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#1 An Interactive Multi-Task Learning Framework for Next POI Recommendation with Uncertain Check-ins [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Lu Zhang ; Zhu Sun ; Jie Zhang ; Yu Lei ; Chen Li ; Ziqing Wu ; Horst Kloeden ; Felix Klanner

Studies on next point-of-interest (POI) recommendation mainly seek to learn users' transition patterns with certain historical check-ins. However, in reality, users' movements are typically uncertain (i.e., fuzzy and incomplete) where most existing methods suffer from the transition pattern vanishing issue. To ease this issue, we propose a novel interactive multi-task learning (iMTL) framework to better exploit the interplay between activity and location preference. Specifically, iMTL introduces: (1) temporal-aware activity encoder equipped with fuzzy characterization over uncertain check-ins to unveil the latent activity transition patterns; (2) spatial-aware location preference encoder to capture the latent location transition patterns; and (3) task-specific decoder to make use of the learned latent transition patterns and enhance both activity and location prediction tasks in an interactive manner. Extensive experiments on three real-world datasets show the superiority of iMTL.