IWSLT.2012 - Papers

| Total: 19

#1 A method for translation of paralinguistic information [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Takatomo Kano, Sakriani Sakti, Shinnosuke Takamichi, Graham Neubig, Tomoki Toda, Satoshi Nakamura

This paper is concerned with speech-to-speech translation that is sensitive to paralinguistic information. From the many different possible paralinguistic features to handle, in this paper we chose duration and power as a first step, proposing a method that can translate these features from input speech to the output speech in continuous space. This is done in a simple and language-independent fashion by training a regression model that maps source language duration and power information into the target language. We evaluate the proposed method on a digit translation task and show that paralinguistic information in input speech appears in output speech, and that this information can be used by target language speakers to detect emphasis.

#2 Continuous space language models using restricted Boltzmann machines [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Jan Niehues, Alex Waibel

We present a novel approach for continuous space language models in statistical machine translation by using Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs). The probability of an n-gram is calculated by the free energy of the RBM instead of a feedforward neural net. Therefore, the calculation is much faster and can be integrated into the translation process instead of using the language model only in a re-ranking step. Furthermore, it is straightforward to introduce additional word factors into the language model. We observed a faster convergence in training if we include automatically generated word classes as an additional word factor. We evaluated the RBM-based language model on the German to English and English to French translation task of TED lectures. Instead of replacing the conventional n-gram-based language model, we trained the RBM-based language model on the more important but smaller in-domain data and combined them in a log-linear way. With this approach we could show improvements of about half a BLEU point on the translation task.

#3 Focusing language models for automatic speech recognition [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Author: Daniele Falavigna Roberto Gretter

This paper describes a method for selecting text data from a corpus with the aim of training auxiliary Language Models (LMs) for an Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) system. A novel similarity score function is proposed, which allows to score each document belonging to the corpus in order to select those with the highest scores for training auxiliary LMs which are linearly interpolated with the baseline one. The similarity score function makes use of ”similarity models” built from the automatic transcriptions furnished by earlier stages of the ASR system, while the documents selected for training auxiliary LMs are drawn from the same set of data used to train the baseline LM used in the ASR system. In this way, the resulting interpolated LMs are ”focused” towards the output of the recognizer itself. The approach allows to improve word error rate, measured on a task of spontaneous speech, of about 3% relative. It is important to note that a similar improvement has been obtained using an ”in-domain” set of texts data not contained in the sources used to train the baseline LM. In addition, we compared the proposed similarity score function with two other ones based on perplexity (PP) and on TFxIDF (Term Frequency x Inverse Document Frequency) vector space model. The proposed approach provides about the same performance as that based on TFxIDF model but requires both lower computation and occupation memory.

#4 Simulating human judgment in machine translation evaluation campaigns [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Author: Philipp Koehn

We present a Monte Carlo model to simulate human judgments in machine translation evaluation campaigns, such as WMT or IWSLT. We use the model to compare different ranking methods and to give guidance on the number of judgments that need to be collected to obtain sufficiently significant distinctions between systems.

#5 Semi-supervised transliteration mining from parallel and comparable corpora [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Walid Aransa, Holger Schwenk, Loic Barrault

Transliteration is the process of writing a word (mainly proper noun) from one language in the alphabet of another language. This process requires mapping the pronunciation of the word from the source language to the closest possible pronunciation in the target language. In this paper we introduce a new semi-supervised transliteration mining method for parallel and comparable corpora. The method is mainly based on a new suggested Three Levels of Similarity (TLS) scores to extract the transliteration pairs. The first level calculates the similarity of of all vowel letters and consonants letters. The second level calculates the similarity of long vowels and vowel letters at beginning and end position of the words and consonants letters. The third level calculates the similarity consonants letters only. We applied our method on Arabic-English parallel and comparable corpora. We evaluated the extracted transliteration pairs using a statistical based transliteration system. This system is built using letters instead or words as tokens. The transliteration system achieves an accuracy of 0.50 and a mean F-score 0.8958 when trained on transliteration pairs extracted from a parallel corpus. The accuracy is 0.30 and the mean F-score 0.84 when we used instead a comparable corpus to automatically extract the transliteration pairs. This shows that the proposed semi-supervised transliteration mining algorithm is effective and can be applied to other language pairs. We also evaluated two segmentation techniques and reported the impact on the transliteration performance.

#6 A simple and effective weighted phrase extraction for machine translation adaptation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Saab Mansour, Hermann Ney

The task of domain-adaptation attempts to exploit data mainly drawn from one domain (e.g. news) to maximize the performance on the test domain (e.g. weblogs). In previous work, weighting the training instances was used for filtering dissimilar data. We extend this by incorporating the weights directly into the standard phrase training procedure of statistical machine translation (SMT). This allows the SMT system to make the decision whether to use a phrase translation pair or not, a more methodological way than discarding phrase pairs completely when using filtering. Furthermore, we suggest a combined filtering and weighting procedure to achieve better results while reducing the phrase table size. The proposed methods are evaluated in the context of Arabicto-English translation on various conditions, where significant improvements are reported when using the suggested weighted phrase training. The weighting method also improves over filtering, and the combined filtering and weighting is better than a standalone filtering method. Finally, we experiment with mixture modeling, where additional improvements are reported when using weighted phrase extraction over a variety of baselines.

