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While energy-based models (EBMs) exhibit a number of desirable properties, training and sampling on high-dimensional datasets remains challenging. Inspired by recent progress on diffusion probabilistic models, we present a diffusion recovery likelihood method to tractably learn and sample from a sequence of EBMs trained on increasingly noisy versions of a dataset. Each EBM is trained with recovery likelihood, which maximizes the conditional probability of the data at a certain noise level given their noisy versions at a higher noise level. Optimizing recovery likelihood is more tractable than marginal likelihood, as sampling from the conditional distributions is much easier than sampling from the marginal distributions. After training, synthesized images can be generated by the sampling process that initializes from Gaussian white noise distribution and progressively samples the conditional distributions at decreasingly lower noise levels. Our method generates high fidelity samples on various image datasets. On unconditional CIFAR-10 our method achieves FID 9.58 and inception score 8.30, superior to the majority of GANs. Moreover, we demonstrate that unlike previous work on EBMs, our long-run MCMC samples from the conditional distributions do not diverge and still represent realistic images, allowing us to accurately estimate the normalized density of data even for high-dimensional datasets. Our implementation is available at \url{https://github.com/ruiqigao/recovery_likelihood}.
Traditional off-policy actor-critic Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms learn value functions of a single target policy. However, when value functions are updated to track the learned policy, they forget potentially useful information about old policies. We introduce a class of value functions called Parameter-Based Value Functions (PBVFs) whose inputs include the policy parameters. They can generalize across different policies. PBVFs can evaluate the performance of any policy given a state, a state-action pair, or a distribution over the RL agent's initial states. First we show how PBVFs yield novel off-policy policy gradient theorems. Then we derive off-policy actor-critic algorithms based on PBVFs trained by Monte Carlo or Temporal Difference methods. We show how learned PBVFs can zero-shot learn new policies that outperform any policy seen during training. Finally our algorithms are evaluated on a selection of discrete and continuous control tasks using shallow policies and deep neural networks. Their performance is comparable to state-of-the-art methods.
One of the most fundamental aspects of any machine learning algorithm is the training data used by the algorithm. We introduce the novel concept of $\epsilon$-approximation of datasets, obtaining datasets which are much smaller than or are significant corruptions of the original training data while maintaining similar performance. We introduce a meta-learning algorithm Kernel Inducing Points (KIP) for obtaining such remarkable datasets, drawing inspiration from recent developments in the correspondence between infinitely-wide neural networks and kernel ridge-regression (KRR). For KRR tasks, we demonstrate that KIP can compress datasets by one or two orders of magnitude, significantly improving previous dataset distillation and subset selection methods while obtaining state of the art results for MNIST and CIFAR10 classification. Furthermore, our KIP-learned datasets are transferable to the training of finite-width neural networks even beyond the lazy-training regime. Consequently, we obtain state of the art results for neural network dataset distillation with potential applications to privacy-preservation.
Pretrained Transformer-based language models (LMs) display remarkable natural language generation capabilities. With their immense potential, controlling text generation of such LMs is getting attention. While there are studies that seek to control high-level attributes (such as sentiment and topic) of generated text, there is still a lack of more precise control over its content at the word- and phrase-level. Here, we propose Content-Conditioner (CoCon) to control an LM's output text with a content input, at a fine-grained level. In our self-supervised approach, the CoCon block learns to help the LM complete a partially-observed text sequence by conditioning with content inputs that are withheld from the LM. Through experiments, we show that CoCon can naturally incorporate target content into generated texts and control high-level text attributes in a zero-shot manner.
A key challenge for reinforcement learning (RL) consists of learning in environments with sparse extrinsic rewards. In contrast to current RL methods, humans are able to learn new skills with little or no reward by using various forms of intrinsic motivation. We propose AMIGo, a novel agent incorporating -- as form of meta-learning -- a goal-generating teacher that proposes Adversarially Motivated Intrinsic Goals to train a goal-conditioned "student" policy in the absence of (or alongside) environment reward. Specifically, through a simple but effective "constructively adversarial" objective, the teacher learns to propose increasingly challenging -- yet achievable -- goals that allow the student to learn general skills for acting in a new environment, independent of the task to be solved. We show that our method generates a natural curriculum of self-proposed goals which ultimately allows the agent to solve challenging procedurally-generated tasks where other forms of intrinsic motivation and state-of-the-art RL methods fail.
