IJCAI.2019 - Multidisciplinary Topics and Applications

| Total: 33

#1 Predicting dominance in multi-person videos [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Chongyang Bai ; Maksim Bolonkin ; Srijan Kumar ; Jure Leskovec ; Judee Burgoon ; Norah Dunbar ; V. S. Subrahmanian

We consider the problems of predicting (i) the most dominant person in a group of people, and (ii) the more dominant of a pair of people, from videos depicting group interactions. We introduce a novel family of variables called Dominance Rank. We combine features not previously used for dominance prediction (e.g., facial action units, emotions), with a novel ensemble-based approach to solve these two problems. We test our models against four competing algorithms in the literature on two datasets and show that our results improve past performance. We show 2.4% to 16.7% improvement in AUC compared to baselines on one dataset, and a gain of 0.6% to 8.8% in accuracy on the other. Ablation testing shows that Dominance Rank features play a key role.

#2 Procedural Generation of Initial States of Sokoban [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Dâmaris S. Bento ; André G. Pereira ; Levi H. S. Lelis

Procedural generation of initial states of state-space search problems have applications in human and machine learning as well as in the evaluation of planning systems. In this paper we deal with the task of generating hard and solvable initial states of Sokoban puzzles. We propose hardness metrics based on pattern database heuristics and the use of novelty to improve the exploration of search methods in the task of generating initial states. We then present a system called Beta that uses our hardness metrics and novelty to generate initial states. Experiments show that Beta is able to generate initial states that are harder to solve by a specialized solver than those designed by human experts.

#3 DeepInspect: A Black-box Trojan Detection and Mitigation Framework for Deep Neural Networks [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Huili Chen ; Cheng Fu ; Jishen Zhao ; Farinaz Koushanfar

Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are vulnerable to Neural Trojan (NT) attacks where the adversary injects malicious behaviors during DNN training. This type of ‘backdoor’ attack is activated when the input is stamped with the trigger pattern specified by the attacker, resulting in an incorrect prediction of the model. Due to the wide application of DNNs in various critical fields, it is indispensable to inspect whether the pre-trained DNN has been trojaned before employing a model. Our goal in this paper is to address the security concern on unknown DNN to NT attacks and ensure safe model deployment. We propose DeepInspect, the first black-box Trojan detection solution with minimal prior knowledge of the model. DeepInspect learns the probability distribution of potential triggers from the queried model using a conditional generative model, thus retrieves the footprint of backdoor insertion. In addition to NT detection, we show that DeepInspect’s trigger generator enables effective Trojan mitigation by model patching. We corroborate the effectiveness, efficiency, and scalability of DeepInspect against the state-of-the-art NT attacks across various benchmarks. Extensive experiments show that DeepInspect offers superior detection performance and lower runtime overhead than the prior work.

#4 VulSniper: Focus Your Attention to Shoot Fine-Grained Vulnerabilities [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Xu Duan ; Jingzheng Wu ; Shouling Ji ; Zhiqing Rui ; Tianyue Luo ; Mutian Yang ; Yanjun Wu

With the explosive development of information technology, vulnerabilities have become one of the major threats to computer security. Most vulnerabilities with similar patterns can be detected effectively by static analysis methods. However, some vulnerable and non-vulnerable code is hardly distinguishable, resulting in low detection accuracy. In this paper, we define the accurate identification of vulnerabilities in similar code as a fine-grained vulnerability detection problem. We propose VulSniper which is designed to detect fine-grained vulnerabilities more effectively. In VulSniper, attention mechanism is used to capture the critical features of the vulnerabilities. Especially, we use bottom-up and top-down structures to learn the attention weights of different areas of the program. Moreover, in order to fully extract the semantic features of the program, we generate the code property graph, design a 144-dimensional vector to describe the relation between the nodes, and finally encode the program as a feature tensor. VulSniper achieves F1-scores of 80.6% and 73.3% on the two benchmark datasets, the SARD Buffer Error dataset and the SARD Resource Management Error dataset respectively, which are significantly higher than those of the state-of-the-art methods.

