2024-09-18 | | Total: 7
We present a general method to determine the probability that stochastic Monte Carlo data, in particular those generated in a lattice QCD calculation, would have been obtained were that data drawn from the distribution predicted by a given theoretical hypothesis. Such a probability, or p-value, is often used as an important heuristic measure of the validity of that hypothesis. The proposed method offers the benefit that it remains usable in cases where the standard Hotelling $T^2$ methods based on the conventional $\chi^2$ statistic do not apply, such as for uncorrelated fits. Specifically, we analyze a general alternative to the correlated $\chi^2$ statistic referred to as $q^2$, and show how to use the bootstrap as a data-driven method to determine the expected distribution of $q^2$ for a given hypothesis with minimal assumptions. This distribution can then be used to determine the p-value for a fit to the data. We also describe a bootstrap approach for quantifying the impact upon this p-value of estimating population parameters from a single ensemble of $N$ samples. The overall method is accurate up to a $1/N$ bias which we do not attempt to quantify.
We report on our ongoing lattice QCD computation of antistatic-antistatic potentials in the presence of two light quarks using the CLS $N_f=2$ gauge configurations and the OpenQ*D codebase. We utilize a set of 16 creation operators, corresponding to 8 sectors characterized by angular momentum and parity quantum numbers for light quarks $qq = (ud - du) / \sqrt{2}$ (isospin $0$), $qq \in \{ uu , (ud + du) / \sqrt{2}, dd \}$ (isospin $1$) and $qq \in \{ us , ds \}$ (isospin $1/2$ and strangeness $-1$). We improve on previous work by considering a large number of off-axis separations of the static antiquarks and by using tree-level improvement. The resulting potentials provide vague indication for one-pion exchange at $\bar Q \bar Q$ separations $r \gtrapprox$ 0.5 fm.
The masses, the fine-structure splitting, and two-photon decay widths of the higher $nP$-charmonium states are calculated in the relativistic string model, reduced to the spinless Salpeter equation, where the static potential has no fitting parameters and the $c-$quark mass has the physical value. The resulting masses of $h_c(3P)$, $\chi_{c1}(3P)$, $\chi_{c0}(4P)$, $\chi_{c0}(5P)$, $\chi_{c1}(5P)$ are obtained in a good agreement with the experimental masses of the LHCb resonances: $h_c(4300)$, $\chi_{c1}(4274)$, $X(4500)$, $X(4700)$, $X(4685)$. To test sensitivity of results to a chosen gluon-exchange (GE) potential, three types of $V_{ge}(r)$ are considered. In first case the non-screened GE potential with large vector coupling at asymptotic, $\alpha_{\rm V}(\rm asym.)=0.635$, and the $c$-quark mass $m_c=1.430$ GeV are taken; in second case a screened $V_{ge}$ and $m_c=1.385$ are investigated, and in third case the GE potential is totally suppressed, $V_{ge}=0$, and $m_c=1.32$ GeV. The agreement with experiment is reached only if the same (universal) flattened confining potential, introduced in the analysis of the radial Regge trajectories of light mesons, is used. The unobserved $6P,0^+$ resonance with the mass $\cong 4.81$ GeV, near $J/\psi\phi(1680)$ threshold, is predicted. Our analysis shows that the screening of the GE potential is possible but weakly affects the physical results obtained. The calculated two-photon decay widths weakly differ in the three cases but may become an important factor, which distinguishes $c\bar c$ and four-quark states.
We propose and analyze a deformation of the 3+1d lattice $\mathbb Z_2$ gauge theory that preserves the non-invertible Wegner duality symmetry at the self-dual point. We identify a frustration-free point along this deformation where there are nine exactly degenerate ground states (on a periodic cubic lattice) even at finite volume. One of these ground states is a trivial product state and the rest are the topologically-ordered ground states of the 3+1d toric code. We also prove that the frustration-free point is gapped in the thermodynamic limit. Our model, therefore, realizes a gapped phase with spontaneously broken Wegner duality symmetry. Furthermore, by imposing the Gauss law constraints energetically, all the above features can be realized on a tensor product Hilbert space. Finally, we discuss a generalization of this deformation to the 3+1d lattice $\mathbb Z_N$ gauge theory and conjecture the possible phase diagram.
We demonstrate how to construct a fully gauge-fixed lattice Hamiltonian for a pure SU(2) gauge theory. Our work extends upon previous work, where a formulation of an SU(2) lattice gauge theory was developed that is efficient to simulate at all values of the gauge coupling. That formulation utilized maximal-tree gauge, where all local gauge symmetries are fixed and a residual global gauge symmetry remains. By using the geometric picture of an SU(2) lattice gauge theory as a system of rotating rods, we demonstrate how to fix the remaining global gauge symmetry. In particular, the quantum numbers associated with total charge can be isolated by rotating between the lab and body frames using the three Euler angles. The Hilbert space in this new `sequestered' basis partitions cleanly into sectors with differing total angular momentum, which makes gauge-fixing to a particular total charge sector trivial, particularly for the charge-zero sector. In addition to this sequestered basis inheriting the property of being efficient at all values of the coupling, we show that, despite the global nature of the final gauge-fixing procedure, this Hamiltonian can be simulated using quantum resources scaling only polynomially with the lattice volume.
We use classical equations of motion for heavy quarks to show that the pre-equilibrium glasma phase of a heavy ion collision has an extremely strong effect on heavy quark angular correlations. At the same time, the effect on the single inclusive spectrum is much more moderate. This suggests that $D\overline{D}$ meson angular correlations in future LHC measurements could provide direct experimental access to the physics of the pre-equilibrium stage.
We study the phenomenological impact of the pre-equilibrium glasma initial stage of heavy-ion collisions on heavy quark azimuthal correlations and spectra. Using our numerical solver, we simulate the transport of heavy quark test particles in an SU(3) glasma background field. The glasma field equations are formulated using classical real-time lattice gauge theory, and the heavy quark dynamics are described by classical transport equations numerically solved using the colored particle-in-cell method. For the first time, the effect of the glasma stage on the azimuthal correlations of $c\overline{c}$ and $b\overline{b}$ pairs is studied. The resulting azimuthal width $\sigma_{\Delta\phi}$ exhibits a large and quick decorrelation due to the strong glasma fields. Further, we evaluate how the $p_T$-broadening in the glasma affects heavy quark $p_T$-spectra, which are initialized according to the FONLL heavy quark production calculation. The nuclear modification factor $R_{AA}$ is extracted for $c$ and $b$ quarks in the glasma and additional nuclear PDF effects accounting for gluon shadowing are included.