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#1 Multi-Modal Discussion Transformer: Integrating Text, Images and Graph Transformers to Detect Hate Speech on Social Media [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Liam Hebert ; Gaurav Sahu ; Yuxuan Guo ; Nanda Kishore Sreenivas ; Lukasz Golab ; Robin Cohen

We present the Multi-Modal Discussion Transformer (mDT), a novel method for detecting hate speech on online social networks such as Reddit discussions. In contrast to traditional comment-only methods, our approach to labelling a comment as hate speech involves a holistic analysis of text and images grounded in the discussion context. This is done by leveraging graph transformers to capture the contextual relationships in the discussion surrounding a comment and grounding the interwoven fusion layers that combine text and image embeddings instead of processing modalities separately. To evaluate our work, we present a new dataset, HatefulDiscussions, comprising complete multi-modal discussions from multiple online communities on Reddit. We compare the performance of our model to baselines that only process individual comments and conduct extensive ablation studies.