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#1 Text Style Transfer for Bias Mitigation using Masked Language Modeling [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Ewoenam Kwaku Tokpo ; Toon Calders

It is well known that textual data on the internet and other digital platforms contain significant levels of bias and stereotypes. Various research findings have concluded that biased texts have significant effects on target demographic groups. For instance, masculine-worded job advertisements tend to be less appealing to female applicants. In this paper, we present a text-style transfer model that can be trained on non-parallel data and be used to automatically mitigate bias in textual data. Our style transfer model improves on the limitations of many existing text style transfer techniques such as the loss of content information. Our model solves such issues by combining latent content encoding with explicit keyword replacement. We will show that this technique produces better content preservation whilst maintaining good style transfer accuracy.