ICML.2024 - Poster

| Total: 2299

#1 BiE: Bi-Exponent Block Floating-Point for Large Language Models Quantization [PDF4] [Copy] [Kimi5] [REL]

Authors: Lancheng Zou ; Wenqian Zhao ; Shuo Yin ; Chen Bai ; Qi Sun ; Bei Yu

Nowadays, Large Language Models (LLMs) mostly possess billions of parameters, bringing significant challenges to hardware platforms. Although quantization is an efficient approach to reduce computation and memory overhead for inference optimization, we stress the challenge that mainstream low-bit quantization approaches still suffer from either various data distribution outliers or a lack of hardware efficiency. We also find that low-bit data format has further potential expressiveness to cover the atypical language data distribution. In this paper, we propose a novel numerical representation, Bi-Exponent Block Floating Point (BiE), and a new quantization flow. BiE quantization shows accuracy superiority and hardware friendliness on various models and benchmarks.

#2 Compositional Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi2] [REL]

Authors: Yixiong Zou ; Shanghang Zhang ; Haichen Zhou ; Yuhua Li ; Ruixuan Li

Few-shot class-incremental learning (FSCIL) is proposed to continually learn from novel classes with only a few samples after the (pre-)training on base classes with sufficient data. However, this remains a challenge. In contrast, humans can easily recognize novel classes with a few samples. Cognitive science demonstrates that an important component of such human capability is compositional learning. This involves identifying visual primitives from learned knowledge and then composing new concepts using these transferred primitives, making incremental learning both effective and interpretable. To imitate human compositional learning, we propose a cognitive-inspired method for the FSCIL task. We define and build a compositional model based on set similarities, and then equip it with a primitive composition module and a primitive reuse module. In the primitive composition module, we propose to utilize the Centered Kernel Alignment (CKA) similarity to approximate the similarity between primitive sets, allowing the training and evaluation based on primitive compositions. In the primitive reuse module, we enhance primitive reusability by classifying inputs based on primitives replaced with the closest primitives from other classes. Experiments on three datasets validate our method, showing it outperforms current state-of-the-art methods with improved interpretability. Our code is available at https://github.com/Zoilsen/Comp-FSCIL.

#3 Fool Your (Vision and) Language Model with Embarrassingly Simple Permutations [PDF5] [Copy] [Kimi4] [REL]

Authors: Yongshuo Zong ; Tingyang Yu ; Ruchika Chavhan ; Bingchen Zhao ; Timothy Hospedales

Large language and vision-language models are rapidly being deployed in practice thanks to their impressive capabilities in instruction following, in-context learning, and so on. This raises an urgent need to carefully analyse their robustness so that stakeholders can understand if and when such models are trustworthy enough to be relied upon in any given application. In this paper, we highlight a specific vulnerability in popular models, namely permutation sensitivity in multiple-choice question answering (MCQA). Specifically, we show empirically that popular models are vulnerable to adversarial permutation in answer sets for multiple-choice prompting, which is surprising as models should ideally be as invariant to prompt permutation as humans are. These vulnerabilities persist across various model sizes, and exist in very recent language and vision-language models. Code to reproduce all experiments is provided in supplementary materials.

#4 Safety Fine-Tuning at (Almost) No Cost: A Baseline for Vision Large Language Models [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Yongshuo Zong ; Ondrej Bohdal ; Tingyang Yu ; Yongxin Yang ; Timothy Hospedales

Current vision large language models (VLLMs) exhibit remarkable capabilities yet are prone to generate harmful content and are vulnerable to even the simplest jailbreaking attacks. Our initial analysis finds that this is due to the presence of harmful data during vision-language instruction fine-tuning, and that VLLM fine-tuning can cause forgetting of safety alignment previously learned by the underpinning LLM. To address this issue, we first curate a vision-language safe instruction-following dataset VLGuard covering various harmful categories. Our experiments demonstrate that integrating this dataset into standard vision-language fine-tuning or utilizing it for post-hoc fine-tuning effectively safety aligns VLLMs. This alignment is achieved with minimal impact on, or even enhancement of, the models' helpfulness. The versatility of our safety fine-tuning dataset makes it a valuable resource for safety-testing existing VLLMs, training new models or safeguarding pre-trained VLLMs. Empirical results demonstrate that fine-tuned VLLMs effectively reject unsafe instructions and substantially reduce the success rates of several black-box adversarial attacks, which approach zero in many cases. The code and dataset will be open-sourced.

