AAAI.2018 - Demonstrations

| Total: 15

#1 Perception-Action-Learning System for Mobile Social-Service Robots Using Deep Learning [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Beom-Jin Lee, Jinyoung Choi, Chung-Yeon Lee, Kyung-Wha Park, Sungjun Choi, Cheolho Han, Dong-Sig Han, Christina Baek, Patrick Emaase, Byoung-Tak Zhang

We introduce a novel perception-action-learning system for mobile social-service robots. The state-of-the-art deep learning techniques were incorporated into each module which significantly improves the performance in solving social service tasks. The system not only demonstrated fast and robust performance in a homelike environment but also achieved the highest score in the RoboCup2017@Home Social Standard Platform League (SSPL) held in Nagoya, Japan.

#2 Learning an Image-based Obstacle Detector With Automatic Acquisition of Training Data [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Stefano Toniolo, Jérôme Guzzi, Luca Gambardella, Alessandro Giusti

We detect and localize obstacles in front of a mobile robot by means of a deep neural network that maps images acquired from a forward-looking camera to the outputs of five proximity sensors. The robot autonomously acquires training data in multiple environments; once trained, the network can detect obstacles and their position also in unseen scenarios, and can be used on different robots, not equipped with proximity sensors. We demonstrate both the training and deployment phases on a small modified Thymio robot.

#3 Dataset Evolver: An Interactive Feature Engineering Notebook [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Fatemeh Nargesian, Udayan Khurana, Tejaswini Pedapati, Horst Samulowitz, Deepak Turaga

We present DATASET EVOLVER, an interactive Jupyter notebook-based tool to support data scientists perform feature engineering for classification tasks. It provides users with suggestions on new features to construct, based on automated feature engineering algorithms. Users can navigate the given choices in different ways, validate the impact, and selectively accept the suggestions. DATASET EVOLVER is a pluggable feature engineering framework where several exploration strategies could be added. It currently includes meta-learning based exploration and reinforcement learning based exploration. The suggested features are constructed using well-defined mathematical functions and are easily interpretable. Our system provides a mixed-initiative system of a user being assisted by an automated agent to efficiently and effectively solve the complex problem of feature engineering. It reduces the effort of a data scientist from hours to minutes.

#4 Interactive Machine Learning at Scale With CHISSL [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Dustin Arendt, Emily Grace, Svitlana Volkova

We demonstrate CHISSL a scalable client-server system for real-time interactive machine learning. Our system is capable of incorporating user feedback incrementally and immediately without a pre-defined prediction task. Computation is partitioned between a lightweight web-client and a heavyweight server. The server relies on representation learning and off-the-shelf agglomerative clustering to find a dendrogram, which we use to quickly approximate distances in the representation space. The client, using only this dendrogram, incorporates user feedback via transduction. Distances and predictions for each unlabeled instance are updated incrementally and deterministically, with O(n) space and time complexity. Our algorithm is implemented in a functional prototype, designed to be easy to use by non-experts. The prototype organizes the large amounts of data into recommendations. This allows the user to interact with actual instances by dragging and dropping to provide feedback in an intuitive manner. We applied CHISSL to several domains including cyber, social media, and geo-temporal analysis.

#5 MAgent: A Many-Agent Reinforcement Learning Platform for Artificial Collective Intelligence [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Lianmin Zheng, Jiacheng Yang, Han Cai, Ming Zhou, Weinan Zhang, Jun Wang, Yong Yu

We introduce MAgent, a platform to support research and development of many-agent reinforcement learning. Unlike previous research platforms on single or multi-agent reinforcement learning, MAgent focuses on supporting the tasks and the applications that require hundreds to millions of agents. Within the interactions among a population of agents, it enables not only the study of learning algorithms for agents' optimal polices, but more importantly, the observation and understanding of individual agent's behaviors and social phenomena emerging from the AI society, including communication languages, leaderships, altruism. MAgent is highly scalable and can host up to one million agents on a single GPU server. MAgent also provides flexible configurations for AI researchers to design their customized environments and agents. In this demo, we present three environments designed on MAgent and show emerged collective intelligence by learning from scratch.

#6 PegasusN: A Scalable and Versatile Graph Mining System [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Ha-Myung Park, Chiwan Park, U Kang

How can we find patterns and anomalies in peta-scale graphs? Even recently proposed graph mining systems fail in processing peta-scale graphs. In this work, we propose PegasusN, a scalable and versatile graph mining system that runs on Hadoop and Spark. To handle enormous graphs, PegasusN provides and seamlessly integrates efficient algorithms for various graph mining operations: graph structure analyses, subgraph enumeration, graph generation, and graph visualization. PegasusN quickly processes extra-large graphs that other systems cannot handle.

#7 A Cognitive Assistant for Visualizing and Analyzing Exoplanets [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Jeffrey Kephart, Victor Dibia, Jason Ellis, Biplav Srivastava, Kartik Talamadupula, Mishal Dholakia

We demonstrate an embodied cognitive agent that helps scientists visualize and analyze exo-planets and their host stars. The prototype is situated in a room equipped with a large display, microphones, cameras, speakers, and pointing devices. Users communicate with the agent via speech, gestures, and combinations thereof, and it responds by displaying content and generating synthesized speech. Extensive use of context facilitates natural interaction with the agent.

