High Energy Physics - Lattice

Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2024 | Total: 5

#1 What is the Curvature of 2D Euclidean Quantum Gravity? [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: R. Loll ; T. Niestadt

We re-examine the nonperturbative curvature properties of two-dimensional Euclidean quantum gravity, obtained as the scaling limit of a path integral over dynamical triangulations of a two-sphere, which lies in the same universality class as Liouville quantum gravity. The diffeomorphism-invariant observable that allows us to compare the averaged curvature of highly quantum-fluctuating geometries with that of classical spaces is the so-called curvature profile. A Monte Carlo analysis on three geometric ensembles, which are physically equivalent but differ by the inclusion of local degeneracies, leads to new insights on the influence of finite-size effects. After eliminating them, we find strong evidence that the curvature profile of 2D Euclidean quantum gravity is best matched by that of a classical round four-sphere, rather than the five-sphere found in previous work. Our analysis suggests the existence of a well-defined quantum Ricci curvature in the scaling limit.

Subjects: High Energy Physics - Theory ; General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology ; High Energy Physics - Lattice

Publish: 2024-07-25 15:27:54 UTC

#2 Effects of Final State Interactions on Landau Singularities [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Ajay S. Sakthivasan ; Maxim Mai ; Akaki Rusetsky ; Michael Döring

In certain kinematic and particle mass configurations, triangle singularities may lead to line-shapes which mimic the effects of resonances. This well-known effect is scrutinized here in the presence of final-state rescattering. The goal is achieved first by utilizing general arguments provided by Landau equations, and second by applying a modern scattering formalism with explicit two- and three-body unitarity.

Subjects: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ; High Energy Physics - Experiment ; High Energy Physics - Lattice ; Nuclear Theory

Publish: 2024-07-25 11:57:26 UTC

#3 Monte Carlo studies of quantum cosmology by the generalized Lefschetz thimble method [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Chien-Yu Chou ; Jun Nishimura

Quantum cosmology aims at elucidating the beginning of our Universe. Back in early 80's, Vilenkin and Hartle-Hawking put forward the "tunneling from nothing'' and "no boundary'' proposals. Recently there has been renewed interest in this subject from the viewpoint of defining the oscillating path integral for Lorentzian quantum gravity using the Picard-Lefschetz theory. Aiming at going beyond the mini-superspace and saddle-point approximations, we perform Monte Carlo calculations using the generalized Lefschetz thimble method to overcome the sign problem. In particular, we confirm that either Vilenkin or Hartle-Hawking saddle point becomes relevant if one uses the Robin boundary condition depending on its parameter. We also clarify some fundamental issues in quantum cosmology, such as an issue related to the integration domain of the lapse function and an issue related to reading off the real geometry from the complex geometry obtained at the saddle point.

Subjects: General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology ; High Energy Physics - Lattice ; High Energy Physics - Theory ; Quantum Physics

Publish: 2024-07-25 02:53:21 UTC

#4 The index of lattice Dirac operators and $K$-theory [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Shoto Aoki ; Hidenori Fukaya ; Mikio Furuta ; Shinichiroh Matsuo ; Tetsuya Onogi ; Satoshi Yamaguchi

We mathematically show an equality between the index of a Dirac operator on a flat continuum torus and the $\eta$ invariant of the Wilson Dirac operator with a negative mass when the lattice spacing is sufficiently small. Unlike the standard approach, our formulation using $K$-theory does not require the Ginsparg-Wilson relation or the modified chiral symmetry on the lattice. We prove that a one-parameter family of continuum massive Dirac operators and the corresponding Wilson Dirac operators belong to the same equivalence class of the $K^1$ group at a finite lattice spacing. Their indices, which are evaluated by the spectral flow or equivalently by the $\eta$ invariant at finite masses, are proved to be equal.

Subjects: K-Theory and Homology ; Strongly Correlated Electrons ; High Energy Physics - Lattice ; High Energy Physics - Theory ; Differential Geometry

Publish: 2024-07-25 02:03:51 UTC

#5 State preparation of lattice field theories using quantum optimal control [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Jack Y. Araz ; Siddhanth Bhowmick ; Matt Grau ; Thomas J. McEntire ; Felix Ringer

We explore the application of quantum optimal control (QOC) techniques to state preparation of lattice field theories on quantum computers. As a first example, we focus on the Schwinger model, quantum electrodynamics in 1+1 dimensions. We demonstrate that QOC can significantly speed up the ground state preparation compared to gate-based methods, even for models with long-range interactions. Using classical simulations, we explore the dependence on the inter-qubit coupling strength and the device connectivity, and we study the optimization in the presence of noise. While our simulations indicate potential speedups, the results strongly depend on the device specifications. In addition, we perform exploratory studies on the preparation of thermal states. Our results motivate further studies of QOC techniques in the context of quantum simulations for fundamental physics.

Subjects: Quantum Physics ; High Energy Physics - Lattice ; High Energy Physics - Phenomenology

Publish: 2024-07-24 18:00:02 UTC