#5 Symmetry Induces Structure and Constraint of Learning [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi2] [REL]

Author: Liu Ziyin

Due to common architecture designs, symmetries exist extensively in contemporary neural networks. In this work, we unveil the importance of the loss function symmetries in affecting, if not deciding, the learning behavior of machine learning models. We prove that every mirror-reflection symmetry, with reflection surface $O$, in the loss function leads to the emergence of a constraint on the model parameters $\theta$: $O^T\theta =0$. This constrained solution becomes satisfied when either the weight decay or gradient noise is large. Common instances of mirror symmetries in deep learning include rescaling, rotation, and permutation symmetry. As direct corollaries, we show that rescaling symmetry leads to sparsity, rotation symmetry leads to low rankness, and permutation symmetry leads to homogeneous ensembling. Then, we show that the theoretical framework can explain intriguing phenomena, such as the loss of plasticity and various collapse phenomena in neural networks, and suggest how symmetries can be used to design an elegant algorithm to enforce hard constraints in a differentiable way.

#6 Emergence of In-Context Reinforcement Learning from Noise Distillation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi2] [REL]

Authors: Ilya Zisman ; Vladislav Kurenkov ; Alexander Nikulin ; Viacheslav Sinii ; Sergey Kolesnikov

Recently, extensive studies in Reinforcement Learning have been carried out on the ability of transformers to adapt in-context to various environments and tasks. Current in-context RL methods are limited by their strict requirements for data, which needs to be generated by RL agents or labeled with actions from an optimal policy. In order to address this prevalent problem, we propose AD$^\varepsilon$, a new data acquisition approach that enables in-context Reinforcement Learning from noise-induced curriculum. We show that it is viable to construct a synthetic noise injection curriculum which helps to obtain learning histories. Moreover, we experimentally demonstrate that it is possible to alleviate the need for generation using optimal policies, with in-context RL still able to outperform the best suboptimal policy in a learning dataset by a 2x margin.

#7 Batch Singular Value Polarization and Weighted Semantic Augmentation for Universal Domain Adaptation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Wang Ziqi ; Wei Wang ; Chao Huang ; Jie Wen ; Cong Wang

As a more challenging domain adaptation setting, universal domain adaptation (UniDA) introduces category shift on top of domain shift, which needs to identify unknown category in the target domain and avoid misclassifying target samples into source private categories. To this end, we propose a novel UniDA approach named Batch Singular value Polarization and Weighted Semantic Augmentation (BSP-WSA). Specifically, we adopt an adversarial classifier to identify the target unknown category and align feature distributions between the two domains. Then, we propose to perform SVD on the classifier's outputs to maximize larger singular values while minimizing those smaller ones, which could prevent target samples from being wrongly assigned to source private classes. To better bridge the domain gap, we propose a weighted semantic augmentation approach for UniDA to generate data on common categories between the two domains. Extensive experiments on three benchmarks demonstrate that BSP-WSA could outperform existing state-of-the-art UniDA approaches.