We propose a new framework for reasoning about generalization in deep learning. The core idea is to couple the Real World, where optimizers take stochastic gradient steps on the empirical loss, to an Ideal World, where optimizers take steps on the population loss. This leads to an alternate decomposition of test error into: (1) the Ideal World test error plus (2) the gap between the two worlds. If the gap (2) is universally small, this reduces the problem of generalization in offline learning to the problem of optimization in online learning. We then give empirical evidence that this gap between worlds can be small in realistic deep learning settings, in particular supervised image classification. For example, CNNs generalize better than MLPs on image distributions in the Real World, but this is "because" they optimize faster on the population loss in the Ideal World. This suggests our framework is a useful tool for understanding generalization in deep learning, and lays the foundation for future research in this direction.
Self-supervised learning of video representations has received great attention. Existing methods typically require frames to be decoded before being processed, which increases compute and storage requirements and ultimately hinders large-scale training. In this work, we propose an efficient self-supervised approach to learn video representations by eliminating the expensive decoding step. We use a three-stream video architecture that encodes I-frames and P-frames of a compressed video. Unlike existing approaches that encode I-frames and P-frames individually, we propose to jointly encode them by establishing bidirectional dynamic connections across streams. To enable self-supervised learning, we propose two pretext tasks that leverage the multimodal nature (RGB, motion vector, residuals) and the internal GOP structure of compressed videos. The first task asks our network to predict zeroth-order motion statistics in a spatio-temporal pyramid; the second task asks correspondence types between I-frames and P-frames after applying temporal transformations. We show that our approach achieves competitive performance on compressed video recognition both in supervised and self-supervised regimes.
Graph neural networks (GNNs) are powerful models that have been successful in various graph representation learning tasks. Whereas gradient boosted decision trees (GBDT) often outperform other machine learning methods when faced with heterogeneous tabular data. But what approach should be used for graphs with tabular node features? Previous GNN models have mostly focused on networks with homogeneous sparse features and, as we show, are suboptimal in the heterogeneous setting. In this work, we propose a novel architecture that trains GBDT and GNN jointly to get the best of both worlds: the GBDT model deals with heterogeneous features, while GNN accounts for the graph structure. Our model benefits from end-to-end optimization by allowing new trees to fit the gradient updates of GNN. With an extensive experimental comparison to the leading GBDT and GNN models, we demonstrate a significant increase in performance on a variety of graphs with tabular features. The code is available: https://github.com/nd7141/bgnn.
The attention mechanism has been widely used in deep neural networks as a model component. By now, it has become a critical building block in many state-of-the-art natural language models. Despite its great success established empirically, the working mechanism of attention has not been investigated at a sufficient theoretical depth to date. In this paper, we set up a simple text classification task and study the dynamics of training a simple attention-based classification model using gradient descent. In this setting, we show that, for the discriminative words that the model should attend to, a persisting identity exists relating its embedding and the inner product of its key and the query. This allows us to prove that training must converge to attending to the discriminative words when the attention output is classified by a linear classifier. Experiments are performed, which validate our theoretical analysis and provide further insights.
In recent years, great success has been witnessed in building problem-specific deep networks from unrolling iterative algorithms, for solving inverse problems and beyond. Unrolling is believed to incorporate the model-based prior with the learning capacity of deep learning. This paper revisits \textit{the role of unrolling as a design approach for deep networks}: to what extent its resulting special architecture is superior, and can we find better? Using LISTA for sparse recovery as a representative example, we conduct the first thorough \textit{design space study} for the unrolled models. Among all possible variations, we focus on extensively varying the connectivity patterns and neuron types, leading to a gigantic design space arising from LISTA. To efficiently explore this space and identify top performers, we leverage the emerging tool of neural architecture search (NAS). We carefully examine the searched top architectures in a number of settings, and are able to discover networks that consistently better than LISTA. We further present more visualization and analysis to ``open the black box", and find that the searched top architectures demonstrate highly consistent and potentially transferable patterns. We hope our study to spark more reflections and explorations on how to better mingle model-based optimization prior and data-driven learning.
We design a new provably efficient algorithm for episodic reinforcement learning with generalized linear function approximation. We analyze the algorithm under a new expressivity assumption that we call ``optimistic closure,'' which is strictly weaker than assumptions from prior analyses for the linear setting. With optimistic closure, we prove that our algorithm enjoys a regret bound of $\widetilde{O}\left(H\sqrt{d^3 T}\right)$ where $H$ is the horizon, $d$ is the dimensionality of the state-action features and $T$ is the number of episodes. This is the first statistically and computationally efficient algorithm for reinforcement learning with generalized linear functions.
