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Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are intended to receive information from the environment through sensors and perform appropriate actions using actuators of the controller. In the last years world of intelligent technologies has grown in an exponential fashion: from cruise control to smart ecosystems. Next we are facing the future of CPS involved in almost every aspect of our lives bringing higher comfortability and efficiency. Our goal is to help smart inventions adjust to this highly uncertain environment and guarantee safety for its inhabitants. The physical environment renders the problem of CPS verification extremely cumbersome. Due to a wealth of uncertainties introduced by physical processes, the system is best described by stochastic models. Approximate prediction techniques, such as Statistical Model Checking (SMC), have therefore recently become increasingly popular. As a result, verification of a CPS boils down to quantitative analysis of how close the system is to reaching bad states (safety property) or desired goal (liveness property). Controlling the systems, that is, computing appropriate response actions depending on the environment, involves probabilistic state estimation, as well as optimal action prediction, i.e., choosing the best next step by simulating the future. In my thesis, I develop a novel intelligent algorithm addressing existing deficiencies of SMC such as poor prediction of rare events (RE) and sampling divergence.