#8 Viewing Transformers Through the Lens of Long Convolutions Layers [PDF7] [Copy] [Kimi5] [REL]

Authors: Itamar Zimerman ; Lior Wolf

Despite their dominance in modern DL and, especially, NLP domains, transformer architectures exhibit sub-optimal performance on long-range tasks compared to recent layers that are specifically designed for this purpose. In this work, drawing inspiration from key attributes of longrange layers, such as state-space layers, linear RNN layers, and global convolution layers, we demonstrate that minimal modifications to the transformer architecture can significantly enhance performance on the Long Range Arena (LRA) benchmark, thus narrowing the gap with these specialized layers. We identify that two key principles for long-range tasks are (i) incorporating an inductive bias towards smoothness, and (ii) locality. As we show, integrating these ideas into the attention mechanism improves results with a negligible amount of additional computation and without any additional trainable parameters. Our theory and experiments also shed light on the reasons for the inferior performance of transformers on long-range tasks and identify critical properties that are essential for successfully capturing long-range dependencies.

#9 Converting Transformers to Polynomial Form for Secure Inference Over Homomorphic Encryption [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Itamar Zimerman ; Moran Baruch ; Nir Drucker ; Gilad Ezov ; Omri Soceanu ; Lior Wolf

Designing privacy-preserving DL solutions is a major challenge within the AI community. Homomorphic Encryption (HE) has emerged as one of the most promising approaches in this realm, enabling the decoupling of knowledge between a model owner and a data owner. Despite extensive research and application of this technology, primarily in CNNs, applying HE on transformer models has been challenging because of the difficulties in converting these models into a polynomial form. We break new ground by introducing the first polynomial transformer, providing the first demonstration of secure inference over HE with full transformers. This includes a transformer architecture tailored for HE, alongside a novel method for converting operators to their polynomial equivalent. This innovation enables us to perform secure inference on LMs and ViTs with several datasts and tasks. Our techniques yield results comparable to traditional models, bridging the performance gap with transformers of similar scale and underscoring the viability of HE for state-of-the-art applications. Finally, we assess the stability of our models and conduct a series of ablations to quantify the contribution of each model component. Our code is publicly available.

#10 Towards Efficient Spiking Transformer: a Token Sparsification Framework for Training and Inference Acceleration [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi2] [REL]

Authors: Zhengyang Zhuge ; Peisong Wang ; Xingting Yao ; Jian Cheng

Nowadays Spiking Transformers have exhibited remarkable performance close to Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), while enjoying the inherent energy-efficiency of Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs). However, training Spiking Transformers on GPUs is considerably more time-consuming compared to the ANN counterparts, despite the energy-efficient inference through neuromorphic computation. In this paper, we investigate the token sparsification technique for efficient training of Spiking Transformer and find conventional methods suffer from noticeable performance degradation. We analyze the issue and propose our Sparsification with Timestep-wise Anchor Token and dual Alignments (STATA). Timestep-wise Anchor Token enables precise identification of important tokens across timesteps based on standardized criteria. Additionally, dual Alignments incorporate both Intra and Inter Alignment of the attention maps, fostering the learning of inferior attention. Extensive experiments show the effectiveness of STATA thoroughly, which demonstrates up to $\sim$1.53$\times$ training speedup and $\sim$48% energy reduction with comparable performance on various datasets and architectures.

#11 COALA: A Practical and Vision-Centric Federated Learning Platform [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Weiming Zhuang ; Jian Xu ; Chen Chen ; Jingtao Li ; Lingjuan Lyu

We present COALA, a vision-centric Federated Learning (FL) platform, and a suite of benchmarks for practical FL scenarios, which we categorize as task, data, and model levels. At the task level, COALA extends support from simple classification to 15 computer vision tasks, including object detection, segmentation, pose estimation, and more. It also facilitates federated multiple-task learning, allowing clients to train on multiple tasks simultaneously. At the data level, COALA goes beyond supervised FL to benchmark both semi-supervised FL and unsupervised FL. It also benchmarks feature distribution shifts other than commonly considered label distribution shifts. In addition to dealing with static data, it supports federated continual learning for continuously changing data in real-world scenarios. At the model level, COALA benchmarks FL with split models and different models in different clients. COALA platform offers three degrees of customization for these practical FL scenarios, including configuration customization, components customization, and workflow customization. We conduct systematic benchmarking experiments for the practical FL scenarios and highlight potential opportunities for further advancements in FL.