#5 Real-Time Adversarial Attacks [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Yuan Gong ; Boyang Li ; Christian Poellabauer ; Yiyu Shi

In recent years, many efforts have demonstrated that modern machine learning algorithms are vulnerable to adversarial attacks, where small, but carefully crafted, perturbations on the input can make them fail. While these attack methods are very effective, they only focus on scenarios where the target model takes static input, i.e., an attacker can observe the entire original sample and then add a perturbation at any point of the sample. These attack approaches are not applicable to situations where the target model takes streaming input, i.e., an attacker is only able to observe past data points and add perturbations to the remaining (unobserved) data points of the input. In this paper, we propose a real-time adversarial attack scheme for machine learning models with streaming inputs.

#6 Explainable Fashion Recommendation: A Semantic Attribute Region Guided Approach [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Min Hou ; Le Wu ; Enhong Chen ; Zhi Li ; Vincent W. Zheng ; Qi Liu

In fashion recommender systems, each product usually consists of multiple semantic attributes (e.g., sleeves, collar, etc). When making cloth decisions, people usually show preferences for different semantic attributes (e.g., the clothes with v-neck collar). Nevertheless, most previous fashion recommendation models comprehend the clothing images with a global content representation and lack detailed understanding of users' semantic preferences, which usually leads to inferior recommendation performance. To bridge this gap, we propose a novel Semantic Attribute Explainable Recommender System (SAERS). Specifically, we first introduce a fine-grained interpretable semantic space. We then develop a Semantic Extraction Network (SEN) and Fine-grained Preferences Attention (FPA) module to project users and items into this space, respectively. With SAERS, we are capable of not only providing cloth recommendations for users, but also explaining the reason why we recommend the cloth through intuitive visual attribute semantic highlights in a personalized manner. Extensive experiments conducted on real-world datasets clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach compared with the state-of-the-art methods.

#7 Model-Agnostic Adversarial Detection by Random Perturbations [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Bo Huang ; Yi Wang ; Wei Wang

Adversarial examples induce model classification errors on purpose, which has raised concerns on the security aspect of machine learning techniques. Many existing countermeasures are compromised by adaptive adversaries and transferred examples. We propose a model-agnostic approach to resolve the problem by analysing the model responses to an input under random perturbations, and study the robustness of detecting norm-bounded adversarial distortions in a theoretical framework. Extensive evaluations are performed on the MNIST, CIFAR-10 and ImageNet datasets. The results demonstrate that our detection method is effective and resilient against various attacks including black-box attacks and the powerful CW attack with four adversarial adaptations.

#8 Musical Composition Style Transfer via Disentangled Timbre Representations [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Yun-Ning Hung ; I-Tung Chiang ; Yi-An Chen ; Yi-Hsuan Yang

Music creation involves not only composing the different parts (e.g., melody, chords) of a musical work but also arranging/selecting the instruments to play the different parts. While the former has received increasing attention, the latter has not been much investigated. This paper presents, to the best of our knowledge, the first deep learning models for rearranging music of arbitrary genres. Specifically, we build encoders and decoders that take a piece of polyphonic musical audio as input, and predict as output its musical score. We investigate disentanglement techniques such as adversarial training to separate latent factors that are related to the musical content (pitch) of different parts of the piece, and that are related to the instrumentation (timbre) of the parts per short-time segment. By disentangling pitch and timbre, our models have an idea of how each piece was composed and arranged. Moreover, the models can realize “composition style transfer” by rearranging a musical piece without much affecting its pitch content. We validate the effectiveness of the models by experiments on instrument activity detection and composition style transfer. To facilitate follow-up research, we open source our code at https://github.com/biboamy/instrument-disentangle.

