Statistics Theory

Date: Thu, 9 May 2024 | Total: 7

#1 Uncertainty quantification in metric spaces [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Gábor Lugosi ; Marcos Matabuena

This paper introduces a novel uncertainty quantification framework for regression models where the response takes values in a separable metric space, and the predictors are in a Euclidean space. The proposed algorithms can efficiently handle large datasets and are agnostic to the predictive base model used. Furthermore, the algorithms possess asymptotic consistency guarantees and, in some special homoscedastic cases, we provide non-asymptotic guarantees. To illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed uncertainty quantification framework, we use a linear regression model for metric responses (known as the global Fr\'echet model) in various clinical applications related to precision and digital medicine. The different clinical outcomes analyzed are represented as complex statistical objects, including multivariate Euclidean data, Laplacian graphs, and probability distributions.

#2 Causality Pursuit from Heterogeneous Environments via Neural Adversarial Invariance Learning [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi2]

Authors: Yihong Gu ; Cong Fang ; Peter Bühlmann ; Jianqing Fan

Statistics suffers from a fundamental problem, "the curse of endogeneity" -- the regression function, or more broadly the prediction risk minimizer with infinite data, may not be the target we wish to pursue. This is because when complex data are collected from multiple sources, the biases deviated from the interested (causal) association inherited in individuals or sub-populations are not expected to be canceled. Traditional remedies are of hindsight and restrictive in being tailored to prior knowledge like untestable cause-effect structures, resulting in methods that risk model misspecification and lack scalable applicability. This paper seeks to offer a purely data-driven and universally applicable method that only uses the heterogeneity of the biases in the data rather than following pre-offered commandments. Such an idea is formulated as a nonparametric invariance pursuit problem, whose goal is to unveil the invariant conditional expectation $m^\star(x)\equiv \mathbb{E}[Y^{(e)}|X_{S^\star}^{(e)}=x_{S^\star}]$ with unknown important variable set $S^\star$ across heterogeneous environments $e\in \mathcal{E}$. Under the structural causal model framework, $m^\star$ can be interpreted as certain data-driven causality in general. The paper contributes to proposing a novel framework, called Focused Adversarial Invariance Regularization (FAIR), formulated as a single minimax optimization program that can solve the general invariance pursuit problem. As illustrated by the unified non-asymptotic analysis, our adversarial estimation framework can attain provable sample-efficient estimation akin to standard regression under a minimal identification condition for various tasks and models. As an application, the FAIR-NN estimator realized by two Neural Network classes is highlighted as the first approach to attain statistically efficient estimation in general nonparametric invariance learning.

#3 Is Transductive Learning Equivalent to PAC Learning? [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Shaddin Dughmi ; Yusuf Kalayci ; Grayson York

Most work in the area of learning theory has focused on designing effective Probably Approximately Correct (PAC) learners. Recently, other models of learning such as transductive error have seen more scrutiny. We move toward showing that these problems are equivalent by reducing agnostic learning with a PAC guarantee to agnostic learning with a transductive guarantee by adding a small number of samples to the dataset. We first rederive the result of Aden-Ali et al. arXiv:2304.09167 reducing PAC learning to transductive learning in the realizable setting using simpler techniques and at more generality as background for our main positive result. Our agnostic transductive to PAC conversion technique extends the aforementioned argument to the agnostic case, showing that an agnostic transductive learner can be efficiently converted to an agnostic PAC learner. Finally, we characterize the performance of the agnostic one inclusion graph algorithm of Asilis et al. arXiv:2309.13692 for binary classification, and show that plugging it into our reduction leads to an agnostic PAC learner that is essentially optimal. Our results imply that transductive and PAC learning are essentially equivalent for supervised learning with pseudometric losses in the realizable setting, and for binary classification in the agnostic setting. We conjecture this is true more generally for the agnostic setting.

#4 Robust deep learning from weakly dependent data [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: William Kengne ; Modou Wade

Recent developments on deep learning established some theoretical properties of deep neural networks estimators. However, most of the existing works on this topic are restricted to bounded loss functions or (sub)-Gaussian or bounded input. This paper considers robust deep learning from weakly dependent observations, with unbounded loss function and unbounded input/output. It is only assumed that the output variable has a finite $r$ order moment, with $r >1$. Non asymptotic bounds for the expected excess risk of the deep neural network estimator are established under strong mixing, and $\psi$-weak dependence assumptions on the observations. We derive a relationship between these bounds and $r$, and when the data have moments of any order (that is $r=\infty$), the convergence rate is close to some well-known results. When the target predictor belongs to the class of H\"older smooth functions with sufficiently large smoothness index, the rate of the expected excess risk for exponentially strongly mixing data is close to or as same as those for obtained with i.i.d. samples. Application to robust nonparametric regression and robust nonparametric autoregression are considered. The simulation study for models with heavy-tailed errors shows that, robust estimators with absolute loss and Huber loss function outperform the least squares method.

#5 Persistent homology of featured time series data and its applications [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Eunwoo Heo ; Jae-Hun Jung

Recent studies have actively employed persistent homology (PH), a topological data analysis technique, to analyze the topological information in time series data. Many successful studies have utilized graph representations of time series data for PH calculation. Given the diverse nature of time series data, it is crucial to have mechanisms that can adjust the PH calculations by incorporating domain-specific knowledge. In this context, we introduce a methodology that allows the adjustment of PH calculations by reflecting relevant domain knowledge in specific fields. We introduce the concept of featured time series, which is the pair of a time series augmented with specific features such as domain knowledge, and an influence vector that assigns a value to each feature to fine-tune the results of the PH. We then prove the stability theorem of the proposed method, which states that adjusting the influence vectors grants stability to the PH calculations. The proposed approach enables the tailored analysis of a time series based on the graph representation methodology, which makes it applicable to real-world domains. We consider two examples to verify the proposed method's advantages: anomaly detection of stock data and topological analysis of music data.

#6 Wasserstein Proximal Coordinate Gradient Algorithms [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Rentian Yao ; Xiaohui Chen ; Yun Yang

Motivated by approximation Bayesian computation using mean-field variational approximation and the computation of equilibrium in multi-species systems with cross-interaction, this paper investigates the composite geodesically convex optimization problem over multiple distributions. The objective functional under consideration is composed of a convex potential energy on a product of Wasserstein spaces and a sum of convex self-interaction and internal energies associated with each distribution. To efficiently solve this problem, we introduce the Wasserstein Proximal Coordinate Gradient (WPCG) algorithms with parallel, sequential and random update schemes. Under a quadratic growth (QC) condition that is weaker than the usual strong convexity requirement on the objective functional, we show that WPCG converges exponentially fast to the unique global optimum. In the absence of the QG condition, WPCG is still demonstrated to converge to the global optimal solution, albeit at a slower polynomial rate. Numerical results for both motivating examples are consistent with our theoretical findings.

#7 Differentially Private Synthetic Data with Private Density Estimation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Nikolija Bojkovic ; Po-Ling Loh

The need to analyze sensitive data, such as medical records or financial data, has created a critical research challenge in recent years. In this paper, we adopt the framework of differential privacy, and explore mechanisms for generating an entire dataset which accurately captures characteristics of the original data. We build upon the work of Boedihardjo et al, which laid the foundations for a new optimization-based algorithm for generating private synthetic data. Importantly, we adapt their algorithm by replacing a uniform sampling step with a private distribution estimator; this allows us to obtain better computational guarantees for discrete distributions, and develop a novel algorithm suitable for continuous distributions. We also explore applications of our work to several statistical tasks.