#12 Reinformer: Max-Return Sequence Modeling for Offline RL [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Zifeng Zhuang ; Dengyun Peng ; Jinxin Liu ; Ziqi Zhang ; Donglin Wang

As a data-driven paradigm, offline reinforcement learning (RL) has been formulated as sequence modeling that conditions on the hindsight information including returns, goal or future trajectory. Although promising, this supervised paradigm overlooks the core objective of RL that maximizes the return. This overlook directly leads to the lack of trajectory stitching capability that affects the sequence model learning from sub-optimal data. In this work, we introduce the concept of max-return sequence modeling which integrates the goal of maximizing returns into existing sequence models. We propose **Rein*for***ced Trans***for*mer** (**Rein*for*mer**), indicating the sequence model is reinforced by the RL objective. **Rein*for*mer** additionally incorporates the objective of maximizing returns in the training phase, aiming to predict the maximum future return within the distribution. During inference, this in-distribution maximum return will guide the selection of optimal actions. Empirically, **Rein*for*mer** is competitive with classical RL methods on the D4RL benchmark and outperforms state-of-the-art sequence model particularly in trajectory stitching ability. Code is public at https://github.com/Dragon-Zhuang/Reinformer.

#13 Stealthy Imitation: Reward-guided Environment-free Policy Stealing [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Zhixiong Zhuang ; Maria-Irina Nicolae ; Mario Fritz

Deep reinforcement learning policies, which are integral to modern control systems, represent valuable intellectual property. The development of these policies demands considerable resources, such as domain expertise, simulation fidelity, and real-world validation. These policies are potentially vulnerable to model stealing attacks, which aim to replicate their functionality using only black-box access. In this paper, we propose Stealthy Imitation, the first attack designed to steal policies without access to the environment or knowledge of the input range. This setup has not been considered by previous model stealing methods. Lacking access to the victim's input states distribution, Stealthy Imitation fits a reward model that allows to approximate it. We show that the victim policy is harder to imitate when the distribution of the attack queries matches that of the victim. We evaluate our approach across diverse, high-dimensional control tasks and consistently outperform prior data-free approaches adapted for policy stealing. Lastly, we propose a countermeasure that significantly diminishes the effectiveness of the attack.

#14 Language Models Represent Beliefs of Self and Others [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi2] [REL]

Authors: Wentao Zhu ; Zhining Zhang ; Yizhou Wang

Understanding and attributing mental states, known as Theory of Mind (ToM), emerges as a fundamental capability for human social reasoning. While Large Language Models (LLMs) appear to possess certain ToM abilities, the mechanisms underlying these capabilities remain elusive. In this study, we discover that it is possible to linearly decode the belief status from the perspectives of various agents through neural activations of language models, indicating the existence of internal representations of self and others' beliefs. By manipulating these representations, we observe dramatic changes in the models' ToM performance, underscoring their pivotal role in the social reasoning process. Additionally, our findings extend to diverse social reasoning tasks that involve different causal inference patterns, suggesting the potential generalizability of these representations.

#15 CRoFT: Robust Fine-Tuning with Concurrent Optimization for OOD Generalization and Open-Set OOD Detection [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Lin Zhu ; Yifeng Yang ; Qinying Gu ; Xinbing Wang ; Chenghu Zhou ; Nanyang Ye

Recent vision-language pre-trained models (VL-PTMs) have shown remarkable success in open-vocabulary tasks. However, downstream use cases often involve further fine-tuning of VL-PTMs, which may distort their general knowledge and impair their ability to handle distribution shifts. In real-world scenarios, machine learning systems inevitably encounter both covariate shifts (e.g., changes in image styles) and semantic shifts (e.g., test-time unseen classes). This highlights the importance of enhancing out-of-distribution (OOD) generalization on covariate shifts and simultaneously detecting semantic-shifted unseen classes. Thus a critical but underexplored question arises: How to improve VL-PTMs' generalization ability to closed-set OOD data, while effectively detecting open-set unseen classes during fine-tuning? In this paper, we propose a novel objective function of OOD detection that also serves to improve OOD generalization. We show that minimizing the gradient magnitude of energy scores on training data leads to domain-consistent Hessians of classification loss, a strong indicator for OOD generalization revealed by theoretical analysis. Based on this finding, we have developed a unified fine-tuning framework that allows for concurrent optimization of both tasks. Extensive experiments have demonstrated the superiority of our method. The code is available at https://github.com/LinLLLL/CRoFT.

