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#1 Exploratory Navigation and Selective Reading [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Natwar Modani, Paridhi Maheshwari, Harsh Deshpande, Saurab Sirpurkar, Diviya ., Somak Aditya

Navigating a collection of documents can be facilitated by obtaining a human-understandable concept hierarchy with links to the content. This is a non-trivial task for two reasons. First, defining concepts that are understandable by an average consumer and yet meaningful for a large variety of corpora is hard. Second, creating semantically meaningful yet intuitive hierarchical representation is hard, and can be task dependent. We present out system Navigation.ai which automatically processes a document collection, induces a concept hierarchy using Wikipedia and presents an interactive interface that helps user navigate to individual paragraphs using concepts.