identity comes from the decomposition of the symmetric algebra of the space of rectangular matrices, considered as a $\mathfrak{gl}_m$-$\mathfrak{gl}_n$-bi-module. We generalize the Cauchy decomposition by replacing rectangular matrices with arbitrary staircase-shaped matrices equipped with the left and right actions of the Borel upper-triangular subalgebras. For any given staircase shape $\mathsf{Y}$ we describe left and right "standard" filtrations on the symmetric algebra of the space of shape $\mathsf{Y}$ matrices. We show that the subquotients of these filtrations are tensor products of Demazure and van der Kallen modules over the Borel subalgebras. On the level of characters, we derive three distinct expansions for the product $(1 - x_i y_j)^{-1}$ for $(i,j) \in \mathsf{Y}$. The first two expansions are sums of products of key polynomials $\kappa_\lambda(x)$ and Demazure atoms $a_{\mu}(y)$. The third expansion is an alternating sum of products of key polynomials $\kappa_{\lambda}(x)\,\kappa_{\mu}(y)$.
For a generalized root system of affine ADE type, we introduce a twist automorphism. We prove that the Dubrovin-Zhang extended affine Weyl group is isomorphic to our (modified) extended affine Weyl group, which is an extension of the affine Weyl group by the twist automorphism. We also show that the number of root bases with a Coxeter transformation modulo the twist automorphism is equal to the degree of the Lyashko-Looijenga map of the Frobenius manifold constructed by Dubrovin-Zhang. As analogues of the extended affine Weyl group, we define an extended Artin group and an extended Seidel-Thomas braid group. We study the relationship between the extended affine Weyl group and the extended Seidel-Thomas braid group.
Let $\mathrm{Mp}(2n)$ be the metaplectic group of rank $n$ over a local field $F$ of characteristic zero. In this note, we determine the behavior of endoscopic transfer for $\mathrm{Mp}(2n)$ under variation of additive characters of $F$. The arguments are based on properties of transfer factor, requiring no deeper results from representation theory. Combined with the endoscopic character relations of Luo, this provides a simple and uniform proof of a theorem of Gan-Savin, which describes how the local Langlands correspondence for $\mathrm{Mp}(2n)$ depends on the additive characters.
In this paper we investigate the Lie algebra structure of the first relative Hochschild cohomology and its relation with the relative notion of fundamental group. Let $A,B$ be finite-dimensional basic $k$-algebras over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero, such that $Q_B$ is a subquiver of $Q_A$. We show that if the complement of $Q_A$ by the arrows of $Q_B$ is a simple directed graph, then the first relative Hochschild cohomology $\text{HH}^1(A|B)$ is a solvable Lie algebra. We also compute the Lie algebra structure of the first relative Hochschild cohomology for radical square zero algebras and for dual extension algebras of directed monomial algebras. Finally, we introduce the notion of fundamental group for a pair of an algebra $A$ and a subalgebra $B$ and we construct the relative version of the map from the dual fundamental group into the first Hochschild cohomology.
We consider endomorphism algebras of $n$-term silting complexes in derived categories of hereditary algebras, and we show that the module category of such an endomorphism algebra has a separated $n$-section. For $n=3$ we obtain a trisection in the sense of [2].
The irreducible modules over quiver Hecke superalgebras $R_\theta$ can be classified in terms of cuspidal modules. To an indivisible positive root $\alpha$ and a non-negative integer $d$, one associates a quotient $\bar R_{d\alpha}$ of $R_{d\alpha}$ called the cuspidal algebra. If the root $\alpha$ is real, the cuspidal algebra is well-understood. But if $\alpha=\delta$, the imaginary null-root, the {\em imaginary cuspidal algebra} $\bar R_{d\delta}$ is rather mysterious. It has been known that the number of the isomorphism classes of the irreducible $\bar R_{d\delta}$-modules equals the number of the $\ell$-multipartitions of $d$, but there has been no way to canonically associate an irreducible $\bar R_{d\delta}$-module to such a multipartiton. The imaginary cuspidal algebra is especially important because of its connections to the RoCK blocks of the double covers of symmetric and alternating groups. We undertake a detailed study of the imaginary cuspidal algebra and its representation theory. We use the so-called Gelfand-Graev idempotents and subtle degree and parity shifts to construct a (graded) Morita (super)equivalent algebra $\mathsf{C}(n,d)$ (for any $n\geq d$). The advantage of the algebra $\mathsf{C}(n,d)$ is that, unlike $\bar R_{d\delta}$, it is non-negatively graded. Moreover, the degree zero component $\mathsf{C}(n,d)^0$ is shown to be isomorphic to the direct sum of tensor products of $\ell$ copies of the classical Schur algebras. This gives the classification (and the description of dimensions/characters, etc.) of the irreducible $\mathsf{C}(n,d)$-modules, and hence of the irreducible $\bar R_{d\delta}$-modules, in terms of the classical Schur algebras. In particular, this allows us to canonically label these by the $\ell$-multipartitions of $d$. The results of this paper will be used in our future work on RoCK blocks of the double covers of symmetric groups.
We explicitly compute the dimensions of certain idempotent truncations of RoCK blocks of cyclotomic quiver Hecke superalgebras. Equivalently, this amounts to a computation of the value of the Shapovalov form on certain explicit vectors in the basic representations of twisted affine Kac-Moody Lie algebras of type $A$.
Let $\k$ be a characteristic zero PID, $S$ be a $\k$-algebra and $T\subseteq S$ be a full rank subalgebra. Suppose the algebra $T$ is symmetric. It is important to know when $T$ is a {\em maximal symmetric subalgebra} of $S$, i.e. no $\k$-subalgebra $C$ satisfying $T\subsetneq C\subseteq S$ is symmetric. In this note we establish a useful sufficient condition for this using a notion of a quasi-unit of an algebra. This condition is used to obtain an old and a new results on maximal symmetricity for generalized Schur algebras corresponding to certain Brauer tree algebras. The old result was used in our work with Evseev on RoCK blocks of symmetric groups. The new result will be used in our forthcoming work on RoCK blocks of double covers of symmetric groups.
We provide a description of Iwahori-Whittaker equivariant perverse sheaves on affine flag varieties associated to tamely ramified reductive groups, in terms of Langlands dual data. This extends the work of Arkhipov-Bezrukavnikov from the case of split reductive groups. To achieve this, we first extend the theory of Wakimoto sheaves to our context and prove convolution exact central objects admit a filtration by such. We then establish the tilting property of the Iwahori-Whittaker averaging of certain central objects arising from the geometric Satake equivalence, which enables us to address the absence of an appropriate analogue of Gaitsgory's central functor for non-split groups.
We define $2n$-multiwebs on planar graphs and discuss their relation with $\mathrm{Sp}(2n)$-webs. On a planar graph with a symplectic local system we define a matrix whose Pfaffian is the sum of traces of $2n$-multiwebs. As application we generalize Kasteleyn's theorem from dimer covers to $2n$-multiweb covers of planar graphs with $U(n)$ gauge group. For $\mathrm{Sp}(4)$ we relate Kuperberg's ``tetravalent vertex'' to the determinant, and classify reduced $4$-webs on some simple surfaces: the annulus, torus, and pair of pants. We likewise define, for $\mathrm{Sp}(2n)$ and $q=1$, a $2n$-valent vertex corresponding to the determinant, and classify reduced $2n$-webs on an annulus.