#16 Dynamic Evaluation of Large Language Models by Meta Probing Agents [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Kaijie Zhu ; Jindong Wang ; Qinlin Zhao ; Ruochen Xu ; Xing Xie

Evaluation of large language models (LLMs) has raised great concerns in the community due to the issue of data contamination. Existing work designed evaluation protocols using well-defined algorithms for specific tasks, which cannot be easily extended to diverse scenarios. Moreover, current evaluation benchmarks can only provide the overall benchmark results and cannot support a fine-grained and multifaceted analysis of LLMs' abilities. In this paper, we propose meta probing agents (MPA), a general dynamic evaluation protocol inspired by psychometrics to evaluate LLMs. MPA designs the probing and judging agents to automatically transform an original evaluation problem into a new one following psychometric theory on three basic cognitive abilities: language understanding, problem solving, and domain knowledge. These basic abilities are also dynamically configurable, allowing multifaceted analysis. We conducted extensive evaluations using MPA and found that most LLMs achieve poorer performance, indicating room for improvement. Our multifaceted analysis demonstrated the strong correlation between the basic abilities and an implicit Mattew effect on model size, i.e., larger models possess stronger correlations of the abilities. MPA can also be used as a data augmentation approach to enhance LLMs. Code is available at: https://github.com/microsoft/promptbench.

#17 Model Tailor: Mitigating Catastrophic Forgetting in Multi-modal Large Language Models [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi2] [REL]

Authors: Didi Zhu ; Zhongyisun Sun ; Zexi Li ; Tao Shen ; Ke Yan ; Shouhong Ding ; Chao Wu ; Kun Kuang

Catastrophic forgetting emerges as a critical challenge when fine-tuning multi-modal large language models (MLLMs), where improving performance on unseen tasks often leads to a significant performance drop on the original tasks. This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of catastrophic forgetting in MLLMs and introduces a post-training adjustment method called Model Tailor. Our method primarily preserves the pre-trained parameters while replacing a small number ($\leq$ 10%) of fine-tuned parameters, maintaining $\sim$ 99% effectiveness on original tasks versus pre-training, and achieving $\sim$ 97% on new tasks compared to standard fine-tuning. Specifically, we derive a sparse mask to identify the model patch, based on a fusion strategy that integrates salience and sensitivity analysis. Subsequently, a compensation mechanism is introduced to decorate the patch, enhancing the model's performance on both target and original tasks. Additionally, our method is adaptable to multi-task scenarios. Through extensive experiments on InstructBLIP and LLaVA-1.5 in both image captioning and visual question answering tasks, our approach demonstrates significant task adaptability while preserving inherent pre-trained capabilities.

#18 Online Learning in Betting Markets: Profit versus Prediction [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Haiqing Zhu ; Alexander Soen ; Yun Kuen Cheung ; Lexing Xie

We examine two types of binary betting markets, whose primary goal is for profit (such as sports gambling) or to gain information (such as prediction markets). We articulate the interplay between belief and price-setting to analyse both types of markets, and show that the goals of maximising bookmaker profit and eliciting information are fundamentally incompatible. A key insight is that profit hinges on the deviation between (the distribution of) bettor and true beliefs, and that heavier tails in bettor belief distribution implies higher profit. Our algorithmic contribution is to introduce online learning methods for price-setting. Traditionally bookmakers update their prices rather infrequently, we present two algorithms that guide price updates upon seeing each bet, assuming very little of bettor belief distributions. The online pricing algorithm achieves stochastic regret of $\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{T})$ against the worst local maximum, or $\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{T \log T})$ with high probability against the global maximum under fair odds. More broadly, the inherent tradeoff between profit and information-seeking in binary betting may inspire new understandings of large-scale multi-agent behaviour.

