IJCAI.2019 - Humans and AI

| Total: 22

#1 Explaining Reinforcement Learning to Mere Mortals: An Empirical Study [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Andrew Anderson ; Jonathan Dodge ; Amrita Sadarangani ; Zoe Juozapaitis ; Evan Newman ; Jed Irvine ; Souti Chattopadhyay ; Alan Fern ; Margaret Burnett

We present a user study to investigate the impact of explanations on non-experts? understanding of reinforcement learning (RL) agents. We investigate both a common RL visualization, saliency maps (the focus of attention), and a more recent explanation type, reward-decomposition bars (predictions of future types of rewards). We designed a 124 participant, four-treatment experiment to compare participants? mental models of an RL agent in a simple Real-Time Strategy (RTS) game. Our results show that the combination of both saliency and reward bars were needed to achieve a statistically significant improvement in mental model score over the control. In addition, our qualitative analysis of the data reveals a number of effects for further study.

#2 Balancing Explicability and Explanations in Human-Aware Planning [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Tathagata Chakraborti ; Sarath Sreedharan ; Subbarao Kambhampati

Human-aware planning involves generating plans that are explicable as well as providing explanations when such plans cannot be found. In this paper, we bring these two concepts together and show how an agent can achieve a trade-off between these two competing characteristics of a plan. In order to achieve this, we conceive a first of its kind planner MEGA that can augment the possibility of explaining a plan in the plan generation process itself. We situate our discussion in the context of recent work on explicable planning and explanation generation and illustrate these concepts in two well-known planning domains, as well as in a demonstration of a robot in a typical search and reconnaissance task. Human factor studies in the latter highlight the usefulness of the proposed approach.

#3 Multi-agent Attentional Activity Recognition [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Kaixuan Chen ; Lina Yao ; Dalin Zhang ; Bin Guo ; Zhiwen Yu

Multi-modality is an important feature of sensor based activity recognition. In this work, we consider two inherent characteristics of human activities, the spatially-temporally varying salience of features and the relations between activities and corresponding body part motions. Based on these, we propose a multi-agent spatial-temporal attention model. The spatial-temporal attention mechanism helps intelligently select informative modalities and their active periods. And the multiple agents in the proposed model represent activities with collective motions across body parts by independently selecting modalities associated with single motions. With a joint recognition goal, the agents share gained information and coordinate their selection policies to learn the optimal recognition model. The experimental results on four real-world datasets demonstrate that the proposed model outperforms the state-of-the-art methods.

#4 Deep Adversarial Social Recommendation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Wenqi Fan ; Tyler Derr ; Yao Ma ; Jianping Wang ; Jiliang Tang ; Qing Li

Recent years have witnessed rapid developments on social recommendation techniques for improving the performance of recommender systems due to the growing influence of social networks to our daily life. The majority of existing social recommendation methods unify user representation for the user-item interactions (item domain) and user-user connections (social domain). However, it may restrain user representation learning in each respective domain, since users behave and interact differently in the two domains, which makes their representations to be heterogeneous. In addition, most of traditional recommender systems can not efficiently optimize these objectives, since they utilize negative sampling technique which is unable to provide enough informative guidance towards the training during the optimization process. In this paper, to address the aforementioned challenges, we propose a novel deep adversarial social recommendation framework DASO. It adopts a bidirectional mapping method to transfer users' information between social domain and item domain using adversarial learning. Comprehensive experiments on two real-world datasets show the effectiveness of the proposed framework.

#5 A Semantics-based Model for Predicting Children's Vocabulary [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Ishaan Grover ; Hae Won Park ; Cynthia Breazeal

Intelligent tutoring systems (ITS) provide educational benefits through one-on-one tutoring by assessing children's existing knowledge and providing tailored educational content. In the domain of language acquisition, several studies have shown that children often learn new words by forming semantic relationships with words they already know. In this paper, we present a model that uses word semantics (semantics-based model) to make inferences about a child's vocabulary from partial information about their existing vocabulary knowledge. We show that the proposed semantics-based model outperforms models that do not use word semantics (semantics-free models) on average. A subject-level analysis of results reveals that different models perform well for different children, thus motivating the need to combine predictions. To this end, we use two methods to combine predictions from semantics-based and semantics-free models and show that these methods yield better predictions of a child's vocabulary knowledge. Our results motivate the use of semantics-based models to assess children's vocabulary knowledge and build ITS that maximizes children's semantic understanding of words.

