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#1 Optimizing LLM Based Retrieval Augmented Generation Pipelines in the Financial Domain [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Yiyun Zhao ; Prateek Singh ; Hanoz Bhathena ; Bernardo Ramos ; Aviral Joshi ; Swaroop Gadiyaram ; Saket Sharma

Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) is a prominent approach in real-word applications for grounding large language model (LLM) generations in up to date and domain-specific knowledge. However, there is a lack of systematic investigations of the impact of each component (retrieval quality, prompts, generation models) on the generation quality of a RAG pipeline in real world scenarios. In this study, we benchmark 6 LLMs in 15 retrieval scenarios exploring 9 prompts over 2 real world financial domain datasets. We thoroughly discuss the impact of each component in RAG pipeline on answer generation quality and formulate specific recommendations for the design of RAG systems.