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#1 An EF2X Allocation Protocol for Restricted Additive Valuations [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Hannaneh Akrami ; Rojin Rezvan ; Masoud Seddighin

We study the problem of fairly allocating a set of indivisible goods to a set of n agents. Envy-freeness up to any good (EFX) criterion (which requires that no agent prefers the bundle of another agent after the removal of any single good) is known to be a remarkable analogue of envy-freeness when the resource is a set of indivisible goods. In this paper, we investigate EFX for restricted additive valuations, that is, every good has a non-negative value, and every agent is interested in only some of the goods. We introduce a natural relaxation of EFX called EFkX which requires that no agent envies another agent after the removal of any k goods. Our main contribution is an algorithm that finds a complete (i.e., no good is discarded) EF2X allocation for restricted additive valuations. In our algorithm we devise new concepts, namely configuration and envy-elimination that might be of independent interest. We also use our new tools to find an EFX allocation for restricted additive valuations that discards at most n/2 -1 goods.