#9 Multiple Policy Value Monte Carlo Tree Search [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Li-Cheng Lan ; Wei Li ; Ting-Han Wei ; I-Chen Wu

Many of the strongest game playing programs use a combination of Monte Carlo tree search (MCTS) and deep neural networks (DNN), where the DNNs are used as policy or value evaluators. Given a limited budget, such as online playing or during the self-play phase of AlphaZero (AZ) training, a balance needs to be reached between accurate state estimation and more MCTS simulations, both of which are critical for a strong game playing agent. Typically, larger DNNs are better at generalization and accurate evaluation, while smaller DNNs are less costly, and therefore can lead to more MCTS simulations and bigger search trees with the same budget. This paper introduces a new method called the multiple policy value MCTS (MPV-MCTS), which combines multiple policy value neural networks (PV-NNs) of various sizes to retain advantages of each network, where two PV-NNs f_S and f_L are used in this paper. We show through experiments on the game NoGo that a combined f_S and f_L MPV-MCTS outperforms single PV-NN with policy value MCTS, called PV-MCTS. Additionally, MPV-MCTS also outperforms PV-MCTS for AZ training.

#10 Robustra: Training Provable Robust Neural Networks over Reference Adversarial Space [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Linyi Li ; Zexuan Zhong ; Bo Li ; Tao Xie

Machine learning techniques, especially deep neural networks (DNNs), have been widely adopted in various applications. However, DNNs are recently found to be vulnerable against adversarial examples, i.e., maliciously perturbed inputs that can mislead the models to make arbitrary prediction errors. Empirical defenses have been studied, but many of them can be adaptively attacked again. Provable defenses provide provable error bound of DNNs, while such bound so far is far from satisfaction. To address this issue, in this paper, we present our approach named Robustra for effectively improving the provable error bound of DNNs. We leverage the adversarial space of a reference model as the feasible region to solve the min-max game between the attackers and defenders. We solve its dual problem by linearly approximating the attackers' best strategy and utilizing the monotonicity of the slack variables introduced by the reference model. The evaluation results show that our approach can provide significantly better provable adversarial error bounds on MNIST and CIFAR10 datasets, compared to the state-of-the-art results. In particular, bounded by L^infty, with epsilon = 0.1, on MNIST we reduce the error bound from 2.74% to 2.09%; with epsilon = 0.3, we reduce the error bound from 24.19% to 16.91%.

#11 Dilated Convolution with Dilated GRU for Music Source Separation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Jen-Yu Liu ; Yi-Hsuan Yang

Stacked dilated convolutions used in Wavenet have been shown effective for generating high-quality audios. By replacing pooling/striding with dilation in convolution layers, they can preserve high-resolution information and still reach distant locations. Producing high-resolution predictions is also crucial in music source separation, whose goal is to separate different sound sources while maintain the quality of the separated sounds. Therefore, in this paper, we use stacked dilated convolutions as the backbone for music source separation. Although stacked dilated convolutions can reach wider context than standard convolutions do, their effective receptive fields are still fixed and might not be wide enough for complex music audio signals. To reach even further information at remote locations, we propose to combine a dilated convolution with a modified GRU called Dilated GRU to form a block. A Dilated GRU receives information from k-step before instead of the previous step for a fixed k. This modification allows a GRU unit to reach a location with fewer recurrent steps and run faster because it can execute in parallel partially. We show that the proposed model with a stack of such blocks performs equally well or better than the state-of-the-art for separating both vocals and accompaniment.

#12 Locate-Then-Detect: Real-time Web Attack Detection via Attention-based Deep Neural Networks [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Tianlong Liu ; Yu Qi ; Liang Shi ; Jianan Yan

Web attacks such as Cross-Site Scripting and SQL Injection are serious Web threats that lead to catastrophic data leaking and loss. Because attack payloads are often short segments hidden in URL requests/posts that can be very long, classical machine learning approaches have difficulties in learning useful patterns from them. In this study, we propose a novel Locate-Then-Detect (LTD) system that can precisely detect Web threats in real-time by using attention-based deep neural networks. Firstly, an efficient Payload Locating Network (PLN) is employed to propose most suspicious regions from large URL requests/posts. Then a Payload Classification Network (PCN) is adopted to accurately classify malicious regions from suspicious candidates. In this way, PCN can focus more on learning malicious segments and highly increase detection accuracy. The noise induced by irrelevant background strings can be largely eliminated. Besides, LTD can greatly reduce computational costs (82.6% less) by ignoring large irrelevant URL content. Experiments are carried out on both benchmarks and real Web traffic. The LTD outperforms an HMM-based approach, the Libinjection system, and a leading commercial rule-based Web Application Firewall. Our method can be efficiently implemented on GPUs with an average detection time of about 5ms and well qualified for real-time applications.

