Quantum Gases

2024-11-01 | | Total: 9

#1 Revisiting Joule-expansion experiments with a quantum gas [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Christopher J. Ho, Simon M. Fischer, Gevorg Martirosyan, Sebastian J. Morris, Jiří Etrych, Christoph Eigen, Zoran Hadzibabic

We revisit the classic Joule-expansion experiments, now with a quantum-degenerate atomic Bose gas. In contrast to the classical-gas experiments, where no temperature change was measured, here we observe both cooling and heating effects, which arise, respectively, due to quantum statistics and inter-particle interactions. Our observations are reproduced in numerical calculations within the Hartree-Fock approximation.

Subjects: Quantum Gases ; Statistical Mechanics ; Atomic Physics ; Quantum Physics

Publish: 2024-10-31 17:59:46 UTC

#2 Analytical form of the density of states of a Fermi gas in low dimensions [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Benedick Andrade, Rayda Gammag

The behavior of a Fermi gas across various dimensions has already been extensively explored. However, existing formulations often lack clarity or exhibit inconsistencies. In this work, we present a streamlined approach for deriving the density of states (DOS) for a $d$-dimensional Fermi gas for semiconductors. We provide explicit general expressions for key Fermi quantities, including the wavevector, energy, temperature, momentum, wavelength, and velocity. Moreover, we apply these expressions to calculate for the carrier concentration and thermodynamic properties such as the internal energy, chemical potential, specific heat, electron degeneracy pressure, and bulk modulus. From the degeneracy pressure, we attribute a purely quantum mechanical explanation for the enhancement of carrier concentration in lower dimensions.

Subjects: Quantum Gases ; Materials Science

Publish: 2024-10-31 17:44:13 UTC

#3 Acceleration-induced transport of quantum vortices in joined atomtronic circuits [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: A. Chaika, A. O. Oliinyk, I. V. Yatsuta, N. P. Proukakis, M. Edwards, A. I. Yakimenko, T. Bland

Persistent currents--inviscid quantized flow around an atomic circuit--are a crucial building block of atomtronic devices. We investigate how acceleration influences the transfer of persistent currents between two density-connected, ring-shaped atomic Bose-Einstein condensates, joined by a tunable weak link that controls system topology. We find that the acceleration of this system modifies both the density and phase dynamics between the rings, leading to a bias in the periodic vortex oscillations studied in T. Bland et al., Phys. Rev. Research 4, 043171 (2022). Accounting for dissipation suppressing such vortex oscillations, the acceleration facilitates a unilateral vortex transfer to the leading ring. We analyze how this transfer depends on the weak-link amplitude, the initial persistent current configuration, and the acceleration strength and direction. Characterization of the sensitivity to these parameters paves the way for a new platform for acceleration measurements.

Subjects: Quantum Gases ; Quantum Physics

Publish: 2024-10-31 11:02:10 UTC

#4 Dynamical probing of high-order spin coherence in one-dimensional mixtures [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Silvia Musolino, Gianni Aupetit-Diallo, Mathias Albert, Patrizia Vignolo, Anna Minguzzi

We investigate the dynamics of one-dimensional SU(2) ultracold fermions near the Tonks-Girardeau limit, confined in a box potential. The system is driven out of equilibrium by initially preparing the two spin components in a fully separated configuration, and its evolution is described by the Hamiltonian in the presence of strong repulsive interactions. Building on the results of [Phys.Rev. A, 107, L061301 (2023)], we extend the analysis to out-of-equilibrium dynamics, uncovering the emergence of time-dependent oscillating high-momentum tails in the momentum distribution. These oscillations, due to the finite size of the system, are governed by a nonlocal, high-order spin coherence term, whose amplitude and phase evolve over time. We show that this term initially grows as time to the power N/2 and subsequently follows the spin-mixing dynamics of the system. Notably, when the spin components are fully mixed, the amplitude of this border-to-border spin coherence reaches its maximum value.

Subject: Quantum Gases

Publish: 2024-10-31 08:08:13 UTC

#5 Geometry Dynamics in Chiral Superfluids [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Yuting Bai, Gabriel Cardoso, Rajae Malek, Qing-Dong Jiang

We investigate the geometric response of chiral superfluids when coupled to a dynamic background geometry. We find that geometry fluctuations, represented by the flexural mode, interact with the superfluid phase fluctuations (the Goldstone mode). Starting from a minimally coupled theory, we derive the equilibrium conditions for a static background defined by supercurrent, curvature, and tension, and then obtain linearized equations for the propagation of the Goldstone and flexural modes. The equations reveal distinctive chirality-dependent effects in the propagation of the flexural mode. Specifically, a background supercurrent induces a chiral drag effect, localizing flexural waves at the superfluid boundary, while background curvature introduces anisotropic corrections to the superfluid phase and group velocities, as well as a tension in the flexural mode dispersion. Furthermore, curvature couples flexural and phase modes into dressed excitations, with tilted Dirac cones along the principal curvature directions. These effects provide dynamical signatures of the formation of a chiral condensate, and can be tuned by manipulating the background geometry.