#6 STCA: Spatio-Temporal Credit Assignment with Delayed Feedback in Deep Spiking Neural Networks [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Pengjie Gu ; Rong Xiao ; Gang Pan ; Huajin Tang

The temporal credit assignment problem, which aims to discover the predictive features hidden in distracting background streams with delayed feedback, remains a core challenge in biological and machine learning. To address this issue, we propose a novel spatio-temporal credit assignment algorithm called STCA for training deep spiking neural networks (DSNNs). We present a new spatiotemporal error backpropagation policy by defining a temporal based loss function, which is able to credit the network losses to spatial and temporal domains simultaneously. Experimental results on MNIST dataset and a music dataset (MedleyDB) demonstrate that STCA can achieve comparable performance with other state-of-the-art algorithms with simpler architectures. Furthermore, STCA successfully discovers predictive sensory features and shows the highest performance in the unsegmented sensory event detection tasks.

#7 Dynamic Item Block and Prediction Enhancing Block for Sequential Recommendation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Guibing Guo ; Shichang Ouyang ; Xiaodong He ; Fajie Yuan ; Xiaohua Liu

Sequential recommendation systems have become a research hotpot recently to suggest users with the next item of interest (to interact with). However, existing approaches suffer from two limitations: (1) The representation of an item is relatively static and fixed for all users. We argue that even a same item should be represented distinctively with respect to different users and time steps. (2) The generation of a prediction for a user over an item is computed in a single scale (e.g., by their inner product), ignoring the nature of multi-scale user preferences. To resolve these issues, in this paper we propose two enhancing building blocks for sequential recommendation. Specifically, we devise a Dynamic Item Block (DIB) to learn dynamic item representation by aggregating the embeddings of those who rated the same item before that time step. Then, we come up with a Prediction Enhancing Block (PEB) to project user representation into multiple scales, based on which many predictions can be made and attentively aggregated for enhanced learning. Each prediction is generated by a softmax over a sampled itemset rather than the whole item space for efficiency. We conduct a series of experiments on four real datasets, and show that even a basic model can be greatly enhanced with the involvement of DIB and PEB in terms of ranking accuracy. The code and datasets can be obtained from https://github.com/ouououououou/DIB-PEB-Sequential-RS

#8 Discrete Trust-aware Matrix Factorization for Fast Recommendation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Guibing Guo ; Enneng Yang ; Li Shen ; Xiaochun Yang ; Xiaodong He

Trust-aware recommender systems have received much attention recently for their abilities to capture the influence among connected users. However, they suffer from the efficiency issue due to large amount of data and time-consuming real-valued operations. Although existing discrete collaborative filtering may alleviate this issue to some extent, it is unable to accommodate social influence. In this paper we propose a discrete trust-aware matrix factorization (DTMF) model to take dual advantages of both social relations and discrete technique for fast recommendation. Specifically, we map the latent representation of users and items into a joint hamming space by recovering the rating and trust interactions between users and items. We adopt a sophisticated discrete coordinate descent (DCD) approach to optimize our proposed model. In addition, experiments on two real-world datasets demonstrate the superiority of our approach against other state-of-the-art approaches in terms of ranking accuracy and efficiency.

#9 Decoding EEG by Visual-guided Deep Neural Networks [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Zhicheng Jiao ; Haoxuan You ; Fan Yang ; Xin Li ; Han Zhang ; Dinggang Shen

Decoding visual stimuli from brain activities is an interdisciplinary study of neuroscience and computer vision. With the emerging of Human-AI Collaboration, Human-Computer Interaction, and the development of advanced machine learning models, brain decoding based on deep learning attracts more attention. Electroencephalogram (EEG) is a widely used neurophysiology tool. Inspired by the success of deep learning on image representation and neural decoding, we proposed a visual-guided EEG decoding method that contains a decoding stage and a generation stage. In the classification stage, we designed a visual-guided convolutional neural network (CNN) to obtain more discriminative representations from EEG, which are applied to achieve the classification results. In the generation stage, the visual-guided EEG features are input to our improved deep generative model with a visual consistence module to generate corresponding visual stimuli. With the help of our visual-guided strategies, the proposed method outperforms traditional machine learning methods and deep learning models in the EEG decoding task.