#7 Applications of data selection via cross-entropy difference for real-world statistical machine translation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Amittai Axelrod, QingJun Li, William D. Lewis

We broaden the application of data selection methods for domain adaptation to a larger number of languages, data, and decoders than shown in previous work, and explore comparable applications for both monolingual and bilingual cross-entropy difference methods. We compare domain adapted systems against very large general-purpose systems for the same languages, and do so without a bias to a particular direction. We present results against real-world generalpurpose systems tuned on domain-specific data, which are substantially harder to beat than standard research baseline systems. We show better performance for nearly all domain adapted systems, despite the fact that the domainadapted systems are trained on a fraction of the content of their general domain counterparts. The high performance of these methods suggest applicability to a wide variety of contexts, particularly in scenarios where only small supplies of unambiguously domain-specific data are available, yet it is believed that additional similar data is included in larger heterogenous-content general-domain corpora.

#8 A universal approach to translating numerical and time expressions [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Mei Tu, Yu Zhou, Chengqing Zong

Although statistical machine translation (SMT) has made great progress since it came into being, the translation of numerical and time expressions is still far from satisfactory. Generally speaking, numbers are likely to be out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words due to their non-exhaustive characteristics even when the size of training data is very large, so it is difficult to obtain accurate translation results for the infinite set of numbers only depending on traditional statistical methods. We propose a language-independent framework to recognize and translate numbers more precisely by using a rule-based method. Through designing operators, we succeed to make rules educible and totally separate from codes, thus, we can extend rules to various language-pairs without re-coding, which contributes a lot to the efficient development of an SMT system with good portability. We classify numbers and time expressions into seven types, which are Arabic number, cardinal numbers, ordinal numbers, date, time of day, day of week and figures. A greedy algorithm is developed to deal with rule conflicts. Experiments have shown that our approach can significantly improve the translation performance.

#9 Evaluation of interactive user corrections for lecture transcription [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Heinrich Kolkhorst, Kevin Kilgour, Sebastian Stüker, Alex Waibel

In this work, we present and evaluate the usage of an interactive web interface for browsing and correcting lecture transcripts. An experiment performed with potential users without transcription experience provides us with a set of example corrections. On German lecture data, user corrections greatly improve the comprehensibility of the transcripts, yet only reduce the WER to 22%. The precision of user edits is relatively low at 77% and errors in inflection, case and compounds were rarely corrected. Nevertheless, characteristic lecture data errors, such as highly specific terms, were typically corrected, providing valuable additional information.

#10 Factored recurrent neural network language model in TED lecture transcription [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Youzheng Wu, Hitoshi Yamamoto, Xugang Lu, Shigeki Matsuda, Chiori Hori, Hideki Kashioka

In this study, we extend recurrent neural network-based language models (RNNLMs) by explicitly integrating morphological and syntactic factors (or features). Our proposed RNNLM is called a factored RNNLM that is expected to enhance RNNLMs. A number of experiments are carried out on top of state-of-the-art LVCSR system that show the factored RNNLM improves the performance measured by perplexity and word error rate. In the IWSLT TED test data sets, absolute word error rate reductions over RNNLM and n-gram LM are 0.4∼0.8 points.

#11 Incremental adaptation using translation information and post-editing analysis [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Frédéric Blain, Holger Schwenk, Jean Senellart

It is well known that statistical machine translation systems perform best when they are adapted to the task. In this paper we propose new methods to quickly perform incremental adaptation without the need to obtain word-by-word alignments from GIZA or similar tools. The main idea is to use an automatic translation as pivot to infer alignments between the source sentence and the reference translation, or user correction. We compared our approach to the standard method to perform incremental re-training. We achieve similar results in the BLEU score using less computational resources. Fast retraining is particularly interesting when we want to almost instantly integrate user feed-back, for instance in a post-editing context or machine translation assisted CAT tool. We also explore several methods to combine the translation models.

#12 Interactive-predictive speech-enabled computer-assisted translation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Shahram Khadivi, Zeinab Vakil

In this paper, we study the incorporation of statistical machine translation models to automatic speech recognition models in the framework of computer-assisted translation. The system is given a source language text to be translated and it shows the source text to the human translator to translate it orally. The system captures the user speech which is the dictation of the target language sentence. Then, the human translator uses an interactive-predictive process to correct the system generated errors. We show the efficiency of this method by higher human productivity gain compared to the baseline systems: pure ASR system and integrated ASR and MT systems.

#13 MDI adaptation for the lazy: avoiding normalization in LM adaptation for lecture translation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Nick Ruiz, Marcello Federico

This paper provides a fast alternative to Minimum Discrimination Information-based language model adaptation for statistical machine translation. We provide an alternative to computing a normalization term that requires computing full model probabilities (including back-off probabilities) for all n-grams. Rather than re-estimating an entire language model, our Lazy MDI approach leverages a smoothed unigram ratio between an adaptation text and the background language model to scale only the n-gram probabilities corresponding to translation options gathered by the SMT decoder. The effects of the unigram ratio are scaled by adding an additional feature weight to the log-linear discriminative model. We present results on the IWSLT 2012 TED talk translation task and show that Lazy MDI provides comparable language model adaptation performance to classic MDI.

