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#1 Monolith to Microservices: Representing Application Software through Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Alex Mathai ; Sambaran Bandyopadhyay ; Utkarsh Desai ; Srikanth Tamilselvam

Monolithic software encapsulates all functional capabilities into a single deployable unit. But managing it becomes harder as the demand for new functionalities grow. Microservice architecture is seen as an alternative as it advocates building an application through a set of loosely coupled small services wherein each service owns a single functional responsibility. But the challenges associated with the separation of functional modules, slows down the migration of a monolithic code into microservices. In this work, we propose a representation learning based solution to tackle this problem. We use a heterogeneous graph to jointly represent software artifacts (like programs and resources) and the different relationships they share (function calls, inheritance, etc.), and perform a constraint-based clustering through a novel heterogeneous graph neural network. Experimental studies show that our approach is effective on monoliths of different types.