#10 MiSC: Mixed Strategies Crowdsourcing [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Ching Yun Ko ; Rui Lin ; Shu Li ; Ngai Wong

Popular crowdsourcing techniques mostly focus on evaluating workers' labeling quality before adjusting their weights during label aggregation. Recently, another cohort of models regard crowdsourced annotations as incomplete tensors and recover unfilled labels by tensor completion. However, mixed strategies of the two methodologies have never been comprehensively investigated, leaving them as rather independent approaches. In this work, we propose MiSC ( Mixed Strategies Crowdsourcing), a versatile framework integrating arbitrary conventional crowdsourcing and tensor completion techniques. In particular, we propose a novel iterative Tucker label aggregation algorithm that outperforms state-of-the-art methods in extensive experiments.

#11 Exploring Computational User Models for Agent Policy Summarization [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Isaac Lage ; Daphna Lifschitz ; Finale Doshi-Velez ; Ofra Amir

AI agents support high stakes decision-making processes from driving cars to prescribing drugs, making it increasingly important for human users to understand their behavior. Policy summarization methods aim to convey strengths and weaknesses of such agents by demonstrating their behavior in a subset of informative states. Some policy summarization methods extract a summary that optimizes the ability to reconstruct the agent's policy under the assumption that users will deploy inverse reinforcement learning. In this paper, we explore the use of different models for extracting summaries. We introduce an imitation learning-based approach to policy summarization; we demonstrate through computational simulations that a mismatch between the model used to extract a summary and the model used to reconstruct the policy results in worse reconstruction quality; and we demonstrate through a human-subject study that people use different models to reconstruct policies in different contexts, and that matching the summary extraction model to these can improve performance. Together, our results suggest that it is important to carefully consider user models in policy summarization.

#12 Minimizing Time-to-Rank: A Learning and Recommendation Approach [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Haoming Li ; Sujoy Sikdar ; Rohit Vaish ; Junming Wang ; Lirong Xia ; Chaonan Ye

Consider the following problem faced by an online voting platform: A user is provided with a list of alternatives, and is asked to rank them in order of preference using only drag-and-drop operations. The platform's goal is to recommend an initial ranking that minimizes the time spent by the user in arriving at her desired ranking. We develop the first optimization framework to address this problem, and make theoretical as well as practical contributions. On the practical side, our experiments on the Amazon Mechanical Turk platform provide two interesting insights about user behavior: First, that users' ranking strategies closely resemble selection or insertion sort, and second, that the time taken for a drag-and-drop operation depends linearly on the number of positions moved. These insights directly motivate our theoretical model of the optimization problem. We show that computing an optimal recommendation is NP-hard, and provide exact and approximation algorithms for a variety of special cases of the problem. Experimental evaluation on MTurk shows that, compared to a random recommendation strategy, the proposed approach reduces the (average) time-to-rank by up to 50%.

#13 DeepFlow: Detecting Optimal User Experience From Physiological Data Using Deep Neural Networks [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Marco Maier ; Daniel Elsner ; Chadly Marouane ; Meike Zehnle ; Christoph Fuchs

Flow is an affective state of optimal experience, total immersion and high productivity. While often associated with (professional) sports, it is a valuable information in several scenarios ranging from work environments to user experience evaluations, and we expect it to be a potential reward signal for human-in-the-loop reinforcement learning systems. Traditionally, flow has been assessed through questionnaires which prevents its use in online, real-time environments. In this work, we present our findings towards estimating a user's flow state based on physiological signals measured using wearable devices. We conducted a study with participants playing the game Tetris in varying difficulty levels, leading to boredom, stress, and flow. Using an end-to-end deep learning architecture, we achieve an accuracy of 67.50% in recognizing high flow vs. low flow states and 49.23% in distinguishing all three affective states boredom, flow, and stress.

#14 Why Can’t You Do That HAL? Explaining Unsolvability of Planning Tasks [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Sarath Sreedharan ; Siddharth Srivastava ; David Smith ; Subbarao Kambhampati

Explainable planning is widely accepted as a prerequisite for autonomous agents to successfully work with humans. While there has been a lot of research on generating explanations of solutions to planning problems, explaining the absence of solutions remains an open and under-studied problem, even though such situations can be the hardest to understand or debug. In this paper, we show that hierarchical abstractions can be used to efficiently generate reasons for unsolvability of planning problems. In contrast to related work on computing certificates of unsolvability, we show that these methods can generate compact, human-understandable reasons for unsolvability. Empirical analysis and user studies show the validity of our methods as well as their computational efficacy on a number of benchmark planning domains.

