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#1 ReinforceNS: Reinforcement Learning-based Multi-start Neighborhood Search for Solving the Traveling Thief Problem [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Tao Wu ; Huachao Cui ; Tao Guan ; Yuesong Wang ; Yan Jin

The Traveling Thief Problem (TTP) is a challenging combinatorial optimization problem with broad practical applications. TTP combines two NP-hard problems: the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) and Knapsack Problem (KP). While a number of machine learning and deep learning based algorithms have been developed for TSP and KP, there is limited research dedicated to TTP. In this paper, we present the first reinforcement learning based multi-start neighborhood search algorithm, denoted by ReinforceNS, for solving TTP. To accelerate the search, we employ a pre-processing procedure for neighborhood reduction. A TSP routing and an iterated greedy packing are independently utilized to construct a high-quality initial solution, further improved by a reinforcement learning based neighborhood search. Additionally, a post-optimization procedure is devised for continued solution improvement. We conduct extensive experiments on 60 commonly used benchmark instances with 76 to 33810 cities in the literature. The experimental results demonstrate that our proposed ReinforceNS algorithm outperforms three state-of-the-art algorithms in terms of solution quality with the same time limit. In particular, ReinforceNS achieves 12 new results for 18 instances publicly reported in a recent TTP competition. We also perform an additional experiment to validate the effectiveness of the reinforcement learning strategy.