Distributionally robust optimization (DRO) provides a framework for training machine learning models that are able to perform well on a collection of related data distributions (the "uncertainty set"). This is done by solving a min-max game: the model is trained to minimize its maximum expected loss among all distributions in the uncertainty set. While careful design of the uncertainty set is critical to the success of the DRO procedure, previous work has been limited to relatively simple alternatives that keep the min-max optimization problem exactly tractable, such as $f$-divergence balls. In this paper, we argue instead for the use of neural generative models to characterize the worst-case distribution, allowing for more flexible and problem-specific selection of the uncertainty set. However, while simple conceptually, this approach poses a number of implementation and optimization challenges. To circumvent these issues, we propose a relaxation of the KL-constrained inner maximization objective that makes the DRO problem more amenable to gradient-based optimization of large scale generative models, and develop model selection heuristics to guide hyper-parameter search. On both toy settings and realistic NLP tasks, we find that the proposed approach yields models that are more robust than comparable baselines.
Tight and efficient neural network bounding is of critical importance for the scaling of neural network verification systems. A number of efficient specialised dual solvers for neural network bounds have been presented recently, but they are often too loose to verify more challenging properties. This lack of tightness is linked to the weakness of the employed relaxation, which is usually a linear program of size linear in the number of neurons. While a tighter linear relaxation for piecewise linear activations exists, it comes at the cost of exponentially many constraints and thus currently lacks an efficient customised solver. We alleviate this deficiency via a novel dual algorithm that realises the full potential of the new relaxation by operating on a small active set of dual variables. Our method recovers the strengths of the new relaxation in the dual space: tightness and a linear separation oracle. At the same time, it shares the benefits of previous dual approaches for weaker relaxations: massive parallelism, GPU implementation, low cost per iteration and valid bounds at any time. As a consequence, we obtain better bounds than off-the-shelf solvers in only a fraction of their running time and recover the speed-accuracy trade-offs of looser dual solvers if the computational budget is small. We demonstrate that this results in significant formal verification speed-ups.
Model-agnostic meta-learning (MAML) is a popular method for few-shot learning but assumes that we have access to the meta-training set. In practice, training on the meta-training set may not always be an option due to data privacy concerns, intellectual property issues, or merely lack of computing resources. In this paper, we consider the novel problem of repurposing pretrained MAML checkpoints to solve new few-shot classification tasks. Because of the potential distribution mismatch, the original MAML steps may no longer be optimal. Therefore we propose an alternative meta-testing procedure and combine MAML gradient steps with adversarial training and uncertainty-based stepsize adaptation. Our method outperforms "vanilla" MAML on same-domain and cross-domains benchmarks using both SGD and Adam optimizers and shows improved robustness to the choice of base stepsize.
Multi-Task Learning (MTL) networks have emerged as a promising method for transferring learned knowledge across different tasks. However, MTL must deal with challenges such as: overfitting to low resource tasks, catastrophic forgetting, and negative task transfer, or learning interference. Often, in Natural Language Processing (NLP), a separate model per task is needed to obtain the best performance. However, many fine-tuning approaches are both parameter inefficient, i.e., potentially involving one new model per task, and highly susceptible to losing knowledge acquired during pretraining. We propose a novel Transformer based Adapter consisting of a new conditional attention mechanism as well as a set of task-conditioned modules that facilitate weight sharing. Through this construction, we achieve more efficient parameter sharing and mitigate forgetting by keeping half of the weights of a pretrained model fixed. We also use a new multi-task data sampling strategy to mitigate the negative effects of data imbalance across tasks. Using this approach, we are able to surpass single task fine-tuning methods while being parameter and data efficient (using around 66% of the data). Compared to other BERT Large methods on GLUE, our 8-task model surpasses other Adapter methods by 2.8% and our 24-task model outperforms by 0.7-1.0% models that use MTL and single task fine-tuning. We show that a larger variant of our single multi-task model approach performs competitively across 26 NLP tasks and yields state-of-the-art results on a number of test and development sets.
We assess the tendency of state-of-the-art object recognition models to depend on signals from image backgrounds. We create a toolkit for disentangling foreground and background signal on ImageNet images, and find that (a) models can achieve non-trivial accuracy by relying on the background alone, (b) models often misclassify images even in the presence of correctly classified foregrounds--up to 88% of the time with adversarially chosen backgrounds, and (c) more accurate models tend to depend on backgrounds less. Our analysis of backgrounds brings us closer to understanding which correlations machine learning models use, and how they determine models' out of distribution performance.
