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#1 Fine-tuning Pre-trained Named Entity Recognition Models For Indian Languages [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Sankalp Bahad ; Pruthwik Mishra ; Parameswari Krishnamurthy ; Dipti Sharma

Named Entity Recognition (NER) is a use-ful component in Natural Language Process-ing (NLP) applications. It is used in varioustasks such as Machine Translation, Summa-rization, Information Retrieval, and Question-Answering systems. The research on NER iscentered around English and some other ma-jor languages, whereas limited attention hasbeen given to Indian languages. We analyze thechallenges and propose techniques that can betailored for Multilingual Named Entity Recog-nition for Indian Languages. We present a hu-man annotated named entity corpora of ∼40Ksentences for 4 Indian languages from two ofthe major Indian language families. Addition-ally, we show the transfer learning capabilitiesof pre-trained transformer models from a highresource language to multiple low resource lan-guages through a series of experiments. Wealso present a multilingual model fine-tunedon our dataset, which achieves an F1 score of∼0.80 on our dataset on average. We achievecomparable performance on completely unseenbenchmark datasets for Indian languages whichaffirms the usability of our model.