#15 Personalized Multimedia Item and Key Frame Recommendation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Le Wu ; Lei Chen ; Yonghui Yang ; Richang Hong ; Yong Ge ; Xing Xie ; Meng Wang

When recommending or advertising items to users, an emerging trend is to present each multimedia item with a key frame image (e.g., the poster of a movie). As each multimedia item can be represented as multiple fine-grained visual images (e.g., related images of the movie), personalized key frame recommendation is necessary in these applications to attract users' unique visual preferences. However, previous personalized key frame recommendation models relied on users' fine grained image behavior of multimedia items (e.g., user-image interaction behavior), which is often not available in real scenarios. In this paper, we study the general problem of joint multimedia item and key frame recommendation in the absence of the fine-grained user-image behavior. We argue that the key challenge of this problem lies in discovering users' visual profiles for key frame recommendation, as most recommendation models would fail without any users' fine-grained image behavior. To tackle this challenge, we leverage users' item behavior by projecting users(items) in two latent spaces: a collaborative latent space and a visual latent space. We further design a model to discern both the collaborative and visual dimensions of users, and model how users make decisive item preferences from these two spaces. As a result, the learned user visual profiles could be directly applied for key frame recommendation. Finally, experimental results on a real-world dataset clearly show the effectiveness of our proposed model on the two recommendation tasks.

#16 Counterfactual Fairness: Unidentification, Bound and Algorithm [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Yongkai Wu ; Lu Zhang ; Xintao Wu

Fairness-aware learning studies the problem of building machine learning models that are subject to fairness requirements. Counterfactual fairness is a notion of fairness derived from Pearl's causal model, which considers a model is fair if for a particular individual or group its prediction in the real world is the same as that in the counterfactual world where the individual(s) had belonged to a different demographic group. However, an inherent limitation of counterfactual fairness is that it cannot be uniquely quantified from the observational data in certain situations, due to the unidentifiability of the counterfactual quantity. In this paper, we address this limitation by mathematically bounding the unidentifiable counterfactual quantity, and develop a theoretically sound algorithm for constructing counterfactually fair classifiers. We evaluate our method in the experiments using both synthetic and real-world datasets, as well as compare with existing methods. The results validate our theory and show the effectiveness of our method.

#17 Fast and Accurate Classification with a Multi-Spike Learning Algorithm for Spiking Neurons [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Rong Xiao ; Qiang Yu ; Rui Yan ; Huajin Tang

The formulation of efficient supervised learning algorithms for spiking neurons is complicated and remains challenging. Most existing learning methods with the precisely firing times of spikes often result in relatively low efficiency and poor robustness to noise. To address these limitations, we propose a simple and effective multi-spike learning rule to train neurons to match their output spike number with a desired one. The proposed method will quickly find a local maximum value (directly related to the embedded feature) as the relevant signal for synaptic updates based on membrane potential trace of a neuron, and constructs an error function defined as the difference between the local maximum membrane potential and the firing threshold. With the presented rule, a single neuron can be trained to learn multi-category tasks, and can successfully mitigate the impact of the input noise and discover embedded features. Experimental results show the proposed algorithm has higher precision, lower computation cost, and better noise robustness than current state-of-the-art learning methods under a wide range of learning tasks.

#18 Achieving Causal Fairness through Generative Adversarial Networks [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Depeng Xu ; Yongkai Wu ; Shuhan Yuan ; Lu Zhang ; Xintao Wu

Achieving fairness in learning models is currently an imperative task in machine learning. Meanwhile, recent research showed that fairness should be studied from the causal perspective, and proposed a number of fairness criteria based on Pearl's causal modeling framework. In this paper, we investigate the problem of building causal fairness-aware generative adversarial networks (CFGAN), which can learn a close distribution from a given dataset, while also ensuring various causal fairness criteria based on a given causal graph. CFGAN adopts two generators, whose structures are purposefully designed to reflect the structures of causal graph and interventional graph. Therefore, the two generators can respectively simulate the underlying causal model that generates the real data, as well as the causal model after the intervention. On the other hand, two discriminators are used for producing a close-to-real distribution, as well as for achieving various fairness criteria based on causal quantities simulated by generators. Experiments on a real-world dataset show that CFGAN can generate high quality fair data.

