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#1 Code-Switching Can be Better Aligners: Advancing Cross-Lingual SLU through Representation-Level and Prediction-Level Alignment [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi3] [REL]

Authors: Zhihong Zhu ; Xuxin Cheng ; Zhanpeng Chen ; Xianwei Zhuang ; Zhiqi Huang ; Yuexian Zou

Zero-shot cross-lingual spoken language understanding (SLU) can promote the globalization application of dialog systems, which has attracted increasing attention. While current code-switching based cross-lingual SLU frameworks have shown promising results, they (i) predominantly utilize contrastive objectives to model hard alignment, which may disrupt the inherent structure within sentences of each language; and (ii) focus optimization objectives solely on the original sentences, neglecting the relation between original sentences and code-switched sentences, which may hinder contextualized embeddings from further alignment. In this paper, we propose a novel framework dubbed REPE (short for Representation-Level and Prediction-Level Alignment), which leverages both code-switched and original sentences to achieve multi-level alignment. Specifically, REPE introduces optimal transport to facilitate soft alignment between the representations of code-switched and original sentences, thereby preserving structural integrity as much as possible. Moreover, REPE adopts multi-view learning to enforce consistency regularization between the prediction of the two sentences, aligning them into a more refined language-invariant space. Based on this, we further incorporate a self-distillation layer to boost the robustness of REPE. Extensive experiments on two benchmarks across ten languages demonstrate the superiority of the proposed REPE framework.