
2024-09-18 | | Total: 7

#1 Time-Reversal Symmetry Breaking in Re-Based Kagome Lattice Superconductor [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Manasi Mandal ; A. Kataria ; P. K. Meena ; R. K. Kushwaha ; D. Singh ; P. K. Biswas ; R. Stewart ; A. D. Hillier ; R. P. Singh

We investigated the Re-based kagome superconductor Re$_2$Zr through various measurements, including resistivity, magnetization, specific heat, and muon spin rotation and relaxation spectroscopy. These results suggest that Re$_2$Zr is a moderately coupled potential two-gap superconductor. Zero-field muon relaxation data indicate the possible presence of a time-reversal symmetry-breaking state in the superconducting ground state. Our investigation identifies Re$_{2}$Zr as a new unconventional superconductor with a potential complex order parameter that warrants considerable experimental and theoretical interest.

Subject: Superconductivity

Publish: 2024-09-17 07:21:38 UTC

#2 Nuclear Spin-Lattice Relaxation Rate in Odd-Frequency Superconductivity [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Shumpei Iwasaki ; Yoji Ohashi

We theoretically investigate the temperature dependence of nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate $T_1^{-1}$ in bulk odd-frequency superconductivity. For a model odd-frequency pairing interaction, we first evaluate the superconducting order parameter, within the framework of the combined path-integral formalism with the saddle-point approximation. We then calculate $T_1^{-1}$ below the superconducting phase transition temperature $T_{\rm c}$, to see how the odd-frequency pairing affects this physical quantity. In the odd-frequency $p$-wave state, while the so-called coherence peak is suppressed as in the even-frequency $p$-wave case, $T_1^{-1}$ is found to exhibit the Korringa-law-like behavior ($T_1^{-1}\propto T$) except just below $T_{\rm c}$, even without impurity scatterings. In the odd-frequency $s$-wave case, the behavior of $T_{1}^{-1}$ is found to be sensitive to the detailed spin structure of the superconducting order parameter: In a case, $T_1^{-1}$ is enhanced far below $T_{\rm c}$, being in contrast to the conventional (even-frequency) $s$-wave BCS case, where the coherence peak appears just below $T_{\rm c}$. We also show that the calculated $T_1^{-1}$ in the odd-frequency $p$-wave case well explains the recent experiment on CeRh$_{0.5}$Ir$_{0.5}$In$_5$, where the possibility of odd-frequency $p$-wave superconductivity was recently suggested experimentally.

Subject: Superconductivity

Publish: 2024-09-17 05:10:55 UTC

#3 Quantum Geometric Effects on the Higgs Mode in Flat-band Superconductors [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Yuhang Xiao ; Ning Hao

Flat-band systems are of great interest due to their strong electron correlations and unique band geometry. Recent studies have linked the properties of Cooper pairs in flat-band superconductors to the quantum metric. Unlike prior studies primarily focused on quasiparticle fluctuations, in this work, we investigate quantum geometric effects on a collective mode of the order parameter-the Higgs mode. We derive the quantum goemetric Higgs-mode correlation length and investigate whether the nonlinear electromagnetic response of the Higgs mode persists in flat band. It turns out that the quantum metric will replaces energy derivatives, playing a crucial role in third-harmonic generation(THG). We further numerically calculated the correlation length and THG in the Lieb lattice. In contrast to traditional single-band results, Higgs mode fluctuations contribute almost entirely to THG, with the quasiparticle contribution being negligible. This finding provides valuable guidance for detecting Higgs modes in flat-band systems through optical methods and reveals the profound influence of quantum geometry in flat-band systems.

Subject: Superconductivity

Publish: 2024-09-17 05:03:06 UTC

#4 Unconventional superconductivity in altermagnets with spin-orbit coupling [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Vanuildo S. de Carvalho ; Hermann Freire

We investigate some possible symmetries of the superconducting state that emerges in three-dimensional altermagnets in the presence of spin-orbit coupling. We demonstrate within a weak-coupling approach that altermagnetic fluctuations with form factor $\boldsymbol{g}_{\mathbf{k}}$ promote spin-triplet superconductivity described by gap functions $\boldsymbol{d}(\mathbf{k}) = \boldsymbol{u}(\mathbf{k}) \times \boldsymbol{g}_{\mathbf{k}}$, such that $\boldsymbol{u}(\mathbf{k}) = - \boldsymbol{u}(-\mathbf{k})$. Consequently, this singles out $f$-wave spin-triplet superconductivity as the most favorable pairing state to appear in the vicinity of $d$-wave altermagnetism. Furthermore, we obtain that the combination of spin-singlet superconducting states with altermagnetism gives rise to Bogoliubov-Fermi surfaces, which are protected by a $\mathbb{Z}_2$ topological invariant. Using a Ginzburg-Landau analysis, we show that, for a class of spin-orbit coupled altermagnetic models, a superconducting phase is expected to appear at low temperatures as an intertwined $d + if$ state, thus breaking time-reversal symmetry spontaneously.