#19 DeepAPF: Deep Attentive Probabilistic Factorization for Multi-site Video Recommendation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Huan Yan ; Xiangning Chen ; Chen Gao ; Yong Li ; Depeng Jin

Existing web video systems recommend videos according to users' viewing history from its own website. However, since many users watch videos in multiple websites, this approach fails to capture these users' interests across sites. In this paper, we investigate the user viewing behavior in multiple sites based on a large scale real dataset. We find that user interests are comprised of cross-site consistent part and site-specific part with different degrees of the importance. Existing linear matrix factorization recommendation model has limitation in modeling such complicated interactions. Thus, we propose a model of Deep Attentive Probabilistic Factorization (DeepAPF) to exploit deep learning method to approximate such complex user-video interaction. DeepAPF captures both cross-site common interests and site-specific interests with non-uniform importance weights learned by the attentional network. Extensive experiments show that our proposed model outperforms by 17.62%, 7.9% and 8.1% with the comparison of three state-of-the-art baselines. Our study provides insight to integrate user viewing records from multiple sites via the trusted third party, which gains mutual benefits in video recommendation.

#20 An Input-aware Factorization Machine for Sparse Prediction [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Yantao Yu ; Zhen Wang ; Bo Yuan

Factorization machines (FMs) are a class of general predictors working effectively with sparse data, which represents features using factorized parameters and weights. However, the accuracy of FMs can be adversely affected by the fixed representation trained for each feature, as the same feature is usually not equally predictive and useful in different instances. In fact, the inaccurate representation of features may even introduce noise and degrade the overall performance. In this work, we improve FMs by explicitly considering the impact of individual input upon the representation of features. We propose a novel model named \textit{Input-aware Factorization Machine} (IFM), which learns a unique input-aware factor for the same feature in different instances via a neural network. Comprehensive experiments on three real-world recommendation datasets are used to demonstrate the effectiveness and mechanism of IFM. Empirical results indicate that IFM is significantly better than the standard FM model and consistently outperforms four state-of-the-art deep learning based methods.

#21 Multiple Noisy Label Distribution Propagation for Crowdsourcing [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Hao Zhang ; Liangxiao Jiang ; Wenqiang Xu

Crowdsourcing services provide a fast, efficient, and cost-effective means of obtaining large labeled data for supervised learning. Ground truth inference, also called label integration, designs proper aggregation strategies to infer the unknown true label of each instance from the multiple noisy label set provided by ordinary crowd workers. However, to the best of our knowledge, nearly all existing label integration methods focus solely on the multiple noisy label set itself of the individual instance while totally ignoring the intercorrelation among multiple noisy label sets of different instances. To solve this problem, a multiple noisy label distribution propagation (MNLDP) method is proposed in this study. MNLDP first transforms the multiple noisy label set of each instance into its multiple noisy label distribution and then propagates its multiple noisy label distribution to its nearest neighbors. Consequently, each instance absorbs a fraction of the multiple noisy label distributions from its nearest neighbors and yet simultaneously maintains a fraction of its own original multiple noisy label distribution. Promising experimental results on simulated and real-world datasets validate the effectiveness of our proposed method.

#22 FAHT: An Adaptive Fairness-aware Decision Tree Classifier [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Wenbin Zhang ; Eirini Ntoutsi

Automated data-driven decision-making systems are ubiquitous across a wide spread of online as well as offline services. These systems, depend on sophisticated learning algorithms and available data, to optimize the service function for decision support assistance. However, there is a growing concern about the accountability and fairness of the employed models by the fact that often the available historic data is intrinsically discriminatory, i.e., the proportion of members sharing one or more sensitive attributes is higher than the proportion in the population as a whole when receiving positive classification, which leads to a lack of fairness in decision support system. A number of fairness-aware learning methods have been proposed to handle this concern. However, these methods tackle fairness as a static problem and do not take the evolution of the underlying stream population into consideration. In this paper, we introduce a learning mechanism to design a fair classifier for online stream based decision-making. Our learning model, FAHT (Fairness-Aware Hoeffding Tree), is an extension of the well-known Hoeffding Tree algorithm for decision tree induction over streams, that also accounts for fairness. Our experiments show that our algorithm is able to deal with discrimination in streaming environments, while maintaining a moderate predictive performance over the stream.