#14 Segmentation and punctuation prediction in speech language translation using a monolingual translation system [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Eunah Cho, Jan Niehues, Alex Waibel

In spoken language translation (SLT), finding proper segmentation and reconstructing punctuation marks are not only significant but also challenging tasks. In this paper we present our recent work on speech translation quality analysis for German-English by improving sentence segmentation and punctuation. From oracle experiments, we show an upper bound of translation quality if we had human-generated segmentation and punctuation on the output stream of speech recognition systems. In our oracle experiments we gain 1.78 BLEU points of improvements on the lecture test set. We build a monolingual translation system from German to German implementing segmentation and punctuation prediction as a machine translation task. Using the monolingual translation system we get an improvement of 1.53 BLEU points on the lecture test set, which is a comparable performance against the upper bound drawn by the oracle experiments.

#15 Sequence labeling-based reordering model for phrase-based SMT [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Minwei Feng, Jan-Thorsten Peter, Hermann Ney

For current statistical machine translation system, reordering is still a major problem for language pairs like Chinese-English, where the source and target language have significant word order differences. In this paper, we propose a novel reordering model based on sequence labeling techniques. Our model converts the reordering problem into a sequence labeling problem, i.e. a tagging task. For the given source sentence, we assign each source token a label which contains the reordering information for that token. We also design an unaligned word tag so that the unaligned word phenomenon is automatically implanted in the proposed model. Our reordering model is conditioned on the whole source sentence. Hence it is able to catch the long dependency in the source sentence. Although the learning on large scale task requests notably amounts of computational resources, the decoder makes use of the tagging information as soft constraints. Therefore, the training procedure of our model is computationally expensive for large task while in the test phase (during translation) our model is very efficient. We carried out experiments on five Chinese-English NIST tasks trained with BOLT data. Results show that our model improves the baseline system by 1.32 BLEU 1.53 TER on average.

#16 Sparse lexicalised features and topic adaptation for SMT [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Eva Hasler, Barry Haddow, Philipp Koehn

We present a new approach to domain adaptation for SMT that enriches standard phrase-based models with lexicalised word and phrase pair features to help the model select appropriate translations for the target domain (TED talks). In addition, we show how source-side sentence-level topics can be incorporated to make the features differentiate between more fine-grained topics within the target domain (topic adaptation). We compare tuning our sparse features on a development set versus on the entire in-domain corpus and introduce a new method of porting them to larger mixed-domain models. Experimental results show that our features improve performance over a MIRA baseline and that in some cases we can get additional improvements with topic features. We evaluate our methods on two language pairs, English-French and German-English, showing promising results.

#17 Spoken language translation using automatically transcribed text in training [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Stephan Peitz, Simon Wiesler, Markus Nußbaum-Thom, Hermann Ney

In spoken language translation a machine translation system takes speech as input and translates it into another language. A standard machine translation system is trained on written language data and expects written language as input. In this paper we propose an approach to close the gap between the output of automatic speech recognition and the input of machine translation by training the translation system on automatically transcribed speech. In our experiments we show improvements of up to 0.9 BLEU points on the IWSLT 2012 English-to-French speech translation task.

#18 Towards a better understanding of statistical post-editing [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Marion Potet, Laurent Besacier, Hervé Blanchon, Marwen Azouzi

We describe several experiments to better understand the usefulness of statistical post-edition (SPE) to improve phrase-based statistical MT (PBMT) systems raw outputs. Whatever the size of the training corpus, we show that SPE systems trained on general domain data offers no breakthrough to our baseline general domain PBMT system. However, using manually post-edited system outputs to train the SPE led to a slight improvement in the translations quality compared with the use of professional reference translations. We also show that SPE is far more effective for domain adaptation, mainly because it recovers a lot of specific terms unknown to our general PBMT system. Finally, we compare two domain adaptation techniques, post-editing a general domain PBMT system vs building a new domain-adapted PBMT system with two different techniques, and show that the latter outperforms the first one. Yet, when the PBMT is a “black box”, SPE trained with post-edited system outputs remains an interesting option for domain adaptation.

#19 Towards contextual adaptation for any-text translation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1] [REL]

Authors: Li Gong, Aurélien Max, François Yvon

Adaptation for Machine Translation has been studied in a variety of ways, using an ideal scenario where the training data can be split into ”out-of-domain” and ”in-domain” corpora, on which the adaptation is based. In this paper, we consider a more realistic setting which does not assume the availability of any kind of ”in-domain” data, hence the name ”any-text translation”. In this context, we present a new approach to contextually adapt a translation model onthe-fly, and present several experimental results where this approach outperforms conventionaly trained baselines. We also present a document-level contrastive evaluation whose results can be easily interpreted, even by non-specialists.