#19 Antibody Design Using a Score-based Diffusion Model Guided by Evolutionary, Physical and Geometric Constraints [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Tian Zhu ; Milong Ren ; Haicang Zhang

Antibodies are central proteins in adaptive immune responses, responsible for protecting against viruses and other pathogens. Rational antibody design has proven effective in the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases like cancers and virus infections. While recent diffusion-based generative models show promise in designing antigen-specific antibodies, the primary challenge lies in the scarcity of labeled antibody-antigen complex data and binding affinity data. We present AbX, a new score-based diffusion generative model guided by evolutionary, physical, and geometric constraints for antibody design. These constraints serve to narrow the search space and provide priors for plausible antibody sequences and structures. Specifically, we leverage a pre-trained protein language model as priors for evolutionary plausible antibodies and introduce additional training objectives for geometric and physical constraints like van der Waals forces. Furthermore, as far as we know, AbX is the first score-based diffusion model with continuous timesteps for antibody design, jointly modeling the discrete sequence space and the $\mathrm{SE}(3)$ structure space. Evaluated on two independent testing sets, we show that AbX outperforms other published methods, achieving higher accuracy in sequence and structure generation and enhanced antibody-antigen binding affinity. Ablation studies highlight the clear contributions of the introduced constraints to antibody design.

#20 Toward Availability Attacks in 3D Point Clouds [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Yifan Zhu ; Yibo Miao ; Yinpeng Dong ; Xiao-Shan Gao

Despite the great progress of 3D vision, data privacy and security issues in 3D deep learning are not explored systematically. In the domain of 2D images, many availability attacks have been proposed to prevent data from being illicitly learned by unauthorized deep models. However, unlike images represented on a fixed dimensional grid, point clouds are characterized as unordered and unstructured sets, posing a significant challenge in designing an effective availability attack for 3D deep learning. In this paper, we theoretically show that extending 2D availability attacks directly to 3D point clouds under distance regularization is susceptible to the degeneracy, rendering the generated poisons weaker or even ineffective. This is because in bi-level optimization, introducing regularization term can result in update directions out of control. To address this issue, we propose a novel Feature Collision Error-Minimization (FC-EM) method, which creates additional shortcuts in the feature space, inducing different update directions to prevent the degeneracy of bi-level optimization. Moreover, we provide a theoretical analysis that demonstrates the effectiveness of the FC-EM attack. Extensive experiments on typical point cloud datasets, 3D intracranial aneurysm medical dataset, and 3D face dataset verify the superiority and practicality of our approach.

#21 Catapults in SGD: spikes in the training loss and their impact on generalization through feature learning [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Libin Zhu ; Chaoyue Liu ; Adityanarayanan Radhakrishnan ; Mikhail Belkin

In this paper, we first present an explanation regarding the common occurrence of spikes in the training loss when neural networks are trained with stochastic gradient descent (SGD). We provide evidence that the spikes in the training loss of SGD are "catapults", an optimization phenomenon originally observed in GD with large learning rates in Lewkowycz et al. (2020). We empirically show that these catapults occur in a low-dimensional subspace spanned by the top eigenvectors of the tangent kernel, for both GD and SGD. Second, we posit an explanation for how catapults lead to better generalization by demonstrating that catapults increase feature learning by increasing alignment with the Average Gradient Outer Product (AGOP) of the true predictor. Furthermore, we demonstrate that a smaller batch size in SGD induces a larger number of catapults, thereby improving AGOP alignment and test performance.

