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#1 Heterogeneous Interactive Snapshot Network for Review-Enhanced Stock Profiling and Recommendation [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Heyuan Wang ; Tengjiao Wang ; Shun Li ; Shijie Guan ; Jiayi Zheng ; Wei Chen

Stock recommendation plays a critical role in modern quantitative trading. The large volumes of social media information such as investment reviews that delegate emotion-driven factors, together with price technical indicators formulate a “snapshot” of the evolving stock market profile. However, previous studies usually model the temporal trajectories of price and media modalities separately while losing their interrelated influences. Moreover, they mainly extract review semantics via sequential or attentive models, whereas the rich text associated knowledge is largely neglected. In this paper, we propose a novel heterogeneous interactive snapshot network for stock profiling and recommendation. We model investment reviews in each snapshot as a heterogeneous document graph, and develop a flexible hierarchical attentive propagation framework to capture fine-grained proximity features. Further, to learn stock embedding for ranking, we introduce a novel twins-GRU method, which tightly couples the media and price parallel sequences in a cross-interactive fashion to catch dynamic dependencies between successive snapshots. Our approach excels state-of-the-arts over 7.6% in terms of cumulative and risk-adjusted returns in trading simulations on both English and Chinese benchmarks.