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#1 Front-to-Front Heuristic Search for Satisficing Classical Planning [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Ryo Kuroiwa ; Alex Fukunaga

Although symbolic bidirectional search is successful in optimal classical planning, state-of-the-art satisficing planners do not use bidirectional search. Previous bidirectional search planners for satisficing planning behaved similarly to a trivial portfolio, which independently executes forward and backward search without the desired ``meet-in-the-middle'' behavior of bidirectional search where the forward and backward search frontiers intersect at some point relatively far from the forward and backward start states. In this paper, we propose Top-to-Top Bidirectional Search (TTBS), a new bidirectional search strategy with front-to-front heuristic evaluation. We show that TTBS strongly exhibits ``meet-in-the-middle'' behavior and can solve instances solved by neither forward nor backward search on a number of domains.