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#1 A Neural Verb Lexicon Model with Source-side Syntactic Context for String-to-Tree Machine Translation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1]

Authors: Maria Nădejde ; Alexandra Birch ; Philipp Koehn

String-to-tree MT systems translate verbs without lexical or syntactic context on the source side and with limited target-side context. The lack of context is one reason why verb translation recall is as low as 45.5%. We propose a verb lexicon model trained with a feed-forward neural network that predicts the target verb conditioned on a wide source-side context. We show that a syntactic context extracted from the dependency parse of the source sentence improves the model’s accuracy by 1.5% over a baseline trained on a window context. When used as an extra feature for re-ranking the n-best list produced by the string-to-tree MT system, the verb lexicon model improves verb translation recall by more than 7%.