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#1 DRAGON-V: Detection and Recognition of Airplane Goals with Navigational Visualization [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Christabel Wayllace, Sunwoo Ha, Yuchen Han, Jiaming Hu, Shayan Monadjemi, William Yeoh, Alvitta Ottley

We introduce Detection and Recognition of Airplane GOals with Navigational Visualization (DRAGON-V), a visualization system that uses probabilistic goal recognition to infer and display the most probable airport runway that a pilot is approaching. DRAGON-V is especially useful in cases of miscommunication, low visibility, or lack of airport familiarity which may result in a pilot deviating from the assigned taxiing route. The visualization system conveys relevant information, and updates according to the airplane's current geolocation. DRAGON-V aims to assist air traffic controllers in reducing incidents of runway incursions at airports.