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#1 Learning Dissemination Strategies for External Sources in Opinion Dynamic Models with Cognitive Biases [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi4] [REL]

Authors: Abdullah Al Maruf ; Luyao Niu ; Bhaskar Ramasubramanian ; Andrew Clark ; Radha Poovendran

The opinions of members of a population are influenced by opinions of their peers, their own predispositions, and information from external sources via one or more information channels (e.g., news, social media). Due to individual cognitive biases, the perceptual impact of and importance assigned by agents to information on each channel can be different. In this paper, we propose a model of opinion evolution that uses prospect theory to represent perception of information from the external source along each channel. Our prospect-theoretic model reflects traits observed in humans such as loss aversion, assigning inflated (deflated) values to low (high) probability events, and evaluating outcomes relative to an individually known reference point. We consider the problem of determining information dissemination strategies for the external source to adopt in order to drive opinions of individuals towards a desired value. However, computing a strategy faces a challenge that agents' initial predispositions and functions characterizing their perceptions of information disseminated might be unknown. We overcome this challenge by using Gaussian process learning to estimate these unknown parameters. When the external source sends information over multiple channels, the problem of jointly selecting optimal dissemination strategies is in general, combinatorial. We prove that this problem is submodular, and design near-optimal dissemination algorithms. We evaluate our model on three different widely used large graphs that represent real-world social interactions. Our results indicate that the external source can effectively drive opinions towards a desired value when using prospect-theory based dissemination strategies.