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#1 Online Learning with Off-Policy Feedback in Adversarial MDPs [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Francesco Bacchiocchi ; Francesco Emanuele Stradi ; Matteo Papini ; Alberto Maria Metelli ; Nicola Gatti

In this paper, we face the challenge of online learning in adversarial Markov decision processes with off-policy feedback. In this setting, the learner chooses a policy, but, differently from the traditional on-policy setting, the environment is explored by means of a different, fixed, and possibly unknown policy (named colleague's policy). The off-policy feedback presents an additional issue that is not present in traditional settings: the learner is charged with the regret of its chosen policy but it observes only the rewards gained by the colleague's policy. First, we present a lower-bound for the setting we propose, which shows that the optimal dependency of the sublinear regret is w.r.t. the dissimilarity between the optimal policy in hindsight and the colleague's policy. Then, we propose novel algorithms that, by employing pessimistic estimators---commonly adopted in the off-line reinforcement learning literature---ensure sublinear regret bounds depending on the desired dissimilarity, even when the colleague's policy is unknown.