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#1 Hie-BART: Document Summarization with Hierarchical BART [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Kazuki Akiyama ; Akihiro Tamura ; Takashi Ninomiya

This paper proposes a new abstractive document summarization model, hierarchical BART (Hie-BART), which captures hierarchical structures of a document (i.e., sentence-word structures) in the BART model. Although the existing BART model has achieved a state-of-the-art performance on document summarization tasks, the model does not have the interactions between sentence-level information and word-level information. In machine translation tasks, the performance of neural machine translation models has been improved by incorporating multi-granularity self-attention (MG-SA), which captures the relationships between words and phrases. Inspired by the previous work, the proposed Hie-BART model incorporates MG-SA into the encoder of the BART model for capturing sentence-word structures. Evaluations on the CNN/Daily Mail dataset show that the proposed Hie-BART model outperforms some strong baselines and improves the performance of a non-hierarchical BART model (+0.23 ROUGE-L).