Subject: Quantum Gases

Publish: 2024-10-30 18:27:11 UTC

#6 2D magnetic stability [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Author: Douglas Lundholm

This article is a contribution to the proceedings of the 33rd/35th International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics (ICGTMP, Group33/35) held in Cotonou, Benin, July 15-19, 2024. The stability of matter is an old and mathematically difficult problem, relying both on the uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics and on the exclusion principle of quantum statistics. We consider here the stability of the self-interacting almost-bosonic anyon gas, generalizing the Gross-Pitaevskii / nonlinear Schrödinger energy functionals to include magnetic self interactions. We show that there is a type of supersymmetry in the model which holds only for higher values of the magnetic coupling but is broken for lower values, and that in the former case supersymmetric ground states exist precisely at even-integer quantized values of the coupling. These states constitute a manifold of explicit solitonic vortex solutions whose densities solve a generalized Liouville equation, and can be regarded as nonlinear generalizations of Landau levels. The reported work is joint with Alireza Ataei and Dinh-Thi Nguyen and makes an earlier analysis of self-dual abelian Chern-Simons-Higgs theory by Jackiw and Pi, Hagen, and others, mathematically rigorous.

Subjects: Mathematical Physics ; Quantum Gases ; Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems ; Quantum Physics

Publish: 2024-10-31 17:12:27 UTC

#7 Quantum thermal machine regimes in the transverse-field Ising model [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Vishnu Muraleedharan Sajitha, Bodhaditya Santra, Matthew J. Davis, L. A. Williamson

We identify and interpret the possible quantum thermal machine regimes with a transverse-field Ising model as the working substance. In general, understanding the emergence of such regimes in a many-body quantum system is challenging due to the dependence on the many energy levels in the system. By considering infinitesimal work strokes, we can understand the operation from equilibrium properties of the system. We find that infinitesimal work strokes enable both heat engine and accelerator operation, with the output and boundaries of operation described by macroscopic properties of the system, in particular the net transverse magnetization. At low temperatures, the regimes of operation and performance can be understood from quasiparticles in the system, while at high temperatures an expansion of the free energy in powers of inverse temperature describes the operation. The understanding generalises to larger work strokes when the temperature difference between the hot and cold reservoirs is large. For hot and cold reservoirs close in temperature, a sufficiently large work stroke can enable refrigerator and heater regimes. Our results and method of analysis will prove useful in understanding the possible regimes of operation of quantum many-body thermal machines more generally.

Subjects: Quantum Physics ; Quantum Gases ; Statistical Mechanics

Publish: 2024-10-31 07:52:34 UTC

#8 Topologically protected Bell-cat states in a simple spin model [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: B. Lajci, D. H. J. O'Dell, J. Mumford

We consider the topological properties of the so-called central spin model that consists of $N$ identical spins coupled to a single distinguishable central spin which arises in physical systems such as circuit-QED and bosonic Josephson junctions coupled to an impurity atom. The model closely corresponds to the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) model except that the chain of sites in the SSH model is replaced by a chain of states in Fock space specifying the magnetization. We find that the model accommodates topologically protected eigenstates that are `Bell-cat' states consisting of a Schrödinger cat state of the $N$ spins that is maximally entangled with the central spin, and show how this state can be adiabatically created and moved along the chain by driving the central spin. We visualize the Bell-cat states by plotting their Wigner function and also show their robustness against random noise by solving the master equation for the density matrix.

Subjects: Quantum Physics ; Quantum Gases

Publish: 2024-10-31 00:46:48 UTC

#9 From explicit to spontaneous charge order and the fate of antiferromagnetic quantum Hall state [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Author: Mohsen Hafez-Torbati

The antiferromagnetic quantum Hall insulator (AFQHI) where one of the spin components is in the quantum Hall state and the other in the trivial state is an established phase emerging as a result of the Hubbard repulsion in spinful quantum Hall systems. The stabilization of the AFQHI requires a charge order preventing the effect of the spin-flip transformation on the electronic state to be compensated by a space group operation, and is often induced via an ionic potential. While one would naively expect the nearest-neighbor (NN) density-density interaction favoring spontaneous charge order to result in qualitatively similar phenomena an analysis of the Haldane-Hubbard model extended by the NN interaction finds no AFQHI. Here, by considering an extended version of the Harper-Hofstadter-Hubbard model we go beyond the honeycomb structure and show that the realization of the AFQHI generically requires an explicit charge order and cannot be emerged through a spontaneous charge order. We unveil how the AFQHI disappears upon approaching from the explicit to the spontaneous charge ordering limit. Our findings shine more light on the stabilization conditions of the AFQHI which can guide the future optical lattice experiments searching for this intriguing magnetic topological insulator phase.

Subjects: Strongly Correlated Electrons ; Quantum Gases

Publish: 2024-10-30 18:12:51 UTC