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#1 Abstract Meaning Representation Guided Graph Encoding and Decoding for Joint Information Extraction [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Zixuan Zhang ; Heng Ji

The tasks of Rich Semantic Parsing, such as Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR), share similar goals with Information Extraction (IE) to convert natural language texts into structured semantic representations. To take advantage of such similarity, we propose a novel AMR-guided framework for joint information extraction to discover entities, relations, and events with the help of a pre-trained AMR parser. Our framework consists of two novel components: 1) an AMR based semantic graph aggregator to let the candidate entity and event trigger nodes collect neighborhood information from AMR graph for passing message among related knowledge elements; 2) an AMR guided graph decoder to extract knowledge elements based on the order decided by the hierarchical structures in AMR. Experiments on multiple datasets have shown that the AMR graph encoder and decoder have provided significant gains and our approach has achieved new state-of-the-art performance on all IE subtasks.