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#1 Multilingual Entity, Relation, Event and Human Value Extraction [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi] [REL]

Authors: Manling Li ; Ying Lin ; Joseph Hoover ; Spencer Whitehead ; Clare Voss ; Morteza Dehghani ; Heng Ji

This paper demonstrates a state-of-the-art end-to-end multilingual (English, Russian, and Ukrainian) knowledge extraction system that can perform entity discovery and linking, relation extraction, event extraction, and coreference. It extracts and aggregates knowledge elements across multiple languages and documents as well as provides visualizations of the results along three dimensions: temporal (as displayed in an event timeline), spatial (as displayed in an event heatmap), and relational (as displayed in entity-relation networks). For our system to further support users’ analyses of causal sequences of events in complex situations, we also integrate a wide range of human moral value measures, independently derived from region-based survey, into the event heatmap. This system is publicly available as a docker container and a live demo.