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#1 DebugSL: An Interactive Tool for Debugging Sentiment Lexicons [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Andrew Schneider ; John Male ; Saroja Bhogadhi ; Eduard Dragut

We introduce DebugSL, a visual (Web) debugging tool for sentiment lexicons (SLs). Its core component implements our algorithms for the automatic detection of polarity inconsistencies in SLs. An inconsistency is a set of words and/or word-senses whose polarity assignments cannot all be simultaneously satisfied. DebugSL finds inconsistencies of small sizes in SLs and has a rich user interface which helps users in the correction process. The project source code is available at https://github.com/atschneid/DebugSL A screencast of DebugSL can be viewed at https://cis.temple.edu/~edragut/DebugSL.webm