2025-03-06 | | Total: 2
We provide a constructive way of defining new elicitable risk measures that are characterised by a multiplicative scoring function. We show that depending on the choice of the scoring function's components, the resulting risk measure possesses properties such as monotonicity, translation invariance, convexity, and positive homogeneity. Our framework encompasses the majority of well-known elicitable risk measures including all elicitable convex and coherent risk measures. Our setting moreover allows to construct novel elicitable risk measures that are, for example, convex but not coherent. Furthermore, we discuss how higher-order elicitability, such as jointly eliciting the mean and variance or different quantile levels, fall within our setting.
We study complex discontinuities arising from the miscomputation of the Fourier-Laplace transform in the Volterra Stein-Stein model, which involves the complex square root of a Fredholm determinant. Discontinuities occur when the determinant crosses the negative real axis. We characterize these crossings for the joint Fourier-Laplace transform of the integrated variance and log-price. Additionally, we derive a corrected formula for the Fourier-Laplace transform and develop efficient numerical techniques to detect and compute these crossings. Applying our algorithms to Fourier-based pricing in the rough Stein-Stein model, we achieve a significant increase in accuracy while drastically reducing computational cost compared to existing methods.