#13 Data Poisoning against Differentially-Private Learners: Attacks and Defenses [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Yuzhe Ma ; Xiaojin Zhu ; Justin Hsu

Data poisoning attacks aim to manipulate the model produced by a learning algorithm by adversarially modifying the training set. We consider differential privacy as a defensive measure against this type of attack. We show that private learners are resistant to data poisoning attacks when the adversary is only able to poison a small number of items. However, this protection degrades as the adversary is allowed to poison more data. We emprically evaluate this protection by designing attack algorithms targeting objective and output perturbation learners, two standard approaches to differentially-private machine learning. Experiments show that our methods are effective when the attacker is allowed to poison sufficiently many training items.

#14 LogAnomaly: Unsupervised Detection of Sequential and Quantitative Anomalies in Unstructured Logs [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Weibin Meng ; Ying Liu ; Yichen Zhu ; Shenglin Zhang ; Dan Pei ; Yuqing Liu ; Yihao Chen ; Ruizhi Zhang ; Shimin Tao ; Pei Sun ; Rong Zhou

Recording runtime status via logs is common for almost every computer system, and detecting anomalies in logs is crucial for timely identifying malfunctions of systems. However, manually detecting anomalies for logs is time-consuming, error-prone, and infeasible. Existing automatic log anomaly detection approaches, using indexes rather than semantics of log templates, tend to cause false alarms. In this work, we propose LogAnomaly, a framework to model unstructured a log stream as a natural language sequence. Empowered by template2vec, a novel, simple yet effective method to extract the semantic information hidden in log templates, LogAnomaly can detect both sequential and quantitive log anomalies simultaneously, which were not done by any previous work. Moreover, LogAnomaly can avoid the false alarms caused by the newly appearing log templates between periodic model retrainings. Our evaluation on two public production log datasets show that LogAnomaly outperforms existing log-based anomaly detection methods.

#15 Decidability of Model Checking Multi-Agent Systems with Regular Expressions against Epistemic HS Specifications [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Jakub Michaliszyn ; Piotr Witkowski

Epistemic Halpern-Shoham logic (EHS) is an interval temporal logic defined to verify properties of Multi-Agent Systems. In this paper we show that the model checking Multi-Agent Systems with regular expressions against the EHS specifications is decidable. We achieve this by reducing the model checking problem to the satisfiability problem of Monadic Second-Order Logic on trees.

#16 Heterogeneous Gaussian Mechanism: Preserving Differential Privacy in Deep Learning with Provable Robustness [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: NhatHai Phan ; Minh N. Vu ; Yang Liu ; Ruoming Jin ; Dejing Dou ; Xintao Wu ; My T. Thai

In this paper, we propose a novel Heterogeneous Gaussian Mechanism (HGM) to preserve differential privacy in deep neural networks, with provable robustness against adversarial examples. We first relax the constraint of the privacy budget in the traditional Gaussian Mechanism from (0, 1] to (0, infty), with a new bound of the noise scale to preserve differential privacy. The noise in our mechanism can be arbitrarily redistributed, offering a distinctive ability to address the trade-off between model utility and privacy loss. To derive provable robustness, our HGM is applied to inject Gaussian noise into the first hidden layer. Then, a tighter robustness bound is proposed. Theoretical analysis and thorough evaluations show that our mechanism notably improves the robustness of differentially private deep neural networks, compared with baseline approaches, under a variety of model attacks.