#8 Water Advisor - A Data-Driven, Multi-Modal, Contextual Assistant to Help With Water Usage Decisions [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Jason Ellis, Biplav Srivastava, Rachel Bellamy, Andy Aaron

We demonstrate Water Advisor, a multi-modal assistant to help non-experts make sense of complex water quality data and apply it to their specific needs. A user can chat with the tool about water quality and activities of interest, and the system tries to advise using available water data for a location, applicable water regulations and relevant parameters using AI methods.

#9 Vertical Domain Text Classification: Towards Understanding IT Tickets Using Deep Neural Networks [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Jianglei Han, Mohammad Akbari

It is challenging to directly apply text classification models without much feature engineering on domain-specific use cases, and expect the state of art performance. Much more so when the number of classes is large. Convolutional Neural Network (CNN or Con-vNet) has attracted much in text mining due to its effectiveness in automatic feature extraction from text. In this paper, we compare traditional and deep learning approaches for automatic categorization of IT tickets in a real-world production ticketing system. Experimental results demonstrate the good potential of CNN models in our task.

#10 Democratization of Deep Learning Using DARVIZ [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Anush Sankaran, Naveen Panwar, Shreya Khare, Senthil Mani, Akshay Sethi, Rahul Aralikatte, Neelamadhav Gantayat

With an abundance of research papers in deep learning, adoption and reproducibility of existing works becomes a challenge. To make a DL developer life easy, we propose a novel system, DARVIZ, to visually design a DL model using a drag-and-drop framework in an platform agnostic manner. The code could be automatically generated in both Caffe and Keras. DARVIZ could import (i) any existing Caffe code, or (ii) a research paper containing a DL design; extract the design, and present it in visual editor.

#11 Lookine: Let the Blind Hear a Smile [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Yaohua Bu, Jia Jia, Yuhan Tang, Xuan Zang, Tianyu Gao

It is believed that nonverbal visual information including facial expressions, facial micro-actions and head movements plays a significant role in fundamental social communication. Unfortunately it is regretful that the blind can not achieve such necessary information. Therefore, we propose a social assistant system, Lookine, to help them to go beyond this limitation. For Lookine, we apply the novel techniques including facial expression recognition, facial action recognition and head pose estimation, and obey barrier-free principles in our design. In experiments, the algorithm evaluation and user study prove that our system has promising accuracy, good real-time performance, and great user experience.

#12 BaitBuster: A Clickbait Identification Framework [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Md Main Uddin Rony, Naeemul Hassan, Mohammad Yousuf

The use of tempting and often misleading headlines (clickbait) to allure readers has become a growing practice nowadays among the media outlets. The widespread use of clickbait risks the reader’s trust in media. In this paper, we present BaitBuster, a browser extension and social bot based framework, that detects clickbaits floating on the web, provides brief explanation behind its decision, and regularly makes users aware of potential clickbaits.

#13 Constructing Domain-Specific Search Engines With No Programming [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Mayank Kejriwal, Pedro Szekely

We propose a demonstration of myDIG (my Domain-specific Insight Graphs), a system that allows non-technical domain experts, including those with no programming experience, to construct a domain-specific search engine over a raw corpus of webpages. myDIG has been developed and refined over multiple years under the DARPA MEMEX program, and has undergone rigorous user testing with actual domain experts from investigative agencies like the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). All components of myDIG are open-source, and the product of fundamental research.

#14 A Unified Implicit Dialog Framework for Conversational Commerce [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Song Feng, R. Chulaka Gunasekara, Sunil Shashidhara, Kshitij Fadnis, Lazaros Polymenakos

We propose a unified Implicit Dialog framework for goal-oriented, information seeking tasks of Conversational Commerce applications. It aims to enable the dialog interactions with domain data without replying on the explicitly encoded rules but utilizing the underlying data representation to build the components required for the interactions, which we refer as Implicit Dialog in this work. The proposed framework consists of a pipeline of End-to-End trainable modules. It generates a centralized knowledge representation to semantically ground multiple sub-modules. The framework is also integrated with an associated set of tools to gather end users' input for continuous improvement of the system. This framework is designed to facilitate fast development of conversational systems by identifying the components and the data that can be adapted and reused across many end-user applications. We demonstrate our approach by creating conversational agents for several independent domains.

#15 Agent Assist: Automating Enterprise IT Support Help Desks [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Senthil Mani, Neelamadhav Gantayat, Rahul Aralikatte, Monika Gupta, Sampath Dechu, Anush Sankaran, Shreya Khare, Barry Mitchell, Hemamalini Subramanian, Hema Venkatarangan

In this paper, we present Agent Assist, a virtual assistant which helps IT support staff to resolve tickets faster. It is essentially a conversation system which provides procedural and often complex answers to queries. This system can ingest knowledge from various sources like application documentation, ticket management systems and knowledge transfer video recordings. It uses an ensemble of techniques like question classification, knowledge graph based disambiguation, information retrieval, etc., to provide quick and relevant solutions to problems from various technical domains and is currently being used in more than 650 projects within IBM.