#22 Switched Flow Matching: Eliminating Singularities via Switching ODEs [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Qunxi Zhu ; Wei Lin

Continuous-time generative models, such as Flow Matching (FM), construct probability paths to transport between one distribution and another through the simulation-free learning of the neural ordinary differential equations (ODEs). During inference, however, the learned model often requires multiple neural network evaluations to accurately integrate the flow, resulting in a slow sampling speed. We attribute the reason to the inherent (joint) heterogeneity of source and/or target distributions, namely the singularity problem, which poses challenges for training the neural ODEs effectively. To address this issue, we propose a more general framework, termed Switched FM (SFM), that eliminates singularities via switching ODEs, as opposed to using a uniform ODE in FM. Importantly, we theoretically show that FM cannot transport between two simple distributions due to the existence and uniqueness of initial value problems of ODEs, while these limitations can be well tackled by SFM. From an orthogonal perspective, our framework can seamlessly integrate with the existing advanced techniques, such as minibatch optimal transport, to further enhance the straightness of the flow, yielding a more efficient sampling process with reduced costs. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the newly proposed SFM through several numerical examples.

#23 Vision Mamba: Efficient Visual Representation Learning with Bidirectional State Space Model [PDF4] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Lianghui Zhu ; Bencheng Liao ; Qian Zhang ; Xinlong Wang ; Wenyu Liu ; Xinggang Wang

Recently the state space models (SSMs) with efficient hardware-aware designs, i.e., the Mamba deep learning model, have shown great potential for long sequence modeling. Meanwhile building efficient and generic vision backbones purely upon SSMs is an appealing direction. However, representing visual data is challenging for SSMs due to the position-sensitivity of visual data and the requirement of global context for visual understanding. In this paper, we show that the reliance on self-attention for visual representation learning is not necessary and propose a new generic vision backbone with bidirectional Mamba blocks (Vim), which marks the image sequences with position embeddings and compresses the visual representation with bidirectional state space models. On ImageNet classification, COCO object detection, and ADE20k semantic segmentation tasks, Vim achieves higher performance compared to well-established vision transformers like DeiT, while also demonstrating significantly improved computation & memory efficiency. For example, Vim is 2.8x faster than DeiT and saves 86.8% GPU memory when performing batch inference to extract features on images with a resolution of 1248x1248. The results demonstrate that Vim is capable of overcoming the computation & memory constraints on performing Transformer-style understanding for high-resolution images and it has great potential to be the next-generation backbone for vision foundation models.

#24 Iterative Data Smoothing: Mitigating Reward Overfitting and Overoptimization in RLHF [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Banghua Zhu ; Michael Jordan ; Jiantao Jiao

Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) is a pivotal technique that aligns language models closely with human-centric values. The initial phase of RLHF involves learning human values using a reward model from ranking data. It is observed that the performance of the reward model degrades after one epoch of training, and optimizing too much against the learned reward model eventually hinders the true objective. This paper analyzes potential reasons behind the issues, and designs improved reward learning algorithm termed 'Iterative Data Smoothing' (IDS). The core idea is that during each training epoch, we not only update the model with the data, but also update the date using the model, replacing hard labels with soft labels. Our empirical findings highlight the superior performance of this approach over the traditional methods.

#25 Improving Open-Ended Text Generation via Adaptive Decoding [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi4] [REL]

Authors: Wenhong Zhu ; Hongkun Hao ; Zhiwei He ; Yiming Ai ; Rui Wang

Current language models decode text token by token according to probabilistic distribution, and determining the appropriate candidates for the next token is crucial to ensure generation quality. This study introduces adaptive decoding, a mechanism that dynamically empowers language models to ascertain a sensible candidate set during generation. Specifically, we introduce an entropy-based metric called confidence and conceptualize determining the optimal candidate set as a confidence-increasing process. The rationality of including a token in the candidate set is assessed by leveraging the increment of confidence. Experimental results reveal that our method balances diversity and coherence well. The human evaluation shows that our method can generate human-preferred text. Additionally, our method can potentially improve the reasoning ability of language models.