We explore value-based multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) in the popular paradigm of centralized training with decentralized execution (CTDE). CTDE has an important concept, Individual-Global-Max (IGM) principle, which requires the consistency between joint and local action selections to support efficient local decision-making. However, in order to achieve scalability, existing MARL methods either limit representation expressiveness of their value function classes or relax the IGM consistency, which may suffer from instability risk or may not perform well in complex domains. This paper presents a novel MARL approach, called duPLEX dueling multi-agent Q-learning (QPLEX), which takes a duplex dueling network architecture to factorize the joint value function. This duplex dueling structure encodes the IGM principle into the neural network architecture and thus enables efficient value function learning. Theoretical analysis shows that QPLEX achieves a complete IGM function class. Empirical experiments on StarCraft II micromanagement tasks demonstrate that QPLEX significantly outperforms state-of-the-art baselines in both online and offline data collection settings, and also reveal that QPLEX achieves high sample efficiency and can benefit from offline datasets without additional online exploration.
Multi-objective optimization (MOO) problems are prevalent in machine learning. These problems have a set of optimal solutions, called the Pareto front, where each point on the front represents a different trade-off between possibly conflicting objectives. Recent MOO methods can target a specific desired ray in loss space however, most approaches still face two grave limitations: (i) A separate model has to be trained for each point on the front; and (ii) The exact trade-off must be known before the optimization process. Here, we tackle the problem of learning the entire Pareto front, with the capability of selecting a desired operating point on the front after training. We call this new setup Pareto-Front Learning (PFL). We describe an approach to PFL implemented using HyperNetworks, which we term Pareto HyperNetworks (PHNs). PHN learns the entire Pareto front simultaneously using a single hypernetwork, which receives as input a desired preference vector and returns a Pareto-optimal model whose loss vector is in the desired ray. The unified model is runtime efficient compared to training multiple models and generalizes to new operating points not used during training. We evaluate our method on a wide set of problems, from multi-task regression and classification to fairness. PHNs learn the entire Pareto front at roughly the same time as learning a single point on the front and at the same time reach a better solution set. PFL opens the door to new applications where models are selected based on preferences that are only available at run time.
Dancing to music is one of human's innate abilities since ancient times. In machine learning research, however, synthesizing dance movements from music is a challenging problem. Recently, researchers synthesize human motion sequences through autoregressive models like recurrent neural network (RNN). Such an approach often generates short sequences due to an accumulation of prediction errors that are fed back into the neural network. This problem becomes even more severe in the long motion sequence generation. Besides, the consistency between dance and music in terms of style, rhythm and beat is yet to be taken into account during modeling. In this paper, we formalize the music-driven dance generation as a sequence-to-sequence learning problem and devise a novel seq2seq architecture to efficiently process long sequences of music features and capture the fine-grained correspondence between music and dance. Furthermore, we propose a novel curriculum learning strategy to alleviate error accumulation of autoregressive models in long motion sequence generation, which gently changes the training process from a fully guided teacher-forcing scheme using the previous ground-truth movements, towards a less guided autoregressive scheme mostly using the generated movements instead. Extensive experiments show that our approach significantly outperforms the existing state-of-the-arts on automatic metrics and human evaluation. We also make a demo video to demonstrate the superior performance of our proposed approach at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmE20MEheZ8.
Contrastive learning has recently been a core for unsupervised visual representation learning. Without human annotation, the common practice is to perform an instance discrimination task: Given a query image crop, label crops from the same image as positives, and crops from other randomly sampled images as negatives. An important limitation of this label assignment is that it can not reflect the heterogeneous similarity of the query crop to crops from other images, but regarding them as equally negative. To address this issue, inspired by consistency regularization in semi-supervised learning, we propose Consistent Contrast (CO2), which introduces a consistency term into unsupervised contrastive learning framework. The consistency term takes the similarity of the query crop to crops from other images as unlabeled, and the corresponding similarity of a positive crop as a pseudo label. It then encourages consistency between these two similarities. Empirically, CO2 improves Momentum Contrast (MoCo) by 2.9% top-1 accuracy on ImageNet linear protocol, 3.8% and 1.1% top-5 accuracy on 1% and 10% labeled semi-supervised settings. It also transfers to image classification, object detection, and semantic segmentation on PASCAL VOC. This shows that CO2 learns better visual representations for downstream tasks.
