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#1 Enhancing Network by Reinforcement Learning and Neural Confined Local Search [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Qifu Hu ; Ruyang Li ; Qi Deng ; Yaqian Zhao ; Rengang Li

It has been found that many real networks, such as power grids and the Internet, are non-robust, i.e., attacking a small set of nodes would cause the paralysis of the entire network. Thus, the Network Enhancement Problem~(NEP), i.e., improving the robustness of a given network by modifying its structure, has attracted increasing attention. Heuristics have been proposed to address NEP. However, a hand-engineered heuristic often has significant performance limitations. A recently proposed model solving NEP by reinforcement learning has shown superior performance than heuristics on in-distribution datasets. However, their model shows considerably inferior out-of-distribution generalization ability when enhancing networks against the degree-based targeted attack. In this paper, we propose a more effective model with stronger generalization ability by incorporating domain knowledge including measurements of local network structures and decision criteria of heuristics. We further design a hierarchical attention model to utilize the network structure directly, where the query range changes from local to global. Finally, we propose neural confined local search~(NCLS) to realize the effective search of a large neighborhood, which exploits a learned model to confine the neighborhood to avoid exhaustive enumeration. We conduct extensive experiments on synthetic and real networks to verify the ability of our models.