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#1 Enumerating Potential Maximal Cliques via SAT and ASP [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Tuukka Korhonen, Jeremias Berg, Matti Järvisalo

The Bouchitté-Todinca algorithm (BT), operating dynamic programming over the so-called potential maximal cliques (PMCs), yields a practically efficient approach to treewidth and generalized hypertreewidth. The enumeration of PMCs is a scalability bottleneck for BT in practice. We propose the use of declarative solvers for PMC enumeration as a substitute for the specialized PMC enumeration algorithms employed in current BT implementations. The presented Boolean satisfiability (SAT) and answer set programming (ASP) based PMC enumeration approaches open up new possibilities for improving the efficiency of BT in practice.