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#1 Know Who Your Friends Are: Understanding Social Connections from Unstructured Text [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Léa Deleris ; Francesca Bonin ; Elizabeth Daly ; Stéphane Deparis ; Yufang Hou ; Charles Jochim ; Yassine Lassoued ; Killian Levacher

Having an understanding of interpersonal relationships is helpful in many contexts. Our system seeks to assist humans with that task, using textual information (e.g., case notes, speech transcripts, posts, books) as input. Specifically, our system first extracts qualitative and quantitative information elements (which we call signals) about interactions among persons, aggregates those to provide a condensed view of relationships and then enables users to explore all facets of the resulting social (multi-)graph through a visual interface.