IJCAI.2022 - Robotics

| Total: 2

#1 Multi-robot Task Allocation in the Environment with Functional Tasks [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Fuhan Yan ; Kai Di

Multi-robot task allocation (MRTA) problem has long been a key issue in multi-robot systems. Previous studies usually assumed that the robots must complete all tasks with minimum time cost. However, in many real situations, some tasks can be selectively performed by robots and will not limit the achievement of the goal. Instead, completing these tasks will cause some functional effects, such as decreasing the time cost of completing other tasks. This kind of task can be called “functional task”. This paper studies the multi-robot task allocation in the environment with functional tasks. In the problem, neither allocating all functional tasks nor allocating no functional task is always optimal. Previous algorithms usually allocate all tasks and cannot suitably select the functional tasks. Because of the interaction and sequential influence, the total effects of the functional tasks are too complex to exactly calculate. We fully analyze this problem and then design a heuristic algorithm. The heuristic algorithm scores the functional tasks referring to linear threshold model (used to analyze the sequential influence of a functional task). The simulated experiments demonstrate that the heuristic algorithm can outperform the benchmark algorithms.

#2 A Closed-Loop Perception, Decision-Making and Reasoning Mechanism for Human-Like Navigation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Wenqi Zhang ; Kai Zhao ; Peng Li ; Xiao Zhu ; Yongliang Shen ; Yanna Ma ; Yingfeng Chen ; Weiming Lu

Reliable navigation systems have a wide range of applications in robotics and autonomous driving. Current approaches employ an open-loop process that converts sensor inputs directly into actions. However, these open-loop schemes are challenging to handle complex and dynamic real-world scenarios due to their poor generalization. Imitating human navigation, we add a reasoning process to convert actions back to internal latent states, forming a two-stage closed loop of perception, decision-making, and reasoning. Firstly, VAE-Enhanced Demonstration Learning endows the model with the understanding of basic navigation rules. Then, two dual processes in RL-Enhanced Interaction Learning generate reward feedback for each other and collectively enhance obstacle avoidance capability. The reasoning model can substantially promote generalization and robustness, and facilitate the deployment of the algorithm to real-world robots without elaborate transfers. Experiments show our method is more adaptable to novel scenarios compared with state-of-the-art approaches.