#17 Demystifying the Combination of Dynamic Slicing and Spectrum-based Fault Localization [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Sofia Reis ; Rui Abreu ; Marcelo d'Amorim

Several approaches have been proposed to reduce debugging costs through automated software fault diagnosis. Dynamic Slicing (DS) and Spectrum-based Fault Localization (SFL) are popular fault diagnosis techniques and normally seen as complementary. This paper reports on a comprehensive study to reassess the effects of combining DS with SFL. With this combination, components that are often involved in failing but seldom in passing test runs could be located and their suspiciousness reduced. Results show that the DS-SFL combination, coined as Tandem-FL, improves the diagnostic accuracy up to 73.7% (13.4% on average). Furthermore, results indicate that the risk of missing faulty statements, which is a DS?s key limitation, is not high ? DS misses faulty statements in 9% of the 260 cases. To sum up, we found that the DS-SFL combination was practical and effective and encourage new SFL techniques to be evaluated against that optimization.

#18 Equally-Guided Discriminative Hashing for Cross-modal Retrieval [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Yufeng Shi ; Xinge You ; Feng Zheng ; Shuo Wang ; Qinmu Peng

Cross-modal hashing intends to project data from two modalities into a common hamming space to perform cross-modal retrieval efficiently. Despite satisfactory performance achieved on real applications, existing methods are incapable of effectively preserving semantic structure to maintain inter-class relationship and improving discriminability to make intra-class samples aggregated simultaneously, which thus limits the higher retrieval performance. To handle this problem, we propose Equally-Guided Discriminative Hashing (EGDH), which jointly takes into consideration semantic structure and discriminability. Specifically, we discover the connection between semantic structure preserving and discriminative methods. Based on it, we directly encode multi-label annotations that act as high-level semantic features to build a common semantic structure preserving classifier. With the common classifier to guide the learning of different modal hash functions equally, hash codes of samples are intra-class aggregated and inter-class relationship preserving. Experimental results on two benchmark datasets demonstrate the superiority of EGDH compared with the state-of-the-arts.

#19 A Privacy Preserving Collusion Secure DCOP Algorithm [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Tamir Tassa ; Tal Grinshpoun ; Avishai Yanay

In recent years, several studies proposed privacy-preserving algorithms for solving Distributed Constraint Optimization Problems (DCOPs). All of those studies assumed that agents do not collude. In this study we propose the first privacy-preserving DCOP algorithm that is immune against coalitions, under the assumption of honest majority. Our algorithm -- PC-SyncBB -- is based on the classical Branch and Bound DCOP algorithm. It offers constraint, topology and decision privacy. We evaluate its performance on different benchmarks, problem sizes, and constraint densities. We show that achieving security against coalitions is feasible. As all existing privacy-preserving DCOP algorithms base their security on assuming solitary conduct of the agents, we view this study as an essential first step towards lifting this potentially harmful assumption in all those algorithms.

#20 Two-Stage Generative Models of Simulating Training Data at The Voxel Level for Large-Scale Microscopy Bioimage Segmentation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Deli Wang ; Ting Zhao ; Nenggan Zheng ; Zhefeng Gong

Bioimage Informatics is a growing area that aims to extract biological knowledge from microscope images of biomedical samples automatically. Its mission is vastly challenging, however, due to the complexity of diverse imaging modalities and big scales of multi-dimensional images. One major challenge is automatic image segmentation, an essential step towards high-level modeling and analysis. While progresses in deep learning have brought the goal of automation much closer to reality, creating training data for producing powerful neural networks is often laborious. To provide a shortcut for this costly step, we propose a novel two-stage generative model for simulating voxel level training data based on a specially designed objective function of preserving foreground labels. Using segmenting neurons from LM (Light Microscopy) image stacks as a testing example, we showed that segmentation networks trained by our synthetic data were able to produce satisfactory results. Unlike other simulation methods available in the field, our method can be easily extended to many other applications because it does not involve sophisticated cell models and imaging mechanisms.

#21 Lower Bound of Locally Differentially Private Sparse Covariance Matrix Estimation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Di Wang ; Jinhui Xu

In this paper, we study the sparse covariance matrix estimation problem in the local differential privacy model, and give a non-trivial lower bound on the non-interactive private minimax risk in the metric of squared spectral norm. We show that the lower bound is actually tight, as it matches a previous upper bound. Our main technique for achieving this lower bound is a general framework, called General Private Assouad Lemma, which is a considerable generalization of the previous private Assouad lemma and can be used as a general method for bounding the private minimax risk of matrix-related estimation problems.

