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#1 Qualitative Spatio-Temporal Stream Reasoning with Unobservable Intertemporal Spatial Relations Using Landmarks [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Daniel de Leng, Fredrik Heintz

Qualitative spatio-temporal reasoning is an active research area in Artificial Intelligence. In many situations there is a need to reason about intertemporal qualitative spatial relations, i.e. qualitative relations between spatial regions at different time-points. However, these relations can never be explicitly observed since they are between regions at different time-points. In applications where the qualitative spatial relations are partly acquired by for example a robotic system it is therefore necessary to infer these relations. This problem has, to the best of our knowledge, not been explicitly studied before. The contribution presented in this paper is two-fold. First, we present a spatio-temporal logic MSTL, which allows for spatio-temporal stream reasoning. Second, we define the concept of a landmark as a region that does not change between time-points and use these landmarks to infer qualitative spatio-temporal relations between non-landmark regions at different time-points. The qualitative spatial reasoning is done in RCC-8, but the approach is general and can be applied to any similar qualitative spatial formalism.