While second order optimizers such as natural gradient descent (NGD) often speed up optimization, their effect on generalization has been called into question. This work presents a more nuanced view on how the \textit{implicit bias} of optimizers affects the comparison of generalization properties. We provide an exact asymptotic bias-variance decomposition of the generalization error of preconditioned ridgeless regression in the overparameterized regime, and consider the inverse population Fisher information matrix (used in NGD) as a particular example. We determine the optimal preconditioner $\boldsymbol{P}$ for both the bias and variance, and find that the relative generalization performance of different optimizers depends on label noise and ``shape'' of the signal (true parameters): when the labels are noisy, the model is misspecified, or the signal is misaligned with the features, NGD can achieve lower risk; conversely, GD generalizes better under clean labels, a well-specified model, or aligned signal. Based on this analysis, we discuss several approaches to manage the bias-variance tradeoff, and the potential benefit of interpolating between first- and second-order updates. We then extend our analysis to regression in the reproducing kernel Hilbert space and demonstrate that preconditioning can lead to more efficient decrease in the population risk. Lastly, we empirically compare the generalization error of first- and second-order optimizers in neural network experiments, and observe robust trends matching our theoretical analysis.
A novel optimization approach is proposed for application to policy gradient methods and evolution strategies for reinforcement learning (RL). The procedure uses a computationally efficient \emph{Wasserstein natural gradient} (WNG) descent that takes advantage of the geometry induced by a Wasserstein penalty to speed optimization. This method follows the recent theme in RL of including divergence penalties in the objective to establish trust regions. Experiments on challenging tasks demonstrate improvements in both computational cost and performance over advanced baselines.
Consider a prediction setting with few in-distribution labeled examples and many unlabeled examples both in- and out-of-distribution (OOD). The goal is to learn a model which performs well both in-distribution and OOD. In these settings, auxiliary information is often cheaply available for every input. How should we best leverage this auxiliary information for the prediction task? Empirically across three image and time-series datasets, and theoretically in a multi-task linear regression setting, we show that (i) using auxiliary information as input features improves in-distribution error but can hurt OOD error; but (ii) using auxiliary information as outputs of auxiliary pre-training tasks improves OOD error. To get the best of both worlds, we introduce In-N-Out, which first trains a model with auxiliary inputs and uses it to pseudolabel all the in-distribution inputs, then pre-trains a model on OOD auxiliary outputs and fine-tunes this model with the pseudolabels (self-training). We show both theoretically and empirically that In-N-Out outperforms auxiliary inputs or outputs alone on both in-distribution and OOD error.
Segmented models are widely used to describe non-stationary sequential data with discrete change points. Their estimation usually requires solving a mixed discrete-continuous optimization problem, where the segmentation is the discrete part and all other model parameters are continuous. A number of estimation algorithms have been developed that are highly specialized for their specific model assumptions. The dependence on non-standard algorithms makes it hard to integrate segmented models in state-of-the-art deep learning architectures that critically depend on gradient-based optimization techniques. In this work, we formulate a relaxed variant of segmented models that enables joint estimation of all model parameters, including the segmentation, with gradient descent. We build on recent advances in learning continuous warping functions and propose a novel family of warping functions based on the two-sided power (TSP) distribution. TSP-based warping functions are differentiable, have simple closed-form expressions, and can represent segmentation functions exactly. Our formulation includes the important class of segmented generalized linear models as a special case, which makes it highly versatile. We use our approach to model the spread of COVID-19 with Poisson regression, apply it on a change point detection task, and learn classification models with concept drift. The experiments show that our approach effectively learns all these tasks with standard algorithms for gradient descent.
We study two factors in neural network training: data parallelism and sparsity; here, data parallelism means processing training data in parallel using distributed systems (or equivalently increasing batch size), so that training can be accelerated; for sparsity, we refer to pruning parameters in a neural network model, so as to reduce computational and memory cost. Despite their promising benefits, however, understanding of their effects on neural network training remains elusive. In this work, we first measure these effects rigorously by conducting extensive experiments while tuning all metaparameters involved in the optimization. As a result, we find across various workloads of data set, network model, and optimization algorithm that there exists a general scaling trend between batch size and number of training steps to convergence for the effect of data parallelism, and further, difficulty of training under sparsity. Then, we develop a theoretical analysis based on the convergence properties of stochastic gradient methods and smoothness of the optimization landscape, which illustrates the observed phenomena precisely and generally, establishing a better account of the effects of data parallelism and sparsity on neural network training.