#22 Principal Component Analysis in the Local Differential Privacy Model [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Di Wang ; Jinhui Xu

In this paper, we study the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) problem under the (distributed) non-interactive local differential privacy model. For the low dimensional case, we show the optimal rate for the private minimax risk of the k-dimensional PCA using the squared subspace distance as the measurement. For the high dimensional row sparse case, we first give a lower bound on the private minimax risk, . Then we provide an efficient algorithm to achieve a near optimal upper bound. Experiments on both synthetic and real world datasets confirm the theoretical guarantees of our algorithms.

#23 Binarized Collaborative Filtering with Distilling Graph Convolutional Network [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Haoyu Wang ; Defu Lian ; Yong Ge

The efficiency of top-K item recommendation based on implicit feedback are vital to recommender systems in real world, but it is very challenging due to the lack of negative samples and the large number of candidate items. To address the challenges, we firstly introduce an improved Graph Convolutional Network~(GCN) model with high-order feature interaction considered. Then we distill the ranking information derived from GCN into binarized collaborative filtering, which makes use of binary representation to improve the efficiency of online recommendation. However, binary codes are not only hard to be optimized but also likely to incur the loss of information during the training processing. Therefore, we propose a novel framework to convert the binary constrained optimization problem into an equivalent continuous optimization problem with a stochastic penalty. The binarized collaborative filtering model is then easily optimized by many popular solvers like SGD and Adam. The proposed algorithm is finally evaluated on three real-world datasets and shown the superiority to the competing baselines.

#24 Novel Collaborative Filtering Recommender Friendly to Privacy Protection [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Jun Wang ; Qiang Tang ; Afonso Arriaga ; Peter Y. A. Ryan

Nowadays, recommender system is an indispensable tool in many information services, and a large number of algorithms have been designed and implemented. However, fed with very large datasets, state-of-the-art recommendation algorithms often face an efficiency bottleneck, i.e., it takes huge amount of computing resources to train a recommendation model. In order to satisfy the needs of privacy-savvy users who do not want to disclose their information to the service provider, the complexity of most existing solutions becomes prohibitive. As such, it is an interesting research question to design simple and efficient recommendation algorithms that achieve reasonable accuracy and facilitate privacy protection at the same time. In this paper, we propose an efficient recommendation algorithm, named CryptoRec, which has two nice properties: (1) can estimate a new user's preferences by directly using a model pre-learned from an expert dataset, and the new user's data is not required to train the model; (2) can compute recommendations with only addition and multiplication operations. As to the evaluation, we first test the recommendation accuracy on three real-world datasets and show that CryptoRec is competitive with state-of-the-art recommenders. Then, we evaluate the performance of the privacy-preserving variants of CryptoRec and show that predictions can be computed in seconds on a PC. In contrast, existing solutions will need tens or hundreds of hours on more powerful computers.

#25 Adversarial Examples for Graph Data: Deep Insights into Attack and Defense [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Huijun Wu ; Chen Wang ; Yuriy Tyshetskiy ; Andrew Docherty ; Kai Lu ; Liming Zhu

Graph deep learning models, such as graph convolutional networks (GCN) achieve state-of-the-art performance for tasks on graph data. However, similar to other deep learning models, graph deep learning models are susceptible to adversarial attacks. However, compared with non-graph data the discrete nature of the graph connections and features provide unique challenges and opportunities for adversarial attacks and defenses. In this paper, we propose techniques for both an adversarial attack and a defense against adversarial attacks. Firstly, we show that the problem of discrete graph connections and the discrete features of common datasets can be handled by using the integrated gradient technique that accurately determines the effect of changing selected features or edges while still benefiting from parallel computations. In addition, we show that an adversarially manipulated graph using a targeted attack statistically differs from un-manipulated graphs. Based on this observation, we propose a defense approach which can detect and recover a potential adversarial perturbation. Our experiments on a number of datasets show the effectiveness of the proposed techniques.