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#1 Entity Resolution in Open-domain Conversations [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Mingyue Shang ; Tong Wang ; Mihail Eric ; Jiangning Chen ; Jiyang Wang ; Matthew Welch ; Tiantong Deng ; Akshay Grewal ; Han Wang ; Yue Liu ; Yang Liu ; Dilek Hakkani-Tur

In recent years, incorporating external knowledge for response generation in open-domain conversation systems has attracted great interest. To improve the relevancy of retrieved knowledge, we propose a neural entity linking (NEL) approach. Different from formal documents, such as news, conversational utterances are informal and multi-turn, which makes it more challenging to disambiguate the entities. Therefore, we present a context-aware named entity recognition model (NER) and entity resolution (ER) model to utilize dialogue context information. We conduct NEL experiments on three open-domain conversation datasets and validate that incorporating context information improves the performance of NER and ER models. The end-to-end NEL approach outperforms the baseline by 62.8% relatively in F1 metric. Furthermore, we verify that using external knowledge based on NEL benefits the neural response generation model.