Subjects: Superconductivity ; Strongly Correlated Electrons

Publish: 2024-09-16 20:31:54 UTC

#5 Natural anomalous cyclotron response in a hydrodynamic local quantum critical metal in a periodic potential [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Nicolas Chagnet ; Sam Arend ; Floris Balm ; Martijn Janse ; Joshua Saldi ; Koenraad Schalm

We study DC magnetotransport in a quantum critical metal in the presence of a lattice. In the regime where the transport is hydrodynamical the interplay of the Lorentz force and the lattice gives rise to a natural anomalous contribution to the cyclotron frequency that changes it from its canonical charge-to-mass ratio. The size of this effect is universal as it is determined only by thermodynamic quantities. Remarkably the Drude weight changes in such a way that to first subleading order in the lattice strength the Hall resistivity and Hall coefficient do not change, though the Hall angle does change. We confirm our results with numerical simulations in a holographic model of a strange metal. For weak lattice strength these hydrodynamic effects are shown to be present. The numerical simulations also suggest that strong lattice effects beyond a hydrodynamic regime may provide a resolution to the experimentally observed anomalous Hall response of cuprate strange metals.

Subjects: Strongly Correlated Electrons ; Superconductivity ; High Energy Physics - Theory

Publish: 2024-09-17 11:48:05 UTC

#6 Direct experimental observation of sub-poissonian photon statistics by means of multi-photon scattering on a two-level system [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: A. Yu. Dmitriev ; A. V. Vasenin ; S. A. Gunin ; S. V. Remizov ; A. A. Elistratov ; W. V. Pogosov ; O. V. Astafiev

A cascade of two-level superconducting artificial atoms -- a source and a probe -- strongly coupled to a semi-infinite waveguide is a promising tool for observing nontrivial phenomena in quantum nonlinear optics. The probe atom can scatter an antibunched radiation emitted from the source, thereby generating a field with specific properties. We experimentally demonstrate wave mixing between nonclassical light from the coherently cw-pumped source and another coherent wave acting on the probe. We observe unique features in the wave mixing stationary spectrum which differs from mixing spectrum of two classical waves on the probe. These features are well described by adapting the theory for a strongly coupled cascaded system of two atoms. We further analyze the theory to predict non-classical mixing spectra for various ratios of atoms' radiative constants. Both experimental and numerical results confirm the domination of multi-photon scattering process with only a single photon from the source. We evaluate entanglement of atoms in the quasistationary state and illustrate the connection between the expected second-order correlation function of source's field and wave mixing side peaks corresponding to a certain number of scattered photons.

Subjects: Quantum Physics ; Superconductivity ; Atomic Physics

Publish: 2024-09-17 08:15:48 UTC

#7 Revealing the Origin and Nature of the Buried Metal-Substrate Interface Layer in Ta/Sapphire Superconducting Films [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Aswin kumar Anbalagan ; Rebecca Cummings ; Chenyu Zhou ; Junsik Mun ; Vesna Stanic ; Jean Jordan-Sweet ; Juntao Yao ; Kim Kisslinger ; Conan Weiland ; Dmytro Nykypanchuk ; Steven L. Hulbert ; Qiang Li ; Yimei Zhu ; Mingzhao Liu ; Peter V. Sushko ; Andrew L. Walter ; Andi M. Barbour

Despite constituting a smaller fraction of the qubits electromagnetic mode, surfaces and interfaces can exert significant influence as sources of high-loss tangents, which brings forward the need to reveal properties of these extended defects and identify routes to their control. Here, we examine the structure and composition of the metal-substrate interfacial layer that exists in Ta/sapphire-based superconducting films. Synchrotron-based X-ray reflectivity measurements of Ta films, commonly used in these qubits, reveal an unexplored interface layer at the metal-substrate interface. Scanning transmission electron microscopy and core-level electron energy loss spectroscopy identified an approximately 0.65 \ \text{nm} \pm 0.05 \ \text{nm} thick intermixing layer at the metal-substrate interface containing Al, O, and Ta atoms. Density functional theory (DFT) modeling reveals that the structure and properties of the Ta/sapphire heterojunctions are determined by the oxygen content on the sapphire surface prior to Ta deposition, as discussed for the limiting cases of Ta films on the O-rich versus Al-rich Al2O3 (0001) surface. By using a multimodal approach, integrating various material characterization techniques and DFT modeling, we have gained deeper insights into the interface layer between the metal and substrate. This intermixing at the metal-substrate interface influences their thermodynamic stability and electronic behavior, which may affect qubit performance.

Subjects: Materials Science ; Superconductivity

Publish